If all the purists threatening

to get refunded if the game changes do actually get refunded, what is a huge pool of players who want a vibrant, lively, well maintained Diablo 2 experience.

This would only be good for Blizzard in 20201 IMO.


Theyā€™re going to release the game without any changes. (other than graphics, shared stash and gold pickup) If there are any other changes, they will come after we get a few seasons under our belt.

Since they will have played the game during that time, no refunds.


What is the point of this thread? Start more arguments? Because what you said makes zero sense.
Everyone wants a bot free, lively with active players, well maintained Diablo 2 experience, Diablo 2 being the key words there.


Threads like this make me wonder about the kind of community that is going to be in this game. I donā€™t think itā€™s going to be anything like it was originally. Sadly.


You mean like the original community that popped bodies, bm pk, found every exploit possible and used them?
Swapped trades like rattlecage from tal rashas
Constantly belittled anyone and everyone that had a diff opinion?
Is literally the reason for bots and map hacks ext?

That community?
Yeah god forbid.

Weā€™re you around for the start?


Actually they are looking at bug fixes as well, specifically ones that donā€™t benefit the player.

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I would hope so! Iā€™d love to play the Necro with an iron golem again without having to worry about him vanishing with the nice item I made him from. :smiley: Sure itā€™s an avoidable issue with enigma, or if you babysit where your golem is all of the timeā€¦

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Yeah I hope they fix things like the bug on fend. Believe it or not I have seen purists against that one even though.

That was a VERY small part of the player base that acted like that.

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We differ on opinion.

Was it though? That was my experience with the D2 community. Those actions are why I personally played only solo or with friends. Randoms always sucked. Iā€™m not even saying this is an issue exclusive to D2, because it isnā€™t. I am just saying that the community for D2 has always been shady in my opinion.

The developers literally stated over and over they wanted ressurected to stay as ā€˜true and accruateā€™ to the original game as possibleā€¦

The only feedback they want on the game is if itā€™s too ā€˜differentā€™ from the original game.

They literally talk about the main pillars for their development being staying ā€˜TRUEā€™ to the game.

I donā€™t understand why you D3 players are so set on going against the D2 player base and developers who are making this gameā€¦


Then staying true to the game is allowing bots and mods

Both have been in d2 probably as long if not longer then the age of quite a few people commenting here

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Lmao, good luck convincing the devs to allow botting just because youā€™re upset that the D2 remaster is going to remain true to D2 and not whatever mod you play. You can keep complaining on the forums while the people who have kept playing D2 all this time continue to do so long after you lose interest and quit again regardless of what changes are and arenā€™t made.


The online and ingame community has always been a toxic barrens chatā€¦

Something tells me youā€™re the newb who was fooled twice.

The entire development team has stated multiple times they will not change the game. period. Not pre-release, not post-release. They stated their main goal is to keep the game as close to the original as humanly possible with little to no changes beyond cosmetic. They even stated they were very hesitant to add the auto gold pick up feature and that they added a toggle-off button just to ā€œappease the puristsā€. You know the purists, right? The people the game was made for as stated by the developers themselves.



Good pointā€¦

If youā€™re talking to me you read that wrong.

Iā€™ve also probably played this game as long or longer then you

If you didnā€™t get scammed in d2 did you actually play???

Something tells me by your comment you may be a part of the problem :man_shrugging:

This is not factually accurate. Blizzard stated that additional changes may be incorporated based on player feedback. One possibility includes balance changes. See:

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