If I can't complete 100% Diablo 4 solo I will not buy it!


In my opinion Diablo has always been a single player game.

I was very frustrated in Diablo 3 regarding:

  • bounties that were a LOT easier to do in groups
  • experience bonus if you played in groups
  • get higher level gems if you played in groups

But IF in Diablo 4 ( and I’m pretty sure the devs said confirmed this ) there will be hard areas that you can only do if you are on the 2% elite players or forced to go in groups, then I will not buy this game. Period.


From my understanding, the only content that will require grouping up will be the world bosses, anything else can be soloed. Personally that does irk me a bit, as I prefer to solo; only grouping up with a few friends from time to time. That said, so long as the world bosses doesn’t offer any exclusive loot or drop (as such taking them on would be an optional task instead of a mandatory one), I can get over it.


Totally agree with you but think that world bosses would be like ubers in Diablo 2, that is give great rewards.

And if you don’t have friends that play Diablo you WILL be forced to group with stranger, who may kick you, say bad words, etc just to kill the world bosses and get the rewards.

At least scale them so you can do them solo and also provide option to just hide other players from your game. This has to be AN option not THE ONLY option.


I wrote like 5-6 times that I will not buy Diablo 4 because of this or that.

Main reason is lost trust in Blizzard because no actions against botters.

But guess what? I think I will buy it no matter what. I am playing Diablo 3 for 7 years and I gave them small amount of money.

It is impossible to 100% satisfy everyone with this kind of games. But 50 euros for 1000+ hours of entertainment is a great deal.


The developers have addressed this in their day 2 panel. You can solo the entire campaign and never seen a other players, at least before you cleared an area, and that end game contents can be solo.
They also touch on world boss and understand possible complexity for solo, but they are looking for solutions or along this line.

I think a lot of players myself included will be sad if the only way to progress in endgame is to join random groups with toxic players.


Incase you mean killing all the bosses and so on (like the world bosses you mentioned), I agree. Incase you mean also being able to get all the items like someone said in another thread, I disagree.

EDIT: what’s up with you dude, necroing an 1-year-old thread?

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IKR… I’m surprised Blizzard doesn’t automatically lock threads after a certain period of inactivity passes.


Yes, it’s the only site in the world I know where necroing is against the rules. I mean, either don’t write that rule because you allow it, or because it’s technically impossible.

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I can understand necroing a tech support inquiry that is unsolved to post new information or a resolution, but not to share your view on an opinionated thread like this one.



Yeah. It’s a year old. Why not just copy the text and paste it as a new post? I bet Sam is adragomir.

My assessment of the situation is that Blizzard is trying to generate a good source of income as a company.
One would like to get something financial from this Diablo product in the end.
The intention to build this game is based on it.
I would even say that it is primarily about the financial part and only secondarily about giving us a game.
So the values ​​have been twisted over time.

The game therefore becomes an open world instead of a single player game with an online mode.
It is important to hold a carrot in front of the players’ nose with a very specific built-in motor as the game principle and to have a kind of prestige and competition principle with them.
In addition, and that is the real sticking point, the actual game is pushed into the background and a kind of eSport is aimed primarily at.

Unfortunately, and this is confirmed again and again, it is precisely this type of engine that is the reason why our games of today can no longer keep up with the old, cool games of yesteryear and no longer fill and satisfy us as they once did.

As long as the game itself is not the focus, the path of an RPG and the rest is then a minor matter, there is no improvement.

That does not mean that this new kind of game principle has no fans, but it is not the expected games from back then.

You will not manage the balancing act of combining an eSport endgame player base with the players who actually only want a real game with the value in the way and a lot of content there and this whole endgame endurance competition against everything and everyone does not really play a role.

Therein lies the problem, a good game in the strict sense does not mean an endgame game. The endgame is just an accessory and works just like it does, just as Diablo 2 was for a long time.

And a more endgame-oriented game will always have the engine in it to suppress the actual game and let it fade away as an accessory, which many will immediately notice, because they are constantly driven towards the endgame in terms of gameplay and mostly everything is structured that way To use numbers. That’s how Diablo 3 is built and that’s how it feels.

So for this new type of game principle, in order to steadily wash in money in the end and to be able to easily expand it, with more and more arenas to beat and ever higher numbers and adaptation of talents etc. for this type of game design, you will have to compromise what yours Solo mode on and probably a whole lot more to lose.

I have relatively little hope that we will get an old-school Diablo, but just keep trying to generate a cash cow with quite simple endgame methods.

If you look at WoW Retail, you can see where this path leads and how it has removed the real meaning and content of this genre.

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really now?!
every company does that … there is no other way.
only others release no BETA without end-game, blatant imbalance and LOTS of BUGS at an overpriced FULL PRICE! and do not abuse players as PTR testers. there is no PTR there either!
also how can it be that a 7 year old game released 29 updates and each is much better than a ridiculous ros addon? How can it be that they manage to revise 100+ maps, buff all weak items, bring out constant new very extensive quests with top rewards, weapons, chars, items, top skins and game modes? It’s not for nothing that there are more than 50 million accounts and act 1 is even played actively at night …

so again: very big 29 U P D A T E S in 7 years! they are also constantly upgrading the engine and have long since overtaken “d5”! there I can chill out and play SOLO day and night with old characters from 2013 for years and enjoy end-content.

but in d3 it was always pure money milking. not more. and what it looks like with d4, the french devs know way too well. the game is a joke and can’t keep up with the competition.
how then? top coder fired and they work with beginners and also with 30% of the old team.
they also increase the number of polygons and lose old customers. because otherwise they would never play a mindlessness like d3.

I played all of D3 solo so I could savor all the chats and see the cutscenes and also so I would be able to mess about with items and builds and not feel rushed to go … I will play Diablo 4 solo too however after I complete most all the story I will play in groups . Stupid Diablo 2 was a paladin Cheater hammer game that could solo the world boss… but it was broken … while my Barb has to be lame and put on a shield and so bezel if he wanted to do BAhl runs in a reasonable time … otherwise though Diablo 2 was great …but it is a team game in D2 and D3 buffs you share make you better I hated the stupid looking Desert Merc but you were weaker if you took a different merch besides him game limits you - if you want to win the best gear it sensible you be grouped

Even in the Marines when I was the feared pro Barbarian warrior with a big knife I was in lame groups … grouping is to be expected just like poor lasses expect groping in a crowd surf at a dirty emo concert it is sad but true if you don’t like it don’t crowd surf or don’t buy Diablo four

If the “world bosses” in this game work like your average mmo world bosses, they’re not exactly farmable content. They’re more like a coop incentive that spawn in very sparse intervals, and not something you can rely on for farming anyway.

So , the game should be how YOU want it, right?

No, play solo as much as you want and if there is ONE thing that you might need group to do ( aka Bosses ), then so be it. Do them with others or don’t do them. Simple as that! If one thing ( aka Bosses ) stops you from enjoying the game or to buy it, then…so be it.


Agreed, but you still don’t even have to group up to do those. I know some people confuse being in the same area as others doing the same thing equates to grouping up, but I Still consider that solo play. No one calls playing not in group in shared areas in WoW grouping, nor in any other shared world game. Not sure why people get caught up on it here. Yes we will see others and participate in complete the same objectives, but none of it requires being in a group.

Once I muster up the strength, I will be sure to attempt to tackle a world boss single-handedly as the opportunity arises. And as long as there are no ridiculous heavy-handed “enrage timers” that instantly gives them x4 power & speed (and you might as well get a PM from the designer: “Yeahh, you really should have killed him by now, GG NO RE”), or similar nonsense, it ought to be a fun experiment.

While I wouldn’t consider being able to solo a World Boss to be a necessity for Diablo 4 (that is assuming that they have no exclusive reward), I see nothing wrong with someone asking for World Bosses to scale with the number of players within the area. Also based on what we’ve see thus far in blizzcon, the World Bosses do seem to scale with the number of players as some of the folks playing it at blizzcon had noted that the World Boss seemed easier when fighting it with fewer people. The only question in that case would be how low does the World Boss stats scale down when it comes to the number of players?

Well that’s your meaning of going solo, I myself don’t share that view. If someone else attacks the same monster that I’m fighting and contributed just as much as I did in damaging it, then it was by no means a solo task. Now if you want to say that we’ll have no need to actually party up in order to play any aspect of the game, then you may be right.

However some folks consider going solo to mean that you don’t see anyone at all while going about your way and that their actions (good or bad) have no effect on you whatsoever. The only way to actually achieve that is to give players the ability to create private sessions if they so choose. If blizzard does so, then that’ll be great, if not, then I’ll just deal with it, however you can’t tell me that I’m able to play solo if there other people attacking the same monster that I am.


If I am running solo and I want to clear out a small village that is overrun with zombies, what happens if you are in the same area and you do it all before I have a chance to even start? When I was watching some of the streamers they were picking up loot that was on the ground because others ahead of them did everything before they arrived at the location. It would really suck if the world and lore players are just cleaning up the junk that is left behind by the speed racers who don’t care about anything but moving fast. As one of the streamer put it “Lore, what do I care about lore, I just want to kill stuff.”