I Played The Diablo IV Demo Eight Times Today

Dude, there have been evidences of that. Google-search “Jay Wilson” and it’s all there.

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So diablo is now a MMO and you are excited…this company has no idea what they are doing…

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I’m aware of Jay Wilson, a WoW game designer saying f David Brevik.

It doesn’t mean the D3 team hated Diablo 2. Most of them played thousands of hours of D2.

They wanted to make their own game and thought a World of Warcraft direction was the better path. It doesn’t mean they “hated” Diablo 2 though.

A game with even one MMO element converts it entirely into an MMO? Okay…

… Why? People play for hours on end, and you can’t spare 10 minutes?

I will remain skeptical because I remember how Diablo 3 was presented and then on release many of the promised/shown things were tossed. This may be a largely different team but it is still Blizzard/Activision so I will refuse to be enticed again.

World Bosses I don’t like. I have a possible solution to such a thing but most likely it would be a core mechanic of an entirely different type of ARPG. Main issue for me in seeing D4’s example is that it will simply end up being too crowded with characters clipping into each other and so on and so forth.

edit: Lost Ark is an example of what D4 is trying to achieve (though perhaps far less flashy/spammy).

My point was that if it took 10 people 10 minutes to take down a boss, it will be next to impossible to do it solo… I like to play Diablo on my own - having other players running around ruins the immersion and atmosphere for me. Being alone, lost, and hopeless is what Diablo is about, not hacking at a boss for 10 minutes with a bunch of others. If I wanted that, I would play WoW.

Then you need to be playing the fully single player RPGs, and not a series that has had multiplayer capability since the onset.

There is a difference between multiplayer capability and forced multiplayer. I played D1 and D2 entirely solo, I play D3 mostly solo. That’s not an option in an MMO.

I’m not against MMO in principle - each to their own - I just don’t understand why we need it in Diablo when Blizzard already has that in WoW.

1)Bring back hostile where you can hostile anyone in a game.

2)A lobby where you can join and hang out and see everyone’s players

3 trade channels etc where you can post items you wish to trade for a specific item or if you just wanna chill with your friends go create a channel so you guys can talk like you could in Diablo 2!

4)make all items except soulbound items like character specific items tradeable via in game trades (through public or private games or even using the trade channels)

  1. please make legendaries and set items like (tal Rashas) in Diablo 2 have a very rare drop percent 1%. Remember how hard it was to get a windforce or even a godfather in Diablo 2? Please make it extremely hard to get these items, as owning these in Diablo 2 made you far superior as you put in the work and grind!!

  2. please bring back magic find items where you had to actually farm and grind to get the best of the best weapons such as legendaries and set items!

  3. please make Diablo 4 have a max of 8 players , not only does it make it way more sociable your bringing back the original Diablo feels which were lost over the years with the garbage Diablo 3 release.

  4. what made Diablo 2 amazing and still amazing today with a reasonable player base on us east is the fact it had public and private games. Basically if you wish to run a specific dungeon to level quicker you could, or could join a game specific to your trading needs and make a trade based on the game name.

  5. 8 player PvP was honestly the best thing I’ve ever experienced in the Diablo series. There’s a reason why diablo2 is still active…

Please blizzard read and understand this is what needs to change and to make Diablo GREAT again. I’ve been a fan of Diablo for over 20 years but the release of Diablo 3 for me honestly ruined any expectations I have for the new diablo 4. Please make Diablo great again!

The only “forced multiplayer” we’re aware of to my knowledge is world bosses. Ignore them and you’re fine.

I fully expect everything else to be balanced on a scale of “1 to Whatever,” allowing solo players run off and enjoy themselves.

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One mmo element? Have you ever played a mmo? This is as MMO as an MMO can get. The only thing missing are emotes.

emotes will be in lootboxes

True! But when they stated “its not coming out soon not even Blizzard soon” A D2 remastered would defiantly help with D4’s development. It would give the development team time to put the work in and achieve something that has been lost to Blizzard, developing games they want to play instead of making money from their player base. In my opinion I don’t think a remastered D2 would take anything away from D4.

Well, first off, you’re acting like they can produce D2 on a short timetable. I think if that were the case, they would have done it already.

Secondly, I’m pretty sure they ARE putting the time in, which is why they’ve cautioned us that D4 is nowhere near a release.

Well, of course it would. You should notice that Blizzard doesn’t have duplicate games in the same genre, and if they’re making D4 in the same vein as D2 then you’ll need a significant time investment in order to get to max level and gear out a character. This means that if D2 and D4 are released anywhere near the same time people will have to choose between them.

A few replies after returning home, reading all comments and digesting a bit:

  • First off, I stand by and still feel extremely optimistic about Diablo IV. I spent quite a bit of time chatting with the Art Director, Director and misc members of the team at a private event. They have a deep reverence for D1/D2 and they have made it clear that is their goal to reflect the mood, atmosphere and gameplay mechanics. Unless some corporate suit derails this, I’m stoked.

  • After playing more, Ashava, the huge world boss, only took a 3-6 mins to beat after everyone got more used to the mechanics. I loved the fight and the loot dropped. In NO way did this make it feel like a forced MMO or negative in any aspect. As a preferred single player type of guy, I had no issues with any MP aspects in the demo. I think it’s a perfect mix of single player with OPTIONAL MP components.

  • I hate Season Passes, DLC, microtransactions, etc in general. That being said, I know monetization will come and if it does, I wouldn’t have any issues with cosmetic only a la Path of Exile. I do have a problem with $20 mounts and that sort of rip off.

  • I finished every quest, every dungeon, every boss, and explored every inch of the demo. I loved it overall. I have no problems with the open world aspect besides it just being not “wide open” enough to explore vast stretches of land. I don’t want linear little paths that funnel us into certain areas.

  • Diablo: Immortal was WAY better this year than last. Also, if it would have been announced this year instead of last, as a supplement to DIV, I think it would be well received. It’s stunning for a mobile only title and I think will help scratch the itch a bit until DIV hits. It’s still similar to DIII but also feels like a fresh adventure or possible 2nd Expansion to DIII.

  • Speaking of helping scratch the itch, IMHO, there is no reason NOT to release DII Remastered. DIV is such a long way off, why not keep the excitement going? DII Remastered would only keep the Diablo excitement fire burning, not detract from it.

  • In the end, I’m optimistic but also realistic. I do have major concerns about DIV. I have a feeling it won’t release for another 4-6 years from comments I’ve heard. That really sucks for a team so large. I also have concerns about patches, content, etc at a slow stream a la Diablo III. The team needs to be more efficient and agile. Also, I remember seeing DIII in the early days and being STOKED. The final release was a hollow shell of what was originally presented. If the full game is anything like the demo though, I am 110% in.


Ture! I completely agree on that point, if they are released around the same time yes, it would make players choose between D2 or D4. But considering that they have stated that this game isn’t going to be released “soon, not even Blizzard soon” I don’t think that it would have a major effect D4, but that is all determined on what they mean by “not even Blizzard soon” as far as a release date for D4. Considering that the demo was a minor portion of the game we can only speculate on how much time they have put in and how much time they need to complete the game. I can only assume that at best we will see the game release by 2022. But that’s assuming what they mean by “not even Blizzard soon” it could mean 1 to 2 year or 2-4 years. If they were to release a D2 remaster at the end of this year (which I already know they wont) they would still have about 3 years to work with. But either way and for the sake of arguments a D2 remaster isn’t possible as the data is to old and if they would try they could lose some if not most of the information. Its just not possible to do a D2 remaster.

looking forward to play my happy diablo!

this has my full support !

first time I see this. I think Brevik is a nice clever guy. why hate him?

Sure Diablo 1 and 2 was not 100% done right because they knew everything it was luck. But why disregard it when it worked?