If Diablo 4 does not have player trading, I won't be buying it - Long time gamer and fan

I meant it cripples the game as in they had to buff drop rates enormously so that people could gear without trading pretty much. Just play for 10 minutes and you’ll get 10 legendary items! How exciting! Nobody in this game has a problem gearing because they made the drop rates stupidly high.

D3 is like the COD of ARPG’S. I’ll just leave it at that. Nobody is trolling. I get you guys love D3 because it’s meant for casuals, but some of us still care about the franchise and were massively disappointed with D3.


And the green angel wings for completing all the set dungeons and the demon ones for mastery in all set dungeons and the falcon wings that are in a chest in act 4 somewhere and the wings that you could get for completing chapters 1-4 in some seasons and the wings you got last season for completing seasons
Oh wait you have to buy those too because you need to buy the game and play it to get them

I don’t get the hate for trading from certain people. I get the issues with it, probably more bots, buying items, etc. but it’s up to you if you let that ruin your experience. Diablo started as a game where you could trade, it gives us something to do, a reason to communicate and interact with other players even. it adds another dimension to the game. For me it’s a no-brainer…


Translation: Leave the trolling to Keyblade and Ironman. These two utterly clueless posters yap about a game they have barely played, calling it P2W because it has one of the oldest features of ARPGs implemented in it :).
Some amazing <90 IQ logic being thrown around.


HELL no. I’m sorry, but nobody but me, my adult self should be making those decisions. I don’t need someone telling me “that’s enough for today”. That’s just plain NOPE. I’m a dad and have a full time job, and if I get a day where I can binge play, I do. But there should ABSOLUTELY NOT be a limit per day. Again, I say HELL no. With all due respect.


Well, as long as there isn’t ID verification such thing won’t come since you could simply switch the account.

Well, 1 out of 3 ain’t bad.

Spoiler: Crafting


Sorry, that’s not true.

You, of course made a slow progress if you didn’t trade but you could do the game without trading, it was even OK’ish. With Sorc for sure. You only had to MF the sht out of Mephisto, Andy maybe, Act 4, Pindle, bla bla bla. Eventually, you found better gear and you could complete all of the acts yourself. Elemental immunes were a btch of course but you could skip them or fish for better layouts.

Trading is never mandatory. Look at people playing PoE SSF, they don’t give a rats a*s about trading.


@TardarSauce Please fix your post so it doesn’t look like I was the one who said that. I never said that! Thanks. :smiley:

Fixed! Sorry about that! Was replying on mobile :sweat_smile:

Forgive me for not taking your word as truth and having empirical evidence to the contrary, IE I played the game.

If you look at their SSF mode, you’ll notice most people go for more generic builds that don’t rely on specific items as much. Which is of course their only recourse in a game mode that doesn’t allow trade and has as many items as PoE does.

Besides which, if trading is in the game there’s no guarantee you ever find anything worthwhile to trade. I never did in vanilla D3.

I would much prefer a system comprised of events, quests, tradeskills, etc that allowed you to build toward what you wanted.

Trading can have its place, but I don’t want trading to be central to the experience. In your description of playing without it there’s no doubt that you’re making it harder for yourself by not utilizing it.


I am talking about PoE’s in game store not some third party website. Heck by that logic all games would be pay to win because all of the really popular ones will have third party websites selling something. So you idea of third party sites doesn’t make the in game cash shop of PoE a pay to win.

Also I was talking only about the in game cash shop of PoE not the entire game which is something entirely different.

There is more to trading in games like this one than just enabling it. The itemization system would have to get overhauled before trading could be supported. Along with other areas that would need to be overhauled in order to have a trading system that would work.

There would have to be three things that would need to be overhauled before trading can be enabled in a game like this one or D4.

  1. Character progression system: A system of progression that includes spending points. Where the points that you spend is what makes your build instead of gear making your build.
  2. Itemization: Here gear will only enhance your build instead of making it like it is now in this game. Plus you would have to have alternative pieces to BiS gear for every slot that are easier to find or craft.
  3. No infinite difficulty and progression: Having an end is a good thing. That is because it allows more builds to be able to handle the toughest content in the game. Sure some weaker builds will struggle some but they will indeed be able to clear it.

Oh now game companies that cannot put an end to third party sites support them. That makes no logical sense and you know it.

Also for something to be pay to win. What do you win for getting godly gear faster. Do you get a special prize for being the first to beat the toughest fight in the game? Not that I am aware of so since you don’t get anything special then it isn’t pay to win.


so I have to play the way you want to have play, and no I’m not frightened by other people. yes 1 part of the leaderboards is multiplayer but there is a solo leaderboard that is taken up by the people who play 98% of their time in group then do the 2% time do a couple of solo leaderboard runs get to get that high spot.
If someone want to do group play then they can, when they want to chill and play solo they can just log on to another character in the solo region. You just do not like having to work for the spot on the leaderboard when it is a fair run, and thank god your not a games designer too because you would be 1 that made all game play group!
Yes go get trigger because you just can not see anyone else point of view.

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U mean D2 and D3 is not mindless? lol

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I too played this game and I reckon by your “evidence” more than you.

I don’t know what kind of evidence did you make up there in your head, but people easily beat this game solo, without trading, or even better in single player on PLAYERS8 mode which, I don’t have to explain what it does? :slight_smile:

I and my friends have completed this game many times in our childhood and in the past single player without duping or using hero editors, jamellas or something like that, SOLO. (Hell 8players mode is hard, I don’t expect you to do it, but it is possible).

Please, install that game, create a char and truly try to beat it, I believe in you, you will. Some chars are better for this task some are worse, pick whatever you will.


That is only how you start, and quite frankly, all that is needed. 50-60 hours into the league, I usually have a 6 link of the chest I want as well as 1-2 other top priority items simply from farming Divination cards.

PoE simply does itemization right, and makes a mode like SSF great, and I would love it if D4 had the same mode.

Players clearly want it, I so no reason not to include it tbh! Same with having a form of economy for those that want to trade. The more options there are, the better appealing the game will be. That is how D3 should have been to pull in a multiverse of fans, no this legendary pinata that we are playing atm that removed all player choice. Do not get me wrong, I think D3 is a solid 8/10 and I still play to this day, but man oh man it could have been legendary!


Involving real money trading is what took a wrecking ball to the auction house to begin with. If we can only trade in the gold collected from the game there would be no issue. Trading is healthy for the game and an economy is definitely needed. D2 had a nice touch also in the fact that you could gamble with a merchant and recieve items for an inflated cost. That would be nice to see back in D4.


Trading > Advanced Crafting


I am uninstalling D4 if no trading is allowed.


Path of Exile has a million things a player can do, which creates a economy of specialization (nothing in Diablo III comes even close). Players become adept at doing one thing and then they go to the market and trade their equipment and crafting another player is good at specializing at.