I Played The Diablo IV Demo Eight Times Today

Yep. If Diablo IV was coming next year, there is no way they could release DII Remastered anytime soon. That being said, I am 99% sure, sadly, DIV isn’t coming for 4-6 years. That leaves plenty of room/space for Immortal and D2 Remastered in the mean time.

Realistically though, Blizzard doesn’t release anything fast… except for WoW expansions. We still don’t have a release date or even time frame for Immortal or Warcraft III: Reforged. I HOPE that we see these games soon but my gut says, we won’t get any of these titles for quite some time :frowning:

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If D4 does take 4-6 years from now, it’ll have a “dead on arrival” connotation about it.

18 months to 2 years is much more reasonable.

If it’s not coming “Soon” or even “Blizzard Soon”, it’s not 18 months to 2 years out. They said they are in the early phases and have stressed that multiple times.

Blizzard Soon is anywhere from now to the end of time. It is never associated with any length of time; the whole point is that it’s open ended.

The reason they said that was to shut down any talk of a release date.

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Fair enough. We’ll see but history speaks for itself: WoW expansions are the only titles than come out on a fast, regular basis. Every other title has taken several years to release after announcement, not months or even a couple years.

Apples and oranges. WoW expansions build on top of what’s already there and generally worked on 2 year cycles whereas new titles start from the ground up.

If it’s anything to go by, Overwatch took about 18 months from announcement to release.