Absolute truth. I can see Blizzard ending up very disappointed with the reception D4 receives if they don’t change course. It’ll end up like D3 is now, just a lot less sold copies because people won’t be fooled again after what happened with D3.
So we don’t need trading because D3 is boring and easy ?
That’s not true at all ! It even gives dedicated players more ways to increase their in game wealth, more value to less important/unused items, etc…
Yes, for those who bot. They adore trading, you are right.
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Trading in D4…
Not sure how you got that out of it. You don’t need trading in D3 because the point of legendaries being more common is you can find the one you need on your own, or reroll it, or craft it with the cube.
Diablo III doesn’t meet that criteria…
Forcing me to interact with people will turn me away from d4. I got over 8k hours played in D3, across pc, ps3, ps4 and switch. 99% solo, 1% couch coop. Socializing isn’t for introverts. Don’t force it.
Why don’t they just split trade players and solo self-found players like PoE does? I don’t get why this is still an issue.
Y’know what bugs me?
All the people that want their oh-so-important solo play… yet want trading.
Everyone does realize trading is interaction with other players, which you claim not to want, right?
PoE’s SSF mode doesn’t compensate players for the loss of trading. It just turns it off.
The entire point is that not using trading hurts and slows down your progress, so why would I want to voluntarily turn it off?
So you want to play SSF, but you’re going to complain about not progressing as fast as people that trade? I don’t get it. Why are you concerned about people progressing faster than you if you are playing solo anyway?
Considering they’re already planning on making the best items untradeable and the mid-tier things bind-on-trade, I think what trading is available should be easily accessible via an in-game trade ui. Skip the auction house and go with a trade center with buy and sell orders (GW2 style).
Games that have trading but outdated garbage in-game trade systems (like Path of Exile, Warframe etc) are extremely obnoxious. It just results in a third party site trade economy that’s less accessible and more annoying to use. If there’s trade, it should be easily and equally accessible in game for everyone.
They could even consider things like crafted consumables or cosmetics or whatever else so that trade isn’t all about gear. Not sure exactly what the end-game content is going to be, but maybe having some trade involving keys or maps or other additional things that felt right to have a more diverse economy. The worst part of the D3v economy was that it was about really boring stat increases on really boring items and that was it.
The D3v AH was never the real problem in the game, it was the trash item design and lackluster crafting system. The AH was never anything more than a scapegoat where people misdirected their anger caused my a massive number of fundamental design flaws in D3v. If you look at a game like PoE with more complex item design, much more complex crafting systems and other things to trade for like maps for the atlas, that kind of game would thrive with a decent in-game trading system despite the irrational position of the PoE devs.
TLDR: what trade we are getting should be easily accessible in the game via an in-game UI (possibly accessed at an in-game market place in an open world area rather than at a menu). Player to player trade without a more modern UI just leads to people using third party .market sites and leaves the players who don’t want to use them in a worse position than the players using them.
You are 100% against the success of Diablo 4, then. And you also have no clue what you are talking about. Trading does not automatically mean RMT, nor does it in any way mean Pay2Win. Idiots like you who aren’t even old enough to remember real games shouldn’t even be talking.
Mod Edit: Removing masked profanity.
You don’t think far enough. Open trading will allow you to buy items from 3rd party. Since this game was created in PvP in mind, it bounds to be Pay to Win eventually.
Or you can just farm items yourself. You don’t have to trade.
Farming and Crafting is not the same experience as trading.
Farming and Crafting does not encourage player base interaction.
I personally will get bored of Diablo 4 if unrestricted trading is not an integral part of its design. Blizzard already screwed over Diablo 3 by making drop rates stupid and practically “giving” away items every season to the point where it felt pointless to play as there was no “dopemene” rush when you actually found an awesome item. The whole feeling of getting rewarded was destroyed by hadrigs bags and 6+ drops of legs in each rift.
You literately had end game gear within 6 hours of playing the opening season.
It is these liberal philosophies that has resulted in the player base moving to PoE.
You cannot rid human nature out of the game when humans are the ones playing the game lol…
If you give players free stuff and take away the incentive to interact than there will be no interaction and people will get bored and leave. This is clearly evident at the start of every season. When season starts I could see 400+ bounty games 700+ rift games, etc… and 2 weeks later there are like maybe 30-50 bounty games and 70’ish rifts.
Where did they go? Back to Path of Exile lol…
There is clearly a way to ensure that trading can be unrestricted in Diablo 4 through the use of a “trading post”. This trading post can also be integrated into a website or a mobile application through the use of API’s.
A player in game anonymously posts a godly item to the trading post as well as a list of items he or she is looking for to trade it for. Other players anonymously post offers on the item available for trade. Let’s say for fits and shiggles, Player 1 is trying to trade the rune VEX for MAL and IST. The player can make such restrictions on the trade where you can only offer the two items needed. If players want to offer more they can. Such bigger offers would be ranked. For example, One player offers MAL and IST for the VEX and another player that really needs the VEX offers MAL, IST and UM.
The player that posted the VEX has the opportunity to view all offers ranked from best to worst and accept the best offer, in this case MAL, IST and UM When accepted the trade is executed on the back end seamlessly and the items are delivered to your stash and you are notified in game. All other trade offers are released back to the players that made the offer. All offers tie up the item to prevent traders from accepting trades where the trader no longer has the item to trade.
You can also post trades and accept trades using your mobile application on your phone of course or on a website. All 3 ways would work perfectly fine. This way you could trade at work or on the road and still stay immersed into the Diablo 4 trading economy.
Because this trading post is completely anonymous, there is no way to trade items for real money because websites that sell items for $$$ would have no way to identify you on the trading post and if you post 5 gold for VEX rune you’re never gonna get it.
Anywho those are just my thoughts on the situation.
But I never said I wanted to play SSF. That was your silly attempt at trying to shove everyone into 2 categories.
I have absolutely no problem with group/timed trading, the way D3 has it, for example.
Further, I don’t play solo - or rather, I will play solo but enjoy multiplayer much more.
I don’t care about others progressing faster. What I care about is that such progress is in part based around utilizing open trading, and I find trading to be a tedious exercise at best. I want to be playing the game, not advertising wares.
nice. enjoy your ban, troll.
Are you implying that if open trading is the game then you’ll be forced to trade? Are you unable to just not take part in such activities if you find it tedious? I don’t see any logic in excluding a heavily requested feature (which was a HUGE part of D2 btw) just because you are not interested in it. Not sure how that affects you if you don’t care about other players progress faster.