I walked into my local grocery store today

Auto pickup of gold is hardly a game breaking change. I welcome it because of all of the piles of gold I have to pick up to get a better look at loot piles. I’ll still have to sift through the megapiles of potions. Plus it will be nice to scoop up the two side rooms on Forgotten Tower 5 now. :slight_smile:

Shared stash is just something that was needed that wasn’t possible back when the game was first released. It will make it a lot nicer to stash the runes in the global for ALL of my characters to have access to the runes I have stashed and not have to go to a mule, drop on ground, switch characters and potentially lose it because of a power outage or whatever.

Both welcome changes IMO.

I explained this in a different thread and well as broke down how corporate companies operate. You are absolutely correct. The developers clearly had no part in that survey. It is so blatantly obvious they erred on the side of caution for every change they every considered making. The way Andre spoke about the game, it is apparent he played a lot of it.


misscheetah does not work for blizzard. blizzard is also a multi billion dollar company with dozens of high-ups demanding things. So theres way higher of a chance the survey was sent out because someone else demanded it VS the D2R devs themselves wanting it to go out. literally over half the changes in the survey were directly said NO during the D2R deep dive. keep dreamin dude.


This is the second time this is getting explained to you. I suppose you didn’t read a single word I said breaking down how corporate structure works?

Would I take the word of a Blizzard MVP who knows about the existence of their Global Intelligence and User Research Teams or someone who is just assuming things about corporations in general?

I do agree with you that someone in senior leadership almost certainly signed off on the survey.

You can dismiss other forum posters. Irrespective of what you think, Chris Lena is a Blizzard employee and the lead D2R producer and he has said that the designers have a list of additional changes that they would love to do if the players want them.



Don’t think I’d combine ARPG and ‘competition’ together. >.>

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My assumption, and that is all either of us are going off of, is that it was sent by whoever is leading Marketing with a quick review from a lead developer (doubtful anymore than 1).

Now how much have the devs kicked around those ideas or not is 100% unknown to any of us. They play games as well and have personal preferences that they’d likely love to justify. Again… I think any real changes, even minor balance ones I want, we would see prior to a post-release patch/update.

I don’t think that will stop the guy making a list of bugs for the devs to fix in D2.

Some people can’t help ruining the game.

I seriously have my doubts about D2R being an upgrade in graphic’s mainly with D2 left the same being live a year from now.

you shouldn’t take the word of ANYONE in the forums smart guy. lmfao. Dear god i can’t believe you just justified using a forum users advice as if it was somehow evidence of anything. You should use common sense about how corporations work because that’s as close as any of us will have to real proof. But if you’ve ever worked in a very large company before with multiple heads of departments, you’d know that theres almost no chance the D2R devs wanted this survey done considering their own words at blizzcon mere weeks ago. Watch the D2R deep dive, listen to the words of the D2R devs themselves, they don’t want change bud. They’ve said it plainly.

I saw an interview of the devs literally saying there are things they would like to do.

I feel like people are hearing just what they want to hear and not listening to the words the devs actually said.


Or they are interpreting a single use of the word “change” outside of what was explicitly discussed in the video to mean; “this means I can get whatever I want”.

I however did hear the devs say staying true to the core of Diablo 2. Which the people against personal loot clearly feel this is a core change. None of the personal loot advocates are refuting that it isnt a core change, its just something you want.


There are even transcripts of the interviews with Blizzard D2R folks who explicitly state what we have been talking about. It is not simply a minimalist remaster. They are open to more changes if players want them. Th designers themselves have things that they would love to do.

I am. Even Brevik said changing to personal loot would not be a fundamental change to D2.


Actually I am absolutely refuting it’s a core change, as I’ve stated for about a month now. I don’t believe FFA loot is core to the game at all.


It’s more like a team of scientists are genetically modifying ugly fruit that’s a little sour and trying to decide which genes to change. You’re saying just make it look better and don’t mess with the rest, it’s perfect. Another scientist says yes but people like sweeter apples this one is a bit sour. If we just change the sweetness it will still be a fruit but it will appeal to more people. You’re saying no because that’s not what you personally want.


What you just said supports my analogy though? You are talking about genetic modification. Are you about to tell me genes of living things are not core to their identity?

You mean the same person that wanted Diablo 1 to be a turn based game and voted against it turning into the ARGP we all know and love? Yeaaaaa… I dont really care if that guy thinks personal loot wouldn’t change the core of the game. Still glad they made the game though! But if you want to bring up what David Brevik wanted, we would be playing Diablo The Gathering.


If that’s how you feel then you would not accept a graphical update or a stash size change.


You, me, everyone and their grandmother know that those changes do not even come close to a loot change. Let’s not pretend we don’t :slight_smile:.


As an MTG player for 25 years, you have no idea how awesome that actually sounds.

I believe shared stash to be about equal to the option for personal loot, gameplay wise.

There’s no power creep issue, there’s no economic advantage.

It’s not a big change like charm inventory or skill/ item buffs.

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Sorry brother, you should not have bought a game you do not even like.