If Diablo 4 does not have player trading, I won't be buying it - Long time gamer and fan

Let’s make it more simple then - I say legendary and mythic items won’t ever be tradeable in Diablo 4 as long as these are the top tier of items.

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From what the devs have said you’ve already lost that one then.

It’s funny that you think you can convince the devs to remove trading. There’s a lot more people who want trading than those who want no trading. They’ve already advertised trading as a headline feature, both in the first ever D4 reveal at Blizzcon, and in the newly released video I linked above.

That means they know people want trading. And they won’t go back on it now, because it would be a catastrophic error.

Don’t worry, you can keep playing D3. It has no trading. But I bet you’ll buy D4 regardless of what happens.


They said exactly what I am betting on - legendary and mythic items are currently account bound. But I guess your “station” signaled you something different. Well, in that case we need a 3rd person that you can trust who is going to inform you about the actual state of trading, not the one you imagined.

Mythics, legendaries, and any crafting mats untradeable.
Gear up to rare tradeable (but if traded, they no longer give crafting mats)
Gold can be tradeable as long as it is not used in crafting or gambling.

That could probably be okay.

Are you sure?

Lol! Trading happened regularly every single ladder on D2. The cause of the botting and such was Blizzard’s lack of effort. Botters buy keys, so so Blizzard doesn’t care to stop them.

You’ve never played D2 and don’t actually know what you’re discussing here.


Absolutely positive. Despite the fact that the only 100 people in the world who actually like D3 are constantly posting on these forums, you still have more people speaking positively about D2 trading.


You’re wrong.

Legendaries and sets definetly tradable.

Mythics bind on pick up. Ancients possibly bind on pick up.

If they made mythics bind on pick up and ancients tradable once, I could accept that compromise. Having ancients bind on pick up isn’t going to win people over.


No thanks. How about you just don’t trade and we’ll play the game and trade like most other ARPGs.


No that would be an awful solution.

They’re going to allow trading, you’ll play the game ravenously anyway, and end up loving it for the fact that it’s entirely different from D3. At that point, you’ll quietly admit in your mind, that D3 sucked in comparison, but you’ll never admonish it on the forums.


Hard to say. Things are not black and white. D4 can end up being both good and bad in different aspects.
PoE is mostly a great game, with lots of design that is better than any other A-RPG on the market. It does however also have horrible trading, that pretty much destroys the game.

The trading is one of its finest points actually.


Never paid for items in any game, always was able to be competetive at 0,1 % top, most of (competetive) people can relate. I’ve beat inferno pre nerf solo and noob with best gear would never be able to complete that, same apply for pvp. You buy time with money. You can buy account in fact and that’s where that hilarious prevention train ends.


These two are different. Buying account doesn’t mean the person who leveled the account has bought time to do it.

You can get account with ready paragon, but the person used real time as any other else to level the account and get the items on it. The whale in D4 could just buy everything at day 5.

I am not wrong. You cite crappy sources I suppose. The top tier of items aka legendaries/mythics are not tradeable in current version of Diablo 4.


First of all - don’t let the door hit you on your way out.
If you really think that Blizzard will ever listen to threats - you’re sorely mistaken.

Especially because…
SECONDLY - you know you’re lying. You know you’ll be buying it regardless. And people who liked your post knows it. And Blizzard knows it.
Even if there are all 100 of you worldwide who are actually ready to forgo this purchase on principle - that doesn’t matter. Impact of less than 50k players lost won’t even make Blizzard to think about it. And at those 50k they would think and 99% still going to go with their plan, because there are actual reasons why they limit trading which are MUCH bigger than the pain of losing a few players.
This is nothing but a kindergarten level of drama that doesn’t really affect sales all that much.


You’re obviously utterly clueless about how much people loathe Diablo 3. No, I won’t be buying it if they get it wrong. It is obvious to people now that the Blizzard who made Diablo 2 are gone and are not easily replaced. The team that made D3 messed up badly. If they mess it up again, done with the franchise.

I’ll tell you who will buy Diablo 4 no matter what. It’s present day Diablo 3 players. Because they are obviously content with anything. Everyone else who has quit are the ones they need to earn back.

Trading and pvp are headline features of Diablo 4. Announced at Blizzcon first D4 panel and again in the recent dev video.

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If I want to farm boss specific uniques (yes, they should exist), I want to trade with the mats guy. We both win as we both farm things we enjoy the most. You basically want me to farm set dungeons and not focus on things, which are the most fun for me.

Account binding should never happen to D4.


You’re obviously clueless about how many people love it.

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Oh yes. People love Diablo 3 so much that Blizzard shoved it to the classic games section and cancelled all further development. Such a beloved game.

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everything that compromises a good droprate system is bad, like trading with other players.
-i do agree with giving drops away to teammates where you just did a grift with, like it is now.
(NOT a world boss…)

just make all gear and greater gems account bound.

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