If Diablo 4 does not have player trading, I won't be buying it - Long time gamer and fan

Diablo 3 isn’t an MMO.


Do you not get the point? If rmt is such an evil that core systems should be gutted to prevent it, all of these mmorpgs would suck as a result.

No, D3 is not an mmopg, but it is very close, using many of the same systems. We’re not talking about changing D3 anyway. Blizzard is done with D3.

All of those MMOs have third-party grey market trading.
Have you never heard of WoW gold farmers?

3rd party black market trading/economy is a game’s items and gold, grey market is unauthorized distribution of the actual game.

The only way to prevent such actions would be for the game company to set the price of items and carefully monitor things… but that’s not something anyone wants, either.

Well you can finally end this post. They said it will have trading. I guess you can buy it.

Yey, I won, or we… :slight_smile:

Not quite.

They are considering making all the important stuff by be bind on pickup.

They know people want trading. But if they add it in a way that it’s not useful, players will see right through it. Blizzard is asking for feedback from players on it because want to get it right.

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There is no useful way to add trading.

Trading always creates anti-grinding practices.

If the people who design an aRPG grinding game can NOT understand this, they are designing the wrong type of game.

If players can NOT understand this, it is okay.


As I have posted elsewhere, trading is fine if there is no way that makes it too easy to focus on. An auction house is what makes trading too easy. So have trading, but no auction house. That way most items never end up being traded anyway, because the vast majority of people can’t be bothered with sitting around trying to trade every half decent drop they get.

With an auction house, literally every half decent item ends up for sale and traded on the auction house. The opposite is true if there is no auction house and the only way to trade is meeting up and face to face.

I am so glad that D4 doesn’t have open trading like D2. With this kind of change, I will certainly buying D4 now. Muahahahahahahaa.

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There is no IF. The moment one could acquire something for less of its real value is the moment the grinding becomes not meaningful.

Trading kills dedicated players. It is good for casuals, whales, scammers, third-party businesses. Some regular players like it, other don’t.

The reason trading exists in D4 is they want to make more money short term from selling copies to casual players who like trading. This however will kill their dedicated players in a game that is a grinding game in its core. And killing that type of players just that casuals are happy they can trade apples and oranges is a wrong approach long term.


So in conclusion of this thread; we wont be buying the game. They confirmed on Rhykkers stream there won’t be open trading like there was in D2…Still soulbound crap and time limits…

Diablo 3.5

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Trading being good for casuals is exactly why trading is needed. A whole ton of players are casual.

There are many other ways to make casual players happy without trading. It’s just that trading is some kind of a norm. It’s like selling a car with a parktronic system. Casual drivers look for it in each new car they buy without realizing there could exist an AI for that making the parktronic system obsolete.

It’s easier to sell something people already know than try to learn the players new fun activities having more positive social effect than trading.

Anyway, heavy monetization with expansion packs and MTXs coupled with PvP and trading is all done to maximize profits short term until D5. And so on… Proper design is replaced by greed. But that is what we get in a capitalist world.

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Trading isn’t good for casuals, though. Casuals put in less time and therefore are unlikely to get great drops they can use or trade. They don’t have extra time to waste outside the game playing the market, either. They also won’t ever be able to dictate prices, and will most likely have to take a hit in either buying or selling.

No, trading benefits the people able to throw all their time into the game because they can amass drops, overcome RNG, and play the market.

Casuals aren’t wholly excluded from making use of trade, but trade is just like any other system based on RNG - the more time you throw at it, the better your results.


Everyone is crying about how trading promotes botting and real money spending. All they have to do is control hacking, trading is part of what makes a diablo game fun. If you control the hacking noone is gonna be selling items by legit farming unless your loot is raining from the sky like diablo3. Do what diablo2 did and just stop the botters.

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If thats true then they fail big time - the current smart loot system in D3 is the biggest bs ive ever seen implemented in a game.

Hello Blizz ? What about true item rarity and open trade ? Did you still not learn that being fully equipped in a matter of hours counters the concept of “Diablo the loot hunt game” ?? Revert that decision and make Diablo 4 an ARPG again, not an “whoppa; played 6 hours and now fully gg equipped” arcade racer.

Else it will be like in D3; people play season journey, finish, instantly get bored and leave. No satisfaction without true item rarity and open trade. ^^


Most of that has less to do with open trade and item rarity and more to do with the fact that specific items are absolutely required to make builds function.

Yeah we already know you are a blizzard shill. I don’t know how much $$ blizzhoax is paying you but stop trying to convince ppl over your agenda.