If D4 makes you choose a Side : Humanity, Heaven or Hell?

The only fool is the one threatening. I didn’t even talk to you about pvp. I think you might need a therapist.

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I like to stay true to that feel, that you are just a human fighting against all odds, for the safty of mankind and survival of Sanctuary. So if I had to choose, i’d choose human.

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Go ahead, quote where in my post about a pvm mechanic, you say that I’m saying it’s a pvp mechanic

I’m waiting

Ps: gonna wait a long time cuz i dont

Finally something worth PvP’ing over.


If there are factions it will obviously have to be optional.

It’s not even a matter of being optional, my suggestion isn’t even about pvp lol… it’s a pvm faction system haha

I didn’t say anything to you about factions being optional either.

Not necessarily. One can join a faction to fight PVE only, and the faction will benefit from it; and so players can compete each other in this passive way, similar to a classic ladder competition.

Normal PVP never worked and will never work properly in an ARPG.

Yep, exactly

I don’t get how he derives forced pvp from a suggestion that doesn’t talk about it

The faction rivality in my suggestion gets settled in pvm through dungeons and fortress sieges/overtaking

I proposed this for the Diablo MMO, Humanity, Heaven and Hell. Back when it was on the table.

It’s the best and only scenario that makes sense for that game

Great ideas. I rly like it.

But Inarius would be not the angel side. He is crazy and a betrayer of the heaven…

I would choose 4 trag oul side, killing all enemies not matter if they are demons, angels or stranger nephalems/humans.

Probably i will kill more demons as angels, because demons looks cooler (want to play xk - xxk hours the game; how different angels can looks?)

Trang Oul not trag oul

Firstly, NOT a HE, so thanks for that ridiculous assumption.

Going purely from my own experience in gaming, every game I have played which utilizes faction mechanics has had forced pvp to some degree. Whether it be by pvp zones, events, etc. I have not yet seen one game which hasn’t. I can see dungeon runs being PvM, however the fortress siege/capture would imply that the other faction can bring in its own forces in defense.

I would be fine with your suggestion on certain conditions. The account cannot be locked into only one faction, otherwise we are screwed out of 2/3 of the storyline. There can be no faction blocking of people from other factions grouping together, and no friendly fire allowed. And of course, the no forced PvP bit.

i wish that choice of factions and choosing who to support was in the second expansion of diablo 3… i had many, many, daydreams of choosing to back the demons, betraying everyone for power (but, at least unlike adria, you didnt kill anyone to make that choice) and fighting Tyrael as the final boss in an awsomely difficult fight.

Humanity, look how far you’ve fallen. Lining up in the sweltering heat for hours, huddling together in the dark like beasts.

The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for a place in this chamber, in this meager palace of Sanctuary.

You should’ve let me rule you when you had the chance. Yet here you are. Your ears yearn for untold stories. Your eyes crave unseen sights. Your imaginations ache and hunger.


I’m gonna go with the Hellz on this one.

It’s interesting that in D3 the set is called Trag 'Oul, but in D2 it’s Trang-Oul. And now an arguement can begin, who f-ed up. XD

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In that graph it shows that 20% of Action RPG players are female. So, if you default to assuming another poster on the D3 forums is male, you’ll be right 80% of the time.

So, is it such a ridiculous assumption if, 4 times in 5, it’ll be a correct assumption?


hahaha, are u joking?
u have to learn more, small padawan.

The official lore book (of cain) calls him:

The official sinwar trilogy calls him

The inofficial wiki https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Trag%27Oul calls him:

But now u come to me and want to teach me that i have to use the N?
Nice try. A dragons name can be spelled different about the centurys.

U are not precisely, both names (with and without ,n’) are right. Meanwhile he/it has some other nicknames too.

Why Trang-Oul over Trag-Oul? Why is there even 2 spelling?

The real and original name is Trang-Oul, thats what its been called in Diablo 2https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Trang-Oul%27s_Avatar since its first time we saw the name

In reality, Trag-Oul is a typo… lol

In the Game manual, the person who was in charge of it Typod " Trag-Oul" missing the “n”. Remember that we are in 2000, those are paper pamphlets https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/GLAAAOSww0tf2T1v/s-l300.jpg that come with the game. But was Trang-Oul ingame and never got changed, showing its their willing spelling

Later the person they hired to write the Sin war novels probably never played Diablo 2 and just looked at the player manual and saw Trag-Oul and assumed it was right

So they wrote the whole sin wars novels by copying a Typo… they printed physical novels with Typos. Blizzard being Blizzard, instead of admitting and Owning their error, decided to embrace it and Typo it as well in Diablo 3

Its like if The person in charge of writing LOTR movie Script referred to the blurb (back of the book) and Bilbo was mispelled “Dild0” and he then proceeded to write the whole movie as “Dild0 the hobbit” https://i.gifer.com/TRGU.gif

So in the end, Trang-Oul is the real name and i hope Blizzard has enough respect to the source material to revert it back to its original spell for Diablo 4 especially if it plays an important role. D4 Devs said they wanted to learn from past mistaken and go back to the root, this would be a nice start haha


“Trang-Oul’s” is the proper name for this set despite what the manual might say or other spellings you might have seen.

So basically by defending Trag Oul,you are not only wrong but you are also defending Blizzard’s lack of respect for the original material and innability to admit they did an error

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