If Diablo 4 does not have player trading, I won't be buying it - Long time gamer and fan

They are NEVER putting open trading of endgame items in Diablo 4. I am going to bet on that with anyone.

I explained you why trading as a mechanic exists masked behind the “social activity” feature. We (the players) get that. The developer can’t overrule the investors call. He has to comply with these or find another game. And if he does the latter, they’ll simply find another developer that will satisfy the whales needs.

So, last thing I want is Luis Barriga to leave Diablo 4, because he has the right design vision about an aspect which contradicts the marketing team. The whole D4 team has done incredible job with Diablo 4 in every aspect and design decision, especially those related to the feel and atmosphere in the world.

What I personally want instead is fair competition not influenced by the trading mechanic. Let the whale have the infinite mats and spend more in the MTX shop, but don’t forget the competitive players. Many are such players and losing this portion of the player base is WRONG long term. Diablo 4 will lose because of that long term.

It sure seems like you guys do. How does trading ruin the gameplay experience for you? Please elaborate on that. Trading has existed in pretty much every ARPG, aside from D3 RoS and we see how that went. It has nothing to do with so called whales.

If you think Blizzard is going to implement a deep crafting system into D4, you are delusional. Take a look at D3’s crafting system. Most people do not want to just farm mats all day to upgrade items either. Sure, that could be a possibility to upgrading items, but trading is still necessary for me and a lot of other players. If it’s the exact same thing, then why are you so against trading? Especially if the mats themselves are able to be traded? Doesn’t seem to make much sense to me.


Orly? Because in that new video he says Diablo 4 is going to have trading and pvp as content so people can continue to play and enjoy the game long after ‘completing it’. That sounds like end game trading to me.

Another thing. They keep bringing up that D4 will have trading and pvp. They obviously realise how important it is to players. They probably have it requested a lot. The fact that they removed all trading from D3 but have now abandoned development of that game, to develop Diablo 4, which they are bringing back trading, speaks volumes about their understanding. They understand it’s important.

Whoa. Where did this delusion come from? Trading is one of their headline features. You do realise they said that the details of what can be traded are not set in stone? They want player feedback, and the players are giving it to them. End game trading is a must.


Advanced crafting is the same thing as trading regarding item progression options it allows the player. Trading however effectively changes the drop chances and allows the whales to acquire the items from 3rd parties (or getting gold/mats and using these for crafting/gambling) without investing any real time in the game by themselves.

Trash items → trading/crafting → good item you need
Trading → buying from 3rd parties → items you need
Crafting → no 3rd parties → time investment is needed to find items

I told you I am going to bet with anyone that endgame items won’t be tradeable in Diablo 4. If you insist on the opposite we can simply bet on it.

Trading as commented by Barriga in that video is not the open vision you have for it. I am not the one being delusional here, you are. Open you eyes finally!

But we already know that we will be able to trade mats… So then there is really no point in eliminating the ability to trade other items because if they allow the trading of mats and crafting to upgrade items, people could still just buy mats from sites and upgrade their items that way. So, let’s just have open trading and everyone can enjoy the game. T4T.

I’ll never understand why people get so upset that other people go and buy items off of sites. As long as Blizzard isn’t directly selling power, this doesn’t effect me at all. I’ll just grind and trade to get my items. Maybe the people that care about people that do this are the ones that are obsessed with leaderboards that are infested with bots?

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Open vision? It’s other people asking for fully open trading. I’m willing to compromise. I’d accept a system where most stuff is tradable, except for stuff like hellfire amulet/torches, possibly the 1 mythic item you can equip, that sort of stuff. My suggestion means that there is plenty of room for end game trading, whilst not having all end game stuff tradable.

It is a fact that trading must be a viable end game for people to enjoy. If it’s not, all the people who want trading arn’t going to hang around and this game will end up like another D3; abandoned by the players and then by Blizzard.

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Or let forbid the trading of gold/mats so we have proper competition.

D3 is not abandoned because it doesn’t have trading.

D3 has bad itemization and requires tons of time investment to compete. While no one sane would ask to change the itemization of D3 at this point in the development of the game, they could easily fix the competition in it and make it accessible for everyone.

HS for example allows one to aim for top ladder places while investing a few hours per day. And HS is x5 more competitive than D3, because the competition in it is WAY more accessible. You don’t have to play like a zombie putting hundreds of hours each Season to have a chance for rank 1.

My vision for fixing D3 is to strengthen its competition by:

  • Introducing caps in Seasons
  • Introducing tier progression to Challenge Rifts

Only when the developers of D3 make it as competitive as possible, the game will have its survival chance against time, simply because the ONLY strength of D3 is its gameplay and combat.

D3 is like a wild child with low IQ, but exceptional physical strength. If you put such child in 21st century it will struggle to survive and will end up in jail. But if you release the child in the days when the civilization didn’t exist, it would be a one-eyed KING among blind people, because of its superb physical qualities. All D3 developers until now put that wild child in our century and its qualities couldn’t shine. But nevertheless they are there and those people like me aware of them want to see that child unleashed in the wilderness becoming the king he truly is.

That’s not going to happen. The devs have already said that mats will be freely tradeable and most of us want that. So, as I asked, knowing that, why should gear be non tradeable? I suppose I wouldn’t mind Mythics being bind on equip or something, but other than that, no thanks.

Open trading creates many issues for the people that use 3rd parties (stolen accounts etc) and those hanging in channels (3rd parties spam). It’s not coming back in D4. Sorry.

Skelos is clinging to the delusion that trading will be in but won’t really matter. It makes no sense that Blizzard would create an entire new game, of which trading is a headline feature, only to have trading be irrelevant.

Only have to watch the new developer video here to see that trading isn’t just some gimmick to trick people into thinking they brought trading back. They said there will be plenty of content for people who wish to keep playing long after completing the initial game. PvP and trading are the two main features they mentioned in regards to this.

Why would they mention trading as a content system to give people reasons to keep playing after completing the game, if meaningful end game trading won’t be in? By their own explanation, trading is a feature intended to keep players interested at end game. Two more end game features were mentioned, pvp and ever harder dungeons.

Sorry Skelos, but trading in D4 is a headline feature. Trading is a big part of the ARPG genre. Seems like you only ever played Diablo 3.


Where have they said that?
If they have, it can still change.

Guess they could let people trade cosmetic stuff, like some games do. Seems like some people really love that.

Adding cosmetics and letting people trade only that. Yeah that’s going to win over fans who shun D3 :laughing::laughing::laughing:

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Keep repeating it to yourself. It may make open trading come for you in D4. But in the eyes of others you will be a troll refusing to stand behind his words and take the bet.

Gold/mats are freely tradeable in their current version of Diablo 4. This can change if they decide to listen to those like me warning them this kind of trading is bad for competition.

Meh, they will be back anyway.

Cosmetics trading could allow both trading of something that lots of people care about, and protect the game from all the negative aspects of trading gear.

Cosmetics wouldn’t cut it. Just allow people to trade and deal with it. Most of the problems associated with trading are actually a result of botting anyways. Who cares if another player bought an item from someone who actually farmed it. Most of the items on old D2 stores are from people that run mass bots though. What you should be asking for is better ways to combat cheating like botting.


Fans who shun D3 will play D4 no matter what? You’ve got to be kidding me. D3 is as good as dead to most players and many of us won’t be back if it’s actually Diablo 3.5 in all but name.

Trading gear is in. Trading is a part of end game. Embrace it.

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Embrace the trolls AHAHAH.

I’m not trolling. It is you who is the troll. I’ve presented you with a newly released video where they state that trading is part of end game content. That means you’re going to have to keep camping every single trading thread arguing against it in the hope that somehow your opinion is going to change the game to how you want it.


We betting then? I say open trading won’t make a single version of Diablo 4.

Moving the goalposts now are we? I can live without 100% fully open trading. As long as most end game is tradable there can still be meaningful end game trading. But perhaps there are some key items equivalent to hellfire gear and torches that you must find yourself.

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