If Diablo 4 does not have player trading, I won't be buying it - Long time gamer and fan

Warden looks after ALL the Blizzard Titles im pretty sure not just WoW, i could be wrong. Botting was a Curse in D2 as well even with Trade. Removing Trade wasnt ever intended to fix botting. With or Without Trade people are going to figure out how to Bot in D4.
Removing Trade or the itteration where potentially top tier stuff is BOA i think is great.
Trade doesnt make or break a game. If you advocating OPEN Trade like POE. Incoming the 3rd Party Sites where ppl are just GG Geared in 2 weeks from release cause people are buying gear to try and stay on top

I disagree, many of times playing D2 I found a random good item, like arreats, or occy, and beging an amazon was an easy trade for a titans, for example. People always get random awesome drops

EXACTLY Keko !!!
Trading is the best, i use to Trade ALOT in Diablo 2, to get perfect Stats items… and stuff like that.
PLUS it gives VALUE to items on a game where the main focus is ITEMS.


Team oriented loot sharing is basically what D3 has, and I’m fine with it.

No, that’s stupid. What I said was I can’t progress as quickly if progress is based around utilizing trading (which it always has been so far, if trading is present) and I don’t utilize it.

It’s not that simple. If I turn off trade by playing SSF, that just hurts my chances of finding specific items. That’s not good in games like D3 and PoE where specific items define your build.

Now, if SSF had options that compensated for the loss of trade, then I’d happily play it. But it doesn’t - at least not in PoE.

Demonstrably false, as I can attest to in D3. I spent well over 500 hours looking for Wand of Woh back in Reaper’s first year.


No I am sure Diablo 3 has no warden. People bot Diablo 3 24/7, don’t get caught. People can’t bot WoW any more because they all get caught.

People always going to find ways to cheat. You don’t dumb the game down so it’s boring just to spite them. D3 has no trading at all and oh look, rampant botting. You’re making the game boring for a lot of your players in the process. Literally cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Let me make this clear. A lot of the perceived fun, and value, that you receive from hunting and collecting loot in a Diablo game comes from the fact that you can TRADE it. You value and enjoy finding even things you can’t use. Just knowing it is worth a great deal to other players gives you a feeling of satisfaction that you now own this item. It is exciting knowing someone is going to pay/trade handsomely for it, should you decide to trade it either now or in the future.


You better hope that those so-called powerful items that has bind on trade is actually as powerful as those Endgame items but I truly doubt it.

If we are using D3 as example, those powerful item that bind on trade will be either a legendary without legendary power or just your normal legendary item with legendary power while the endgame item will be Ancient Primal with legendary item that can be augmented. If that is the case, doesn’t this make the whole D4 trading pointless as hell?

No, Blizzard better hope. If they screw this up and trading is felt as pointless, the game will be another D3 fail except with a lot less sold copies. If trading sucks then we write D4 off as another fail and accept that the franchise is dead. Many already believe it is dead, and that it died along with Blizzard North. They want to make money on expansions? Won’t be a lot in that if most of Diablo the playerbase have deemed it crap.

People who feel burned by D3 are looking to make sure they don’t let Blizzard burn them again.

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Trading is crap. Botters, lots of them - endless flow of them; shtty drop (otherwise why trade?); need to play Trading instead of game (like in Poe or D3 Auc) - and you are obliged to trade, because if you don’t - you’ll be much weaker that those people who trade.

As for “I don’t buy D4 if there’s no trading” - well, that means you don’t want to play the game, but what you need is trading. Go trade somewhere else.


Oh please, that what D2 fans said about D3 too since 2013 and guess what? This is 2019, and it had sold 39 million+. Even D3 Switch is selling too well for a 7 years old game.

Just because you think it is dead, doesn’t mean it is real.

D3 has been survived long without D2 fan’s support like you. D4 will do just fine with Diablo3 and Blizzard fans.

Diablo 3 sold a lot of copies because everyone thought it was the next big thing. It probably also pulled a lot of extra sales because of the rmah too. A lot of people bought muliple copies of the game just for that.

Blizzard know that fans want trading. And they will know it can’t be shallow and pointless. Because if this game sucks, which without trading it will suck in the eyes of many, they’ll face a massive backlash again which will see the franchise sunk once and for all.

Blizzard lost fans trust after D3 and Diablo Immortal. Many people now are going to be closely scutinizing Diablo 4 to see if it’s likely to be another let down in most fans eyes. This will all be public long before D4 releases.

If I knew that D4 was going to have no trading or a shallow pointless trading system, if I could bet money on D4 selling poorly compared to D3 I would bet a lot on that.

Here’s a big thing that’s working against you. Blizzard wants to release regular expansions to generate income. That means they can’t rely on people buying a bad product and claiming success because ‘high box sales’. The game needs to keep those players else they’re not going to have the kind of success they want with selling expansions.

Another badly designed game like D3 is going to end up the same as D3, with most of the playerbase scorned and refusing to touch it. Doesn’t matter if some do buy the initial game only to quit because it sucks. That isn’t a success for Blizzard. I’m not sure Blizzard can afford another write off. It will be the end of the Diablo franchise.

Tell me wise guy, if Diablo 3 is such a success why did they abandon the 2nd expansion, as well as abandon all further development of Diablo 3, and start creating a new game instead? Because most fans hate D3 and won’t buy the expansions. Blizzard can tout high box sales all they want, but they still see Diablo 3 as a write-off. Hence they’ve written it off.

Now if Blizzard do mess it up again I will have to put the Diablo franchise to rest. Many already have. The only losers are Blizzard if they listen to braindeads such as yourself.

Doesn’t really work like that because it still selling well for console and switch. Diablo 3 is a 7 years old game. At this point, pretty much everyone knows it is not D2 clone.

This is what D2 fans said for D3 too in 2012 and out of sudden, D3 sold 30 million. As I said before, either you guys aren’t very good in stopping D3 from keep making sales or you guys are just a minority.

Your definition of “most player base scorned” is just “I don’t like so others must have shared the same thought with me”.

Why do they make D3 and not D2 2nd expansion if D2 has such a huge following? Does this mean that D2 is a failed project too?

I can say the same thing to you.

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Why do you keep bringing up D2? I don’t give a crap about D2. D2 was basically made by a whole other company, Blizzard North - they are gone. It’s also extremely old and dated. Why would they make a D2 expansion?

D3 on the other hand was made by their own team. And it’s recent. Yet they cancelled a 2nd expansion and ceased all development on the game. Opting instead to create a new game that relies on selling expansions to generate income. Why did they not just stick with D3 and do the expansions plan on that do you think?

D3, such awesome success, that Blizzard abandoned it just a few years after launch.

Wyatt Cheng is one of the Blizzard North member.

Well, just as you said about D2 being old and dated. D3 is old and dated too, so it makes sense for them to create a new game too. Do you see how beautiful was D4 graphic compare to D3?

WoW is 15 years old. 2004. If they made WoW 2 the graphics would be massively superior. WoW is far older than D3. They’re still making expansions every year. D3 is far more recent. Had 1 expansion then was abandoned.

Want to know they keep releasing expansions for such an old game? Because they consider WoW a success.

Want to know why they abandoned D3 expansions in favour of making a new Diablo game with making expansions as the main income stream? Why didn’t they just make the expansions into D3 instead? Because they know fans hate D3 and they’d be wasting their time developing expansions for it compared to what they could earn if they won fans back first with a new game. They consider D3 a failiure.

They know the expansions plan won’t be very profitable if they attached it to D3, so they’re building a new game for the expansions plan instead.

Your argument falls to pieces.

Well, D2 has one expansion and then was abandoned too. So D2 must be a failure too in financial wise.

So you can accept that D2 for being old and dated, so no 2nd expansion but not for D3? There is no new expansion for SC2 and Warcraft 3 either, so I guess these games are a failure too?

You have no argument.

They want to monetize Diablo with expansions. But decided it wasn’t worth doing with D3. They abandoned all development on D3 and now their entire efforts are on the new game instead. How deeply must I explain this for you to get it? Must I write step by step instructions and how to understand the point?

Unlucky for you, Blizzard knows fans want to trade in Diablo games. Which is why, in the first ever D4 reveal, the Diablo 4 panel, one of the very first things they mentioned, in their headline opening, is that D4 has trading.

Now if you think they’d bring up trading as a headline feature, but then have trading be pointless so that it satisifies noone, then either you think Blizzard are morons or you are one.

They just simply shift their development on D3 to Diablo Immortal, which coincidentally looks like D3.

Back to the topic, I guess D2 is a failure too since they don’t bother to make 2nd expansion on it.

Yes, D4 has a limited trading. Sounds good to me.

They put half-assed trading just to please people like you. They said themselves that they want players to farm the gear with their own hands. You shouldn’t ignore that.

There’s a lot of reasons they don’t make expansions for D2; D2 being a failiure is not among them. It’s way too old to make expansions for and was created by a team who are no longer with Blizzard.

I’ve seen clearly what they said. They don’t want people to be able to buy all of the best gear in the game. But they also talked about end game stuff being tradable, just not all of it.

The main thing is that Blizzard want to win back players like me, who have given up on the franchise after D3. They arn’t going to win players back with a shallow trading system that was only made to ‘fool’ us into thinking trading was back. You can see the consequences of this on the forum already. Many are voicing strongly against any sort of bind on pick up. Bind on trade is a compromise more seem willing to accept.

I’m one of the more compromising types, willing to accept some bind on pick up items if there’s still plenty of room left for meaningful end game trading. Many on here i’ve seen are against any kind of bind on pick up full stop.

Perhaps you haven’t been playing attention. Blizzard said that the trading system is not set in stone, it can change. They want to make sure that players will be happy with it. They need to win back the fans who despise D3.

If many consider D4 a failed game, as they do D3, large profits from selling expansions is not going to happen. If fans decide this is another D3 and don’t play or stop playing, I wonder if Blizzard will even stick to their plan to release regular expansions. They’ll probably put the franchise on ice.

Expected reaction from you. You sing different tune when it comes to D2.

Then you are prepared to disappoint because I don’t see that they will remove the trading restriction. Remember when they said they won’t repeat the AH mistake? It is pretty implied that they won’t allow players to buy power. The one-time trade is pretty much hinted you what kind of direction that they are going to. You can be denial as much as you wanted, but when D4 is launched with the current trading method, those d2 players will still going to flock on it to play and then whine at the forum at the same time. If everyone actually lives up to what they said, Blizard would have died in 2012 ago.

This is what D2 said the same for Diablo 3 in 2012 and guess what? They are wrong. Diablo 3 somehow able to make up to 39 million sales.

Times have changed. Blizzard lost their status as the golden child game developer. Many old fans are not going to buy another D3 failiure.

And even among those who do buy it, most won’t stay if the game sucks anywhere near as much as D3. Which means their entire monotization plan of selling expansions goes out the window.

It’s like you’re not even reading fans responses to D4. Many already declare it to be Diablo 3.5 and another flop. Blizzard has probably 2 years to change their minds and they certainly won’t change their minds if the game continues to remind them of D3 with its boring bind on pick up gameplay.