If Diablo 4 does not have player trading, I won't be buying it - Long time gamer and fan

You keep saying this but over all this years, console and switch D3 keep selling. We are talking about 39 million sales here. Not 3900 sales.

Just make you sure won’t explode if Diablo Immortal is making money than D4 in the future.

Again, that is what D2 players said about D3 at 2012, and they were wrong again.

I don’t care what a few D2 diehards may or may not have claimed back then. Most people back then gave Blizzard the benefit of the doubt, myself included. The entire situation is completely different now. Most players consider D3 a failiure, not just a few D2 diehards.

Blizzard can no longer rely on blind faith of their customers in their ability to produce a good product. D3 launched of the back of one of the most successful game of all time, and it was long time coming, much sought after addition to the Diablo series.

Diablo 4 is launching of the back of what most people today consider a failed Diablo 3, and it’s recent, so the experience is still fresh in peoples minds.

As i’ve said previously if Blizzard fail to win over fans with Diablo 4, if I could bet that Diablo 4 will do far worse than D3 did, I would bet a lot on that.

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So what youre basically saying is:

“If my friend cant drop me all of the best end game items, I am not playing this game”

you realize they want to avoid D2 scenario when a player who has zero hours in the game can get his hands on the best items in the game.

I agree there should be trading, but I also agree with Blizz there should be some restrictions for what items. I think the best ones you must find yourself, others you are free to trade away.

No, if you bother to read my posts that’s not what I’ve been saying.

I dont plan to re-read the whole topic so if you want you can tell me how do you propose to avoid a scenario when a new fresh player can get all the items he wants from a friend who has hundreds of hours in game or he just buy them somewhere

Looks like you’re not buying it then…

They already stated that low level garbage items and crafting mats will be tradable but nothing serious like end game items.

Mythic items WILL NEVER BE TRADABLE as they’re basically a Unique item with 4 Legendary affixes attached. Wearing 1 of them is like wearing 4 extra legendary items, your character is also limited to one of these in any one slot.

That isn’t to say that items leading up to end game content or end game starter build gear won’t be worthless to trade… Item trading will still be viable for people who want to begin end game farming with specific builds to get them off the ground.

It’s really just a matter of perspective at this point. Items that will destroy campaign mode can still be offered up for trade and there will be a rich economy for that, but end game stuff, forget it…

Blizzard actually wants you to do the work yourself for really OP gear and I can’t blame them. People with big wallets and no time are the ones who are going to back down from this game. It’s the same reason D3 lost over half their player base to begin with, people just want to cheat to win, if the option is there, people are going to exploit it.

I feel like Blizzard is finally coming to some kind of happy medium with the trading system this time around. Crafting materials will probably end up being the main currency in the game, like the really high end stuff and you can probably trade some decent gear for some high quality crafting mats.

There will be a trading system, just not the one you want… which is, swipe your visa card on some Chinese item farming site and win the game.


all gear should be tradeable. If they get rid of open trading then this isnt diablo.


so lets say you put 1000 hours into this game

then I will decide to buy the game and lets say you and I are friends, so I will tell you, you know jbevan, can you give me some items for Sorc ? and you will give me all the best endgame items, cool, now all I need is to level up and I dont have to farm anything

so youre saying this is correct and how it should work, right ?

"Many are voicing strongly against any sort of bind on pick up. Bind on trade is a compromise more seem willing to accept.

I’m one of the more compromising types, willing to accept some bind on pick up items if there’s still plenty of room left for meaningful end game trading. Many on here i’ve seen are against any kind of bind on pick up full stop."

I’ve made suggestions in other threads on how to compromise on this. I understand Blizzards design goal. They don’t want people to be able buy all of the best gear in the game without earning any of it through playing.

At the same time, if they don’t offer meaningful trading, the game will suffer, be declared boring etc. Many won’t play or will soon quit.

So I suggest a balance that achieves their design goal whilst allowing for meaningful trading.

I hear players can only equip 1 mythic item. Make this item bind on pick up. On the other hand, if end game gear means a full set of mythic items, that’s not going to be very fun if noone can trade it.

Some best/end game items need to be tradable, else you make trading feel meaningless. This is a game that’s all about the items. So if you can’t trade the end game ones, what’s the point in pretending to offer trading if you can’t do any meaningful trading?

They could have item slots, similar to the mythic item, in that they are powerful and must be found yourself, never tradable. I’m thinking like early D3 hellfire drops, one was an amulet I think.

The specifics of which gear slots they choose to do this with now don’t matter. All that matters is your character build is made from a mixture of best in slot tradable items and other types of item that are always bind on pick up.

This means that if half of the best items were in specific slots that best gear was always no trade, someone who wanted to buy all of the best items could only ever at best buy half of the items needed. They’ll still need to play their character and earn the other half of top tier items because they’re always bind on pick up.

This is what I consider a compromise. It stops someone from buying all top items and having a powerful character. They can only buy half the items they need and must play and find the rest of the gear themselves.

At the same time it leaves room for people to find and trade top tier items and take enjoyment from that."

Yet the sale statistic proves otherwise. You just make up the "most players’ for your own convenience.

Yet Blizzcon virtual tickets are still selling like a hotcake after last year’s Diablo Immortal fiasco.

Just make sure you don’t explode if D4 is making as much as D3 or more at that time. I have been heard a lot of rubbish like “boycotting” since 2012 about Blizzard yet in the end, those people still bought Blizzard games and then continue to whine at the forum.

So… everyone who played D1 and D2 offline wasn’t playing Diablo, since they couldn’t trade?

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Let’s turn this back on you.

Diablo 2 had tons of people who played offline only. The rates were nothing close to what D3 is now. I personally never even found a single unique item in D2 offline mode. Wasn’t a problem.

The fact that trading was enabled and the drop rates were low enough so that rare items were indeed very hard to obtain wasn’t a problem. People still played D2 offline.

So, D4 can offer open trading and a drop rate that sees the best game items remain rare, as they should be. It should not be like D3 is now, easy mode boring crap where’s no fun in finding so called ‘rare’ or dare i say it ‘legendary’ items any more.

And i’ll add that finding legendary items in D3 vanilla wasn’t much fun either. But that wasn’t because they were too common. It was because legendary items were commonly garbage.

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AH with 0 posibilities of trading outside it would solve rmt problem. The key is to put price range on items an algorithm that allows you to price item only +/-100% of actual median/average price in AH. So we will sell bad affixes cheaper and highrolls for higher prices also they could add other code on items with perfect affixes so those items would have sepparated median price in AH. Only thing blizzard needs to do is setting up prices at beggining of the season. Boom we have open trading without any possibilities to trade it for real cash. Give me that system and i swear that game will never die.

I think Blizzard care less about RMT and more about players buying all of their gear from auction house.

Blizzard doesn’t want an auction house because it makes it far too easy to buy all of your gear. It encourages both selling and buying gear because it makes it so easy.

That’s why we should have open trading, with minimal restrictions. Maybe the 1 mythic gear you equip can be bound on pick up and possibly some other stuff like hellfire amulet equivalent or charms. But auction house just doesn’t work with Blizzards design goal.

Well so rip open trading and game soon bots will destroy it as they did with d2 and many other games i would love to have system that is punishing bots but it didnt happen in d2/d3 and it wont happen in d4. By not giving ppl chance to trade outside AH they would at least reduce damage that bots does to economy in game. Involving real money you involve additional currency that is providing to inflation way faster than without it.

OP Blizzard Doesnt Need your Empty Threats of Not Buying unless you make OPEN Trade. Its not need and a bad idea to Open up 3rd Party Item Buying

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D3 has no trading at all and is a bot fest. Your argument falls flat. Removing trading doesn’t stop cheating. Can’t trade? People cheat by botting themselves instead.

Blizzard doesn’t want an auction house because it takes the focus too much from playing the game. Trading doesn’t because trading takes time and effort and so people focus less on it. Auction house means all half decent drops end up for sale on it. That doesn’t happen with just trading.

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Can they? PoE has open trade. Are the game’s best items still rare in non-League play?

I’ve said over and over, I can see a compromise working where some of the very best items are bind on pick up. But not all. If you can only equip 1 mythic item, they could make mythic bind on pick up. Still leaves plenty of room for end game trading.

They could even have a couple other pieces be bind on pick up too. Like D2 charms, and D3 hellfire amulet. Should still leave plenty of room for end game trading. It’s simply a matter of having certain items that you must find yourself, while still leaving room for end game item trading for other items.

If Blizzard insists on restricted trading, what I describe above is what I think is the limit of what many people who want open trading may accept. Because it still leaves room for end game trading.

If people can’t trade end game rare items, I predict this game a year or two after launch will be as dead as D3 is now. Blizzard must avoid fans making up their mind that Diablo 4 is just Diablo 3.5 - Else their entire regular expansion sales plan will fall way short.

Here this is saying how dare anyone even think of trying to find the best items in the game. That Blizz should make it where it takes you at least 10 hours a day to even have the hope of finding the best items in the game.

That way the elitist can say hey look at me I found all of these godly items that you will never find. Also it will encourage a lot of botting. After all how else would you find such gear if a requirement like I mentioned is in place.

He is talking about a reasonable amount of time.

Let’s say that Blizz would have a drop rate for Mythic once every 50 hours. Now someone that plays 10 hours a day that would roughly amount to one Mythic every five days. Then one that spends only 5 hours a day will take twice as long, etc… But still if you put in the same amount of time you should see those items drop. That is what the person is no doubt saying.

Further trading items is not what makes them special it is getting them to drop for you personally. Finding that really powerful Mythic amulet that would help my solidify my Barb build. Getting it from someone else doesn’t make it as special as finding it myself.

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