If Diablo 4 does not have player trading, I won't be buying it - Long time gamer and fan

I loved trading, that was my hobby in D2. Let everyone enjoy Diablo in their own niches. I hate crafting and not much of a farmer but I’m a great salesman when it comes to trading items and finding deals. Also I wasn’t the only one who benefited, others loved trading with me too.

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Diablo 3 sold ~23 millions copies prior to ROS/loot 2.0, (mid-2014) release which means the game sold more during the period when trading was allowed…this was prior to switch release and the ps4/xbox1 release. I counted for 3 of that 23mil tho as i bought 2 CEs and 1 standard.


Read the comments and people seem happy with it at that time.

Also, 39 million is not a small number. It is literally the wet dream for many arpg companies that able to sell as much as that.

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Trading = Really really low drop rates (1/10.000 runs) so careful what you wish for buddy…

(plus, the bots will rise again…)

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That is exactly what a lot of these traders dream about though.


Anyone is entilied to their opinion… but we’ll see how they will handle it…

If this thread is an attempt to convince everybody to support free trading, you’re wasting your time. Just do not buy the game.


i don’t think he is wasting his time. Most of the people I know that enjoy ARPG’s want open trading. I personally think those that don’t like it can just not participate in it. I just don’t understand why some people want every single item in the game handed to them on a plate doesn’t seem fun. But to each their own. Some will be mad some wont. There is no doubt D2 was a phenomenal success and other arpgs that do have trading so I guess pick what crowd you want to make mad and go with it. Or try to incorporate both.

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That is essentially what trading does though.

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except that it doesn’t lol. Where do you get this idea?

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It’s not about whether or not someone likes free trade. D4 will not have it, period.

Blizzard is that you? You do know they said D4 will already have free trade just with some restrictions right?

Restrictions, key word. No free trading.

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Guess Diablo II didn’t have free trading either then. Technicality
I mean I am okay with it having restrictive trading if its like Diablo II that is A-okay for me.

So, if they said D4 will have “free trade”, what is the point of this thread, and the other near 20, about it?

Where do I get the idea that trading allows for easy access to stuff you would otherwise have a harder time acquiring?
Basically everywhere, whether it is other games or the world we live in.
I mean, that is the whole premise of trading.

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This thread was created before Blizzcon, before D4 was announced, before we knew they intended to have some form of economy/trading. People have just been arguing back and forth that there should be no trading vs open trading so each opinion has just kind of been defending their point.

They said D4 will have trading with restrictions. Both factions are wasting their time.

I guess if you get it for free because someone is generous or spend real money to break the ToS and buy it off a site. But if you go log into Diablo II right now and create a new character you will have 0 items to trade. it will take you what I consider a well balanced amount of hours to find something that has enough value to even be worth your time in trying to trade it.

All trading does is it allows you to essentially convert the time you spent aquiring something you don’t necessarily need for something you do need. If you raise pigs and your neighbor raises catfish and you want catfish and he wants pork you just trade at a ratio that is fair calculating how much time was spent in raising that animal.

The issue here is not trading. The issue here is how rare items should be. Trading shouldn’t even be a part of the discussion really. The debate here should be about what a fair drop % is. Should it be realistic to find all the items even the best of the best in ~40 hours of playtime? or ~200 hours of play time?

That is an okay opinion to have. Guess we will see if something changes based on discussions from now until the game goes live. They have asked for feedback and said they read the forums whether they see the thread or care about it who knows. Your arrogance doesn’t really help though but its okay you think what you do.