If Personal Loot is to be done

I have easily played enough D2 to crack the 5 digit hours :sweat_smile:

It is literally impossible to pick up an item without being in range - even while using hacks.
That’s why outside of town pick-it users auto teleport on top of any good drop even if they are just slightly out of range.
In town they either have to stand next to it, or walk towards it.

There is no need to implement private loot to begin with.
Whoever has an issue with FFA loot in public games can play in private games with custom made loot sharing rules.

I did that quite a lot in the past and it works perfectly fine.


How about we remove fog of war from SC2 cus there are maphackers. Lol the amount ppl trys to justify their slow reaction time is awesome. xD


Just waiting for Geezer and other members of the anti Personal Loot mafia to show up… lol.

Seriously, drop the idea of changing how loot drops at all. Item drop mechanics aren’t broken and therefore need no fix.

Hacks/Cheats =/= broken game. They merely are an invasive method used in a legitimate environment. If VV/Blizzard can crack down on these people, we all win.


I have seen items being auto picked without teleport! Second , auto pickit has a priority, it will not pick yellows or scrolls or potions or most uniques. While you will be blindingly clicking on the screen. Auto pickit will pick the valuable item almost so fast where you won’t even know it dropped

My 100th post on this, because people don’t search the forums for these threads. There are two ways, you can have ploot. Both ways break the game.

  1. total amount of items increases → obvious gamebreaker

  2. total amount of drops stays the same. Then you will have statistical fluctuations, bringing you huge streaks of no good drops at all. If you play in a party, you see all items drop in D2. So you have the chance on all of them (if no autopickup bit is there). Even there, you can have a month without a Highrune drop. But if you only get to see 1/8 of the Drops, you can have e.g. 3 consecutive ladders without even seeing a single high Rune drop, if you would only play in parties. (It doesn’t matter for the principle, that a lot of people don’t farm in parties)

To make clear: you average drops are the same with ploot and shared loot, where everybody clicks equally well. But the fluctuations will give you horrible times with ploot, which spoils party play.


So then you still have a choice of running solo, ploot would just make sure that people will have a chance at something good while running with bnet filled with cheaters.

not really for or against personal loot but their are more options than 2 and an easy option around your 2nd one is just show all loot that drops to everyone but only have personal loot be highlighted so you know what is yours. that way people see if something dropped.

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Lol ok, it’s not literally about seeing the item, but having the chance, to grap it. Only then, it serves as a motivation to play in a party. And no, there are no more options, because these two options logically exclude each other and don’t let any other options… I mean, tell what exists besides „number of drops stays the same“ and „number of drops increases“?

In theory only „number it drops decreases“, but ofc that’s non sense in the present context.


“making sure” everyone gets a piece of the pie is the same ideology used in MMOs. It is broken at its core. It creates incentive for people to do nothing or less and still receive loot.

Nobody is entitled to loot. If you’re in a public game, that loot is effectively EVERYONE’S loot. Why should I be tied down by restrictions that allow people to take the loot I probably worked harder/hardest at getting to drop when I’m in a game that’s public? It’s the same for solo games. I worked for it, therefore it is my right to be given the opportunity to take it all if I can manage.


As I said, the possibility of solo play does not change the principle and the issue, that arises in party play. When we are talking about wether ploot is good or not, it doesn’t make sense to talk about solo play. Also an issue with it doesn’t get smaller, just because you can circumvent party play.


So In a 8ppl baal run i will be running chaos and pit, because im not running a auto pick it hack. I wont be helping anyone because I don’t want them to get loot while im carrying them. Is this the type of group play principle youre talking about?

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you could have a statistical model wherein the number of drops stays the same but it generates a % drop individually based on each players play time and most recent drop thereby increasing drops for some in a given time period while decreasing drops for others. also you could have more drops over all for 1/2 the season and less for half which would balance out to same number of drops in a season but if the higher half was in the 2nd part of the season it would make drops more “exciting” for people who choose too play only during the high periods. also if it’s not literally about seeing them you are arguing in favor of personal loot as atm on live d2 in a group of 8 people the statistical likelihood that one of the people has auto loot hacks is nearing 100% which means that 100% of that loot is visual only and means nothing to the drop table in that case

So basically you’re proposing a reward system that doesn’t necessarily guarantee you’ll get something every game but everyone once in a while you’ll receive a “merit” reward drop.

It’s a start as far as keeping things fair and balanced goes, but it’s still arguable that it deters from the original concept of the game.

I’m not saying it’s a bad idea, it’s certainly better than simply “I’m here, I get loot” that most Personal Loot advocates keep insisting on.

Personal loot??? go play Diablo 3… This is Diablo 2 we do not have personal loot.


What needs to be done is to keep FFA and let the game be what it is.
Let’s keep Personal Loot to new games. This is a remaster from the old Diablo II to be “More modern” Like better graphics and minor QoL.
Not drastical changes to the core and the machanics. This will change the entire game. Some people don’t care, but true fans care a lot!


Personal Loot is one of the worst things that can be implemented in this type of game.

I played WoW for several years and I can assure you that when they implemented personal loot the game changed for the worse.

Diablo 3 was the cause of this. IMO
It’s a mechanic that I don’t want to see in Diablo 2.

Those who want personal loot can achieve this by playing alone.


Sure, you can also change the whole game… the most basic principle in D2 is rng. If you want to change that, I am against the concept anyway. Rng is what makes D2 Great.

who said anything about removing rng? rng would 100% absolutely still be a thing in any of the models i suggested just because it broke your logic of black and white solutions to everything doesn’t mean you need to lash out like this man.

When Brevik made the plans for Diablo and Diablo 2 he was inspired a lot by Roguelikes and that is why RNG play such a huge role in Diablo and Diablo 2 and it is also why they are so hard to people that got no experience playing the games… Brevik planned both games this way because he loved a challenge that was not always “fair”… So to all you people that do not like a challenge Diablo and Diablo 2 was not games made for people with your mentality… sorry to speak the truth i hope it doesn’t “hurt”. Only mistake Brevik made with Diablo 2 was the stamina potion :stuck_out_tongue:


There wont be personal loot