If Diablo 4 does not have player trading, I won't be buying it - Long time gamer and fan

Do you realise there are several other major ARPG’s coming up? The one by League of Legends developer will be interesting. The PoE devs are going all out too, because all their eggs are in that one basket, meaning a strong desire to succeed. I’ve never played PoE, but the 2nd one looks interesting.

If there’s no meaningful trading, no end game trading, I’m done with the franchise. And I won’t make the mistake of buying Diablo 4 if I suspect it’ll be anything like D3.

Blizzard has a big advantage in that Diablo is my preferred game. But they’re still going to have to earn my purchase this time by producing a good game. People don’t trust them after D3 and I won’t buy it without seeing evidence that they’ve gone a different route to D3.

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I don’t know how I feel about this. I played vanilla D3 and the AH was terrible. I felt that the AH broke the game. The devs have to think long and hard about another AH. I don’t mind trading with people for some gold, but I don’t want this to be a requirement to get the best gear. I will say this, it would be cool to farm pets and mounts and sell them. I have so much gold in D3 I don’t know what to spend it on.

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Don’t need auction house to have trading. Diablo 2 has open trading, but no auction house. That keeps people spending most of the their time hunting monsters with trading taking up less of the time. With an auction house, it just ends up with people using it a LOT.

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D4 must have trading. If people don’t want trading, then they can stick with D3 like they used to tell us about D2.


PoE is enough of a trading simulator.

D4 crew should leave trading in the past and forget about prioritizing the whales at the cost of the proper design - this is a mistake in the long run.


I argue the opposite and I support my arguments with details, rather than just stating opinions. Have you seen how many likes my first post on not playing D4 if it lacks meaningful trading has received? Vastly more likes than any other thread. This is the D3 forum too, where you’d expect D3 players to be the majority. Yet half or more of posters say they want a full, open trading system.

Not having trading will be a mistake both in the short term and the long run. Because a lot of players want it. If Blizzard wants to get back those who shun D3, they must have trading.

And in the long run trading is necessary because it gives the player more things to do as well as incentive to keep playing. With trading, It doesn’t matter if you already have X uber item and it drops again. It still has value because you can exchange it with someone for something you do need. You can’t do that if there’s no trading.


No such thing is coming in D4. Whales would just be able to get the mats free, which is very bad essentially for the competition. But you can forget about open trading and all the mess it creates or go play some D2/PoE trading simulator. D4 however won’t be a stock market.


If you don’t like trading, then don’t trade.


Go play some D3 if you hate trading.


Quite a bit better for the gameplay experience not to have trading.

The idea that you can fix problems in a game by imagining they are not there is just silly.

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We saw how they fixed the “trading problem” with D3. Not looking for that tragedy to occur again.

You guys remind me of the anti-abortion people. So against it, even though nobody is forcing you or your wife to get one. Just don’t trade it’s that simple.

Stop trying to ruin other people’s gaming experience.

What are these big problems with trading btw? The rampant botting in D3 is proof that that will happen regardless. Are you that considered that some nubs will buy gear? Who cares.


Wrong. D3 doesn’t have trading, and a lot of people hate it. You might try to argue that it got better when they removed trading from D3 and added RoS. But they didn’t just remove trading did they. They improved the itemization, but made so called rare and legendary items rain from the sky.

Their solution made the game boring to all except a niche of players.

Do you know what rare means?

adjective: rare ;

  1. (of an event, situation, or condition) not occurring very often.

D3 was already broken even at launch. Poorly designed with terrible itemization and no end game, it was doomed to lose most players from the very beginning. Trading isn’t what harmed D3. But i’ll agree the auction house was a bad idea. Should have just had trading like in D2. The entirety of the game was broken and removing the auction house was part of the ideas they chose in an attempt at fixing it.

D3 is still as broken as ever. Rares are worthless, common as mud. Legendaries rain from the sky. The game has mutated into a joke; not that it was much better at launch. Players such as myself, and there are many like me, don’t find it exciting to find items that are all bound to you.

All further expansions and development cancelled after the 1st expansion. Straight into the classic games section. Blizzard consider D3 a let down. This is revealed from interviews. And it’s also given away when you hear the devs talk about how they are trying to capture the essence of Diablo 2 in Diablo 4. Not Diablo 3. They know how fans feel about Diablo 3.

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Legendaries mostly started to rain from the sky over time.
But it would be entirely possible to remove trading and keep item droprate much lower than in D3.

What is the purpose of removing trading? Because some random person might buy an item? Oh no! That’s not hindering my gameplay.


RMT is irrelevant. Trading changes the game. Droprates gets balanced around its existence. There is no meaningful choice when it comes to trading, it is way too efficient to ignore.
Trading means you can jump through the item progression. Which directly hurts the most basic gameplay in an A-RPG. You should get your loot from killing monsters. Not by trading 32314 crafting mats.

If we could have two completely separate versions of the game, with one mode that was 100% unaffected by trading, then sure, it could work. I dont think it would be the best option for the game and the players as a whole (that would be to not allow trading), but at least I wouldn’t be affected by the trading tycoon desire some people have.

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Farming currency to trade for an item is playing the game. Why does it bother you so much that people want to play the game that way? I enjoyed farming runes to trade for better equipment in Diablo 2. Also, why are you acting like it’s one or the other? Plenty of people kill monsters for loot and trade that loot for other loot. Every other ARPG has trading in it also. Removing trading from Diablo 4 isn’t going to help the game at all. I guess having two game modes around trading/non trading would be fine, that way people who are so against a mechanic that has been in ARPGs since like forever can be happy to not use it.

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No one from us wants this here. Trading is what ruins the actual gameplay experience for others and this has been explained many times.

The only reason trading to exist in the game are the whales. If you can’t understand that, you are clueless about the topic.

You will enjoy farming similar stuff to craft in D4. It’s the same as trading as pointed out many times. The only difference are the whales who want to shorten the gameplay cycle and because they are those spending most on MTX the developers has to sacrifice the right design of the game to satisfy the whales’ needs and investors’ greed.

Is it so hard to get this really?

I disagree. Trading doesn’t ruin the gameplay experience, it enhances it. Not having trading makes the game boring to many.

I’ll give you an example. Many years ago there was this quake 2 RPG mod, it was called Vortex. You chose a name and class and you gained experience and levels from killing players or capturing flag in CTF. You upgraded skills that would make you stronger, do more damage, regenerate health or armor, jetpack and so on. There was weapon skills too, so you could choose to specialize in certain weapons. All data was saved on a persistent server so you never lost progress.

The game was a lot of fun. But do you know what was always the most fun aspect of the game? Finding and trading runes. Runes had a small chance to spawn when you killed someone. First person to pick it up got it. There were ability runes and weapon runes. The runes would give you extra skill levels and bonuses. The best and most rare runes gave massive improvemets and would make your character significantly stronger.

You were able to trade the runes with other players. Because there was a large number of skills, and the best runes were very rare, it was unlikely you would find a godly rune for your build. But what you could do was find someone who had a rune that suited your needs, and you trade with them for it.

People would often build entire characters around certain godly runes. Trading created a whole economy for this Quake 2 mod and with it an end game that kept people coming back. I played that Quake 2 mod for years, it was very addictive and a lot of fun.

Having these runes that dropped and could be traded is what made the game. Without that I doubt I would have played for anywhere near so long. Some people had several mules for storing and trading runes. That was the endgame that kept people playing for years. It’s the same thing that keeps people playing Diablo 2 for years.

So if Blizzard wants to win back Diablo fans, and keep people playing for years, they need to have endgame trading.

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ARPG games are about action and killing monsters, not about trading items to others. You are playing the wrong genre of a game. I’d suggest you find the trading simulator you are after in another game, because such thing isn’t coming to Diablo 4.

This argument is the same as saying “Not having buildings and units to produce makes the game boring to many”. Such gameplay is part of what RTS games are, not of what ARPG games are.

The reason trading of items as a feature exists in so many games is that:

  • These games are not competitive aka game for kids
  • Trading in these games offers faster progression for whales and there are MTXs in the game whales are after

The second one is the reason why there is limited trading in Diablo 4. But open trading is never coming back to Diablo 4, because it creates more problems for everyone than what is gained from the bigger number of whales due to it.

Ironically, we have to thank D2 and D3 RMAH for showing the bad effects from open trading, so D4 does not have this parody of a game mechanic.

Thank you D2 for having a pathetic game feature that won’t ever return to the world of Diablo! Thank you D2 for being a game for kids, so that they included trading in you!


You’re so wrong. ARPG’s are made for trading. Loot hunting games are games where trading flourishes. Now I’m going to turn this back on you:

Quake 2 is an FPS. You don’t find trading in FPS arena match games. Yet they added trading to this quake 2 mod and it was amazing. The mod developed for it I was just talking about in my last post enabled finding and trading items (runes) and it made the game. People played it for years, as did I. It’s that feature of finding and trading items that me playing.

By the way there’s a new video from the Diablo 4 developers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DbwsJVgsyI

At 3:14, primary two key features they mention that will give players content "PVP and “Trading”

So you think they’re going to offer a trading system that won’t satisfy people who want trading? That would be immensely self defeating of them.