If I can't complete 100% Diablo 4 solo I will not buy it!

That is my concern, I do not want others interfering with what I am trying to accomplish. What if two players just happen to be in the same area on the same quest, looking for the same item. Player one does it first and gets the item, player two gets to the location 15 seconds after player one just finished the quest. What happens to player two’s quest?


If we are talking about local events, theybwill have times. If talking about players in content we are not sure how that works, it kind of reads as if they just want to see others in passing not combat situations from the summer update. The demo was a different beast that we can’t really look to. But if that happened, I’ll just come back when it respawns or on a different day I play.

That’s all the more reason to let players create their own private instance. After all, if you have players meeting one another to be a rare chance of an occurrence, then the folks who do enjoy playing in the company of other players lose out.

I’m all for that. I just won’t care if they don’t nor care enough to pander for one. I’ve played enough MMOs that this won’t bother me in the least. They even are concerned with how many and how often you will see others outside of local events. Makes me believe you won’t come across players in combat areas just roads, towns, and local events. I could be wrong. But like I said, I’ve played enough MMOs that this isn’t an issue for me. But if given a private game option, I’d probably play it.

First, you are not making any sense. First you want able to do everything solo, then proceed to complaining about D3, a game where you can do everything solo.

Second, just go play POE, you are penalized for playing in group in that game. In D3 you are reward for playing in group, you are just in the wrong game.

…and this is the problem Blizzard has faced in the past…10 years. Trying to make the game “playable” for every kind of player, rather then follow their own vision of the game.

This approach IS bad, no matter how you see it. You can’t please every single player out there and if you try that, well … there are lots of exemples ( not only with Blizzard ), that shows that this move is bad for a game.

Just … make the God Damn game as dev’s vision it with some changes based on the community feedback and the ones who cries on the forums that they cannot solo a World Boss, will “adapt” or move on, but mostly, they will still play the game.

Soloing a WORLD BOSS ( like … the name implies ) , in a multiplayer game, well … they should call it a RARE then.

Well the Diablo games have always allowed both solo and group players to partake in any and all content equally. The “you can’t please everyone” argument only works if the action of trying to please everyone results in the implementation of features that don’t expand and/or enhances the game, but instead causes constrictions and/or clashing amongst the games functions, something that won’t be caused by allowing players to solo World Bosses.

Allowing the World Bosses to be soloable, by having their stats scale to the number of players it’s facing (which seems to be the case during Blizzcon) offers little to no detriments to the overall game.

Really doesn’t matter what they call them. But letting players solo them isn’t going to suddenly make the game bad, especially considering that Diablo 4 isn’t an mmo or exclusively a multiplayer game.

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Yes, it’s going to make the game bad…in the long run, as the dev’s will try making every byte of content for solo and multiplayer players and not focus on what really makes Diablo a better game.

If they will again, focus on how to …please every single player out there, we will have another D3, WoW, YouNameIt game, with little to no hard content, but just the usual … “fluff extravaganza”.

And yes, D4 isn’t a real MMO or an exclusive multiplayer game. Is somewhere in between, with a lot of focus on MULTIPLE …players and World Bosses is one of this …feature.

I honestly doubt that letting content be equally available to both solo and multiplayer will cause the game to fall into ruin. The first 3 Diablo games all had content that were almost completely available to both solo and multiplayer, and such thing didn’t detract the game’s value. Now Diablo 3 on the other hand certainly has issues (all of the Diablo games did), however it’s issues had little to do with content being available to both solo and multiplayers and instead had to do with core functions such as itemization, character building, few viable endgame activities, etc. Adding multiplayer only content wouldn’t had made Diablo 3 a better game at all.

Now regarding WoW, I can’t say much on that as I don’t play the game. However considering it’s an MMO, I’d expect there to be some multiplayer only content, so if there’s not, I’m actually surprise. I can’t say the same about Diablo 4 though, because Diablo 4 isn’t an MMO, it’s an Arpg, it doesn’t need solo or multiplayer only content to be a better game than it’s predessor. It needs itemization, character building, multiple viable endgame activities, etc for it to be made a better game than its predecessor. Of course, that is merely my own opinion.


Making sure everything is soloable is a significant part of making Diablo a better game.
Adding stuff like raids etc., yes, including world bosses, would be a huge mistake imo.

Pretty sure grouping wont be necessary at all. Seeing others will happen for sure, and world bosses will require cooperation, but still no actual grouping. It will be like WoW or GW2 world bosses; sure you can join a group/raid, but you don’t need to. You can just run by and join the fight, and you’ll still get your loot.

I am not a big fan of grouping, actually have never grouped in D3, but I oddly enough do like to see others around, and def. like being able to just hop in and help kill the big bad boss.

=> Not soloable.
It doesnt require grouping up through some UI. If more people are hitting the same enemy, it is by definition multiplayer, and not solo.

I have nothing against world bosses, and having multiple players fight them. Sounds like it can be cool.

Just make them soloable too. Heck it is okay if they are a little harder to solo - though it shouldnt be much. The game should scale enemies to the amount of people fighting them of course.

Hmm, it will be interesting to see if they have scalability based on total players in the area. How will they scale difficulty if of 5 people attacking, 4 people are level 25, and one is level 70? Will they be level locked so only people of the “appropriate” level range can engage the mob?

If they simply did away with scaling for the world bosses, and set them at a fixed level of difficulty, then technically they could be soloed if you out levelled them enough. Boss X is a level 15 world boss, Boss Y is a level 25 boss… So if they are balanced for a 5 man group of the corresponding level, maybe a solo level 20 could kill Boss X, and a solo 30 could kill Boss Y, etc etc.

I agree with you, I would love to be able to solo Bosses, just like in every other incarnation of Diablo.

Lets hope we also get the option to block notification and invites so no random group will spam it out

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They do it in WoW, for normal and elite enemies (not world bosses) so presumably they know how to do it. A lvl20 see a different HP number on the very same enemy as a lvl 50 do, even though both are attacking it. I guess the game scales down/up one of the players dmg, to the actual HP the enemy got. And similar for the dmg the enemy deals.

The scaling isnt perfect, it is still easier to kill enemies with mutliple people (on purpose I assume), but at least they can be soloed.
Imo low and high lvl players shouldnt be able to run into each other regardless. Make everyone be around the same lvl in the same copy of the game world.

And in WoW raids, not only do they scale HP/dmg to the number of players, but the bosses abilities are also scaling somewhat. Like their attacks might have shorter cooldowns if there are more people, or instead of casting 3 frostbolts, they might cast 5 etc.

That wont help at end-game, where enemies will presumably be at max lvl.
Nor would I hope that you can simply get to a point where you outgear world bosses so much that they can be soloed anyway, because that would imply gear scaling is out of whack, Diablo 3 style.

yes and Its not “can one complete the game or content 100 percent solo” nearly as much as “is the gap between solo and group small, or optional”.

Like, group play should be there for leveling and endgame but not in the item hunt or as an exp nitro.

Like, diablo 2, you can skip group baal chaos, with or w/o p8 on your own.
nobody’s like “hey group up to chase high runes” or w/e or “you have to be level 98 to grind” and such.

The game rewarded solo play more than group, diablo 3 went the other way, and thought that was so boss when it really was a big “go play whats on youtube or PO your party members for not playing meta”.

Its like that scene in titanic when rose flexes the giant ruby her mother gave her to Leo and he like wants nothing to do with it bc he’s a rogue. Right after the scene where he talks bout winning the hand in poker and all the rich folk are like eww gross gambling what a noob and leos like thinking their side-b is so weak and can’t even dress normal. they all got those goofy hats on and talk about status instead of like normal things.

Like, rogue, solo, cool way to play, late 90s way to play, like it makes sense go with it.

Leo n and Rose didnt need a youtube vid and group of ppl to teach them how to have an irish party in 3rd class and dance all fly. Like, they did that themselves, solo. Groupyoutube play is so bubble. It’s so burstable. “bro check my youtube!” “k bro! Sweet clip” its like, no, gaming’s not about that anymore, it was a fad. So were giant cutscenes too remember those like doom remake 2012 had like 45 min nonskippable cutscenes it was so trash. Look at our wack graphics that were trying to flex in a video but not the actual game.

I’ve decided the same. I don’t like playing as part of a team. I like wandering around, poking into corners & engaging in socially acceptable violence on imaginary creatures. I’ve played Diablo since floppies were a thing. Playing totally online is kind of a pain sometimes but I’ve gotten used to not being able to play whenever I like. But, requiring teams is stupid. This is Diablo, not WoW. It started as a solo adventure. Requiring team play doesn’t work at all for me. If I can’t play solo I’m not putting out any money.

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Every part of the game should be playable solo! Diablo 3’s game-generated companions are great. Keep them, toss team play.

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While I agree with your reply, there’s just a tiny issue here.
Take a look at when this thread started :face_with_monocle:, not that I want to do an investigation but there’s only 38 reply on an almost 3 years old post.

I’ve always preferred to play solo. But at the same time “playing” with friends in the sense that we can be on discord chatting, or talk in game at the same time as playing solo.

Being forced to physically group up in game to gain advantages is poor design. I really really hope they go away with that.

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