If Personal Loot is to be done

personal loot removes human bias from the equation and has cut down dramatically on tickets for item theft in online games. it’s not a new concept and wow is just one of the latest mmos to implement it. It’s actually one of the least terrible things that team has done in recent years and really only affects the bleeding edge world first raiding community in a large scale, or guilds who unevenly distribute loot.

You can’t throw shade on people’s motivations for change. You should always give them the benefit of the doubt with respect to unclaimed disabilities.

If we instantly assumed the worst of people, we’d be exactly like Healer.

No one wants that.

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Baal runs are not where you should be gearing up anyway. If you get gear there its just a bonus.
Personal Loot would be great for a game that requires it to get gear.
In Diablo 2 anyone who puts in the time and effort to farm can get gear, if that was not the case then i would see the point in personal loot. Its just not necessary.

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I disagree. I see it as inappropriate. It’s a pretty sensitive topic.

You have to be careful when speaking on others’ behalves, because you don’t know how they feel about it, disabled or not. Many “disadvantaged” people don’t want to be treated any differently, and many people just find it insulting to be treated as “special”. Not all of them, of course, still, I don’t dare speak for those people, at least not on this particular topic. Obviously there are big issues that require outside influence, I don’t know that D2 is one of them, so I’m not going to go there, personally.

That’s fine. And I hope you’re still OK.

I am very, very far from being part of that 1%.

I am a person who goes between the casual and the hardcore.
A small gray area between the 2 extremes.

And I like to use systems like DKP or EPGP.
I was never a Guild Master.
I just went to the trouble of looking for a guild where I can say “ah, they are like family”

About the tickets …
The options are in the game.
Create your own guild.
Create your own raid group.
If you have problems with your guild then you are always welcome to find another one.

They are all risks that one takes when playing with strangers.

And in any case.

They could have put it as one more option for pugs.

Yea but in reality though, it’s not those who struggle to pick loot up that is motivating you to demand personal loot, you are doing it entirely for yourself but you are using other peoples disabilities to push your own desires, just disgusting.

you realize by flagging it you are speaking for the people also, stating that they don’t want people to speak for them when maybe they do.

So far this thread has been:

How do we keep the dog from getting wet?

Step 1. Take the dog out of the water.

Oh no wait, the dog is already wet. Darn.

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I think people are worn out for now on this topic, but since everybody jumped on me and I feel like the bad guy right now (and I’m bored), I will say, I find it unproductive to discuss personal-loot in regards to disability…still. I guess I feel the need to explain myself more clearly. VV/Blizzard must be aware already. I don’t see it as a good topic for discussion, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see mods delete any of this, probably even my posts, because to me this sort of topic will inevitably devolve into to something unproductive like so many other topics that do. What is there to discuss? I’ll be brutally honest, like many, I still don’t want personal-loot, disabled in mind. Now should I go and feel bad about myself? Or I can choose to virtue-signal and make somebody else feel bad for being honest. Of course, all of that is up to the people taking part in the discussion, but certain topics tend to go in a certain directions naturally, and the topic of personal-loot is pretty divisive. And to avoid any confusion, I’m not against helping people, I’m not saying disability shouldn’t be discussed, ever, but when it comes to personal-loot it opens more of a debate, it begs the question, for some of us, at least, “is it worth it”, and I just don’t think that’s a good topic for discussion, because people are inevitably going to come off as insensitive selfish and perhaps offensive when maybe that isn’t the case at all, or maybe people like myself are just insensitive, I don’t know.

I will say, all the regulars I recognize on here, and most posters in general, seem to be pretty mature. So maybe you guys are up to the task.

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You forgot to link the multiple threads where we all discussed this at length months ago. You slipping micro :stuck_out_tongue:

I am pro personal loot but its not going to happen I’ve accepted that. I still think we where right to ask for it though even though it caused a huge argument here on the forum.

You’re wrong, there’s no other way to put it. Blizzard has been open about accessibility and mitigating issues that people with disabilities may have with their games, as have many game companies. There is nothing wrong with openly discussing disabilities that people face, and how gaming companies can be more accommodating for those players.

Flagging those comments because it’s “a sensitive topic” is in violation of these forum rules.


and nobody wana be like Healer.

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This post is disingenuous, how could you possibly know a person’s mind to know their motivations for wanting personal loot? People could also have multiple motivations.

Mitigating problems disabled people face is a perfectly reasonable framework to argue for personal loot.


This is fact. Here is the blog post about accessibility. They also said additional accessibility changes still are to be announced.

How We’re Making Diablo® II: Resurrected™ More Accessible to Everyone — Diablo II: Resurrected — Blizzard News

Blizzard even has a website on accessibility, a dedicated email address, and game developers working on accessibility issues.

I strongly suspect that the folks discussing accessibility have a real world connection either due to loved ones or for the folks that they help in real life.

Do you honestly think someone would lie about working with children with special needs?

Do you honestly think that this is not personal for some of us who have cared for others in need for awhile or are in the medical profession?

I have more faith in humanity. It is about common human decency and empathy.


Did you read my last post? It’s just that it’s such a divisive topic. There’s already been sketchy things said in this short amount of posts among pretty mature people. If this were on the WoW forums I believe it’d be a complete mess.

I still don’t want personal-loot, like many others. I don’t feel bad.

What room is there for discussion? A lot of disabled options are no-brainers that are already widely implemented in most games, this isn’t something like that. This is the type of thing people are going to fight on. Also, what Boutus said, and myself, basically… seems harsh. Yes. Maybe it’s not the case on here, it’s not like there’s all the sudden a huge push by a lot of people to get personal-loot in the name of disabled individuals. However, it’d be hard not to have those kind of thoughts, naturally, if that were the case. It’d be awfully convenient.

Getting personal-loot into Diablo 2 is? I think most of us know disabled people, by the way. Sadly it’s not that uncommon and many elderly people become disabled as they grow older.

That is fine. What has been advocated for is to add a personal loot option. I and others are not advocating to replace FFA loot.

There are others who prefer personal loot as an option for a multitude of reasons. Both can coexist. Adding a ramp does not remove the stairs.


I don’t think you should feel bad.

I also don’t see how it would really have any negative effect if they added it as an option for people. I see it as a win-win. No one would ever force you to play in a personal loot game, the changes from old-style D2 are already quite large, it’s not like they’ve announced a 1:1 remaster, having an option for those that want it makes sense to me.

Given these issues, on top of widely-used pickit programs over the last 15 years, and the game coming to console…I wouldn’t be surprised if an option on game creation is given due to controller support.

FFA loot in a controller based setting, is, a little bit concerning. I don’t think it will go over too well for the xbox crowd, tbh.


Personal loot is a terrible idea and doesn’t belong in d2.

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I like your analogy! Your ramp, however, might have to be Diablo 3 or Diablo 4 :slight_smile:

I’ve made several posts on this already, and I feel I’ve made plenty of valid points. One of my posts even got 9 likes! But seriously, you can’t say an option at game creation or new servers wont affect people. That’s just untrue. What if the standard for public games becomes personal-loot if it’s an option at creation? We can’t know. Anyway, I don’t want to go too far down that rabbit hole right now…

I thought you were against personal-loot?

I recognize there are downsides to both. For me personally, I will barely be affected as my ladder farming chars all solo hell within a couple days of ladder and I don’t run Baal or public Chaos. I am personally unaffected, really.

I love the idea of a nostalgic remaster, and I would, if it were not for accessibility options and pickit, be against them adding personal loot.

If pickit becomes rampant, then I am 100% in favor of them adding it as a game mode.

Accessibility is also a big one for me, so…it’s hard to say I wouldn’t want the option for these people, but like you, I recognize that it will change the game also by having two modes.

Really, it’s a complicated thing, which is why I do not think you should feel bad about not wanting it changed, even with the lack of accessibility. I’m not trying to guilt anyone, I have legitimate concerns about accessibility for the people I know, but I have already asked 1 family member who has a disability who would struggle clicking repeatedly, and they have decided not to buy the game anyways.

They’ll be more likely to buy D4, with personal loot.