If Blizz North never died&kept updating D2, it’d be ruined?

… >.>

you realize the main reason people are against change is because its no longer done by blizzard north… its done by the people who made D3… the people who made “real names” RMAH, “dont you guys have phones”

would i trust blizzard north to changes they game… yes… yes i would…
do i trust Activision blizzard to change they game? no… i not certainly do not.

for a while they earning my trust back, but they lost it again as soon as they said they were trying to import the old dclone method.

i mean the point if not changing something is to not break it… “dont touch whats not broken…”

the dclone method… IS broken if imported “as is” to a system with no duped SOJ and u cant see the server ip on… both of which we dont have. and BOTH are needed for the old system to function.

so by not changing it… they ARE breaking it.