If Diablo 4 does not have player trading, I won't be buying it - Long time gamer and fan

Trading is a fun feature of multiplayer that doesn’t exist in single player games.

I don’t play single player games. They bore me. Current D3 bores me. I wonder if that’s because it feels a lot like a single player game these days?

What does endgame trading actually bring to the game to begin with? This is what I don’t get. Where’s the joy in my finding an item for some stranger that I’ll probably never talk to again?

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You ever found a primal legendary in DIII? If so there is a fair chance it was useless for you but useful for someone else. When you get to end game items they are so rare that you are at the mercy of RNGesus to actually find the item in the first place AND it actually be useful. With trading you can at least rest assured that the grind wasn’t worthless since you can now trade this uber rare GG item to someone that wants it that happened to find the uber rare GG item you wanted.

Last DIII season I averaged something like 1 primal per 18 hours played. I found a total of 4 during the entire season including the guaranteed one. NONE of which were useful for me. Salvaged them all for materials that hardly do anything meaningful.

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Primals have a large chance of not being useful for ANYBODY.

But that aside… that is what a decent crafting/questing system should be for. If I find something good I can’t use anymore, then I should be able to put it toward getting something good. Without having to deal with a virtual economy full of selfish people.

Again, that’s what the alternate and secondary systems of the game should be for.

That’s because D3’s systems are shallow and terrible… and hopefully D4’s won’t be.


Agree and disagree. There definitely needs to be a legit crafting system that helps players target specific items, a system that also helps recycle rare items that aren’t entirely useful for you into items that are more useful. But trading should be a secondary or tertiary method as well.

This goes along with what you are saying regarding a crafting system, this is because D3’s design is terrible. Primals should be much more useful than they are.

Lets hope they can find some sort of balance between crafting, % drops of items, etc.

All I read is people want the game to be more challenging, that D3 is too easy (and I agree) but then people want trading which makes the game easier. I hate trading, I hate trade channel spam, then inevitable website gold selling spam. If trading is to be allowed in D4 then PLEASE give us a WoW type AH to work as a go between.


No, they should never have been added in the first place.

Blizzard added another tier of gear because they boosted the drop rate too high with all the additional Torments and GR scaling they had to do as a result of power creeping the game so hard.

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How lame would it be for a Diablo game to give you every item in a reasonable timeframe. Define reasonable timeframe, like within a year? Why are people so against a long-term loot chase? Sounds like Diablo 3 which became stale much sooner than it should have because there was practically no loot chase.

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You can hack or dupe any item you want in D2. Furthermore you can buy items and gold outside the game that can be used on battlenet for d2. This has been going on for ages. All this does is flood the game with items and so much for finding stuff you just buy / hack your way to the top. It can be done in D3 as well except you can’t hack your own gear you have to farm / find it. Hackers paradise is D2 and botters paradise is D3.

People in the blizzcon beta were getting items for other classes, so I do not think this is the case.

Good Dont Buy It and Leave the Forums

No, 100% wrong. Having a trade system in place doesn’t mean valuable items are free and easy to acquire. That’s never been the case. The majority of trading will be low to mid tier items. High tier items shouldn’t be easy to acquire for solo players and certainly won’t be easy to acquire for traders considering their market value is going to be insanely high.


lol you are literally Sinisters counterpart! I love it haha


How is that full set of primals coming a long for you?

Diablo and Diablo 2 didn’t even have formal trade systems, it was a side-portion of the game.

Hey that’s not exactly accurate. I make well considered and constructive posts. Keyblade just spams trading discussions with posts like this one:

Not exactly helpful feedback is it.


Keyblade is a tool. The best thing we could do is ignore his posts and let him drown in his own bile


Trading isn’t a big deal for me. I don’t miss those days in D2 trying to farm for 40 Stone of Jordan rings just to get a slight ly better yellow rare for my alt. If you want trading to make money, go back to the regular world and be that slave to dead presidents.

Eh…That was always a thing in Diablo. While you couldn’t just get any item without putting in the time or getting lucky, you didn’t need a complete list of pre-determined (by the patch notes) to complete the highest possible difficulty.

I don’t see how this is tricky lol