if you kill a monster you have around an 80% chance to get the loot from that monster if it drops loot… becuase you are closer to the monster and looking at that spot… if another player kills a monster… they are closer to that monster and they have an 80% chance to get the loot.
the fastest tele is 7 frames (thats at 200 sorc fcr) … the game runs at 25fps… that means even a bot with picket would need to take 357 miliseconds. ( aka 357 ping) to grab it if u see it at the same time.
aka you being CLOSER to the loot makes it you have MASSIVE advantage… even over bots with picket… the “average” human reaction time is 250 ms" which means the bot will stilll be about 100 MS behind you even if it see’s it instantly.
if bots with picket are removed the advantage is even greater.
then you take into account the fact you are looking at the areas on the screen where the monster just died… this means your reaction will be faster than other player who may not be looking directly in that area.
True, except mitigating the damage caused by pickit cheats is just one of a myriad of well-justified reasons that demonstrates why a personal loot option is favored by many.
But all in all, I’m still in the camp at the moment of lets see what happens during beta and first season before picking up the pitchforks to argue personal loot vs shared warring factions again.
Dude, I’ve been arguing with MicroRNA for months, he will purposefully reject blatantly obvious game mechanics like - people killing monsters get more loot because they’re next to the loot when the monster dies -.
Classic RNA, which is why I don’t talk to him anymore.
What we have here is a classic example of an obvious point. You kill monsters, you probably get more loot than others, because of how the loot falls next to the monster.
And RNA chimes in with, “Loot allocation is not based on number of monster kills/ damage dealt.”
Now RNA isn’t stupid, he knows this isn’t what you meant. What you meant was simply, people close to monsters when they die, have a greater percentage chance of collecting the loot. So killing the monsters is obviously the first step, being close to them is the second.
MicroRNA makes some pointless and obvious statement about how killing the monster or doing damage doesn’t decide who gets the loot. He’d be right, but he’s always right, right in the way that completely misses the point of the argument.
I’ll be glad when the game is out and I’m not compelled to post here anymore.
Lmao really? I’m not even caring about the personal loot thing right now, but of all people to make a point about with regards to math, you chose Micro?
He’s one of the only posters here whose math is sound.
Argue ploot/no ploot, whatever, lol, this was just hilarious to read.
I have not. I state repeatedly that the FFA loot system is biased against ranged builds versus melee builds. Thanks for validating the inherent inequities in FFA loot system where it is not about who does the killing but whose closest to the monster kill.
Why would a bot need to teleport? There already right there in most circumstances (e.g. Baal run). Therefore, your human reaction time of 250ms is crushed by the bot and human players will not get loot.
You already are incentivised to farm solo because of the current loot system. Which is exactly what I’ll be doing.
In fact back when I could be bothered to join these types of arguments one of the things people would say when they ran out of reasonable arguments was to “go and farm solo”
Argument’s against personal loot are ALL flawed. I can understand why some people cant resist sitting here pointing out those flaw’s repeatedly… but there is no point.
It’s going to be FFA loot they have said this no point in arguing about it anymore
Maybe they will change it later on who knows.
Yeah, if they replaced the system, I see more social aspects to the online concept and grouping opportunities beyond preformed groups, rushing, and leveling. Shared loot never bothered me back in the early days when itemization had a wider funnel, but when the balance was thrown in favor of mostly a rune farm, it started to bother me. The exact moment that really turned me off from the current system was the uber tristam line. While the fight was balanced towards group play, the actual quest to do the fight was really a solo venture, and ended up incentivizing soloing the fight with a cookie cutter build (smiter).
Even if they add the option for personal loot with the loot split, I’ll probably still mostly play solo anyways, and join personal loot games for leveling.
Really, when you think about it, there will already be a difference in multiplayer with the removal of needing to perm characters. Last two ladders I played, I did a good number of leveling new characters in park or free drop games.
Maybe because my posts are often pointing out the futility of this ideological merry-go-round of stoicism. And that I warn others not to try and convince a man who’s mind is beyond made up concerning a certain individualistic loot distribution method?
i actually wonder what are the opinions about per-damage-ploot. it would mean to get the percentage of potential loot based on the percentage of damage dealt to monsters or bosses.
is that actually an interesting alternative for ploot advocates ? im asking because this would actually be a prove this is not about leeching which is what most people associate ploot with.
Could work, could also mean the strong get stronger while the weak stay weak.
Could also backfire with any builds that “work” but don’t have heavy front-loaded damage, putting them at calculated disadvantage.
Ploot is not a fairer method because there’s only one party, hence the personal prefix. This is a constant source of annoyance for me and one that borders on semantic obsession. For something to be fair, it requires two parties. Since my loot is personal there is no second party, so it isn’t in fact fairer than ffa loot. There are no sacrifices on my behalf to reach compromise. This is an illegitimate argument plooters push to appeal to a player’s ethical sensibilities.
Ffa loot is often labeled as being unfair, but let’s examine this claim. If a monster dies and loot drops, the unfairness would arise from some pre-existing notion that someone had claim to the loot upon it’s generation and lost it. However in an ffa system this distinction doesn’t exist, so how can it be unfair? It cannot be, because the label of “ffa” alleviates it of any prior obligation to any single player.
If anything, in an example where fair could be used to describe any loot system, FFA is in fact, the most fair. Mainly for two reasons, ploot cannot aptly even utilize the word “fair” and ffa labels no allegiance, thereby being the most fair.
I’ve said multiple times, I like ploot in other titles where the game design took it into account upon construction. I do not believe retroactively altering a loot system to be in the best interest of D2.
Why blizzard not add Clans etc to d2r? … they add sort of good options from d3 why not add this and make loot can handle 24h with community or clan?
They add Battle.Net functions to d2r (so now you will se the same option i think like in d3)
Make Clan and Community (like Constant Party) is not problem … then change politics with items.
Everyone will then notice a small amount or a limited number of bots, although I would not despise a gameguard app.
In the era of mmorpg’s there must be a very good option to create small groups to play, which the old Diablo II lacked and the system was not very friendly to huge groups of people.
Yea official clans would be an excellent addition for the future I think. We have a clan by the way, if you want to join, The Wakeful Wayfarers (TWW), on Bnet and Discord, if you are looking for a clan Daimakaicho, links below.
I am sorry that I had to point the errors in math.
I agree in part. I do not think D2/D2:LoD should be retroactively changed and neither does Blizzard. They have already stated that D2/D2:LoD will stay as is. D2R already has announced changes. The addition of a separate realm could be another.