I know what you're thinking

Yes,I know you guys think the new build of DH is too strong.
You wanna nerf this build.
You have some standar that 5000 paragon to GF 130 is a acceptable build.
But,if you do’nt notice.
There are many players go back to S21.
There is something far more important than the balance of no-players game.That is the game must be interesting.
GOD build is one of the best build in past seasons.
You kills monsters all the time instead of walking around like a idiot just waiting for the “convetion of elements”.
The Smoothness of this build makes GR thousands of times not so boring.
So what you guys should do is not to nerf the GOD build,but make other classes more fun as like as the GOD build in D3.
Create more not less Plz.


Double bounty caches…



you mean robots? :rofl:
I mean the players in GF.

the new DH build was fun for a little while, then it was just extremely boring to hold down right click and annoying to cast hungering arrow once in awhile


Asia server is bot central. You’ll be lucky to get only ONE bot per round.

And then you get those stupid strafing DH bots that get stuck and spin nonstop in a tiny area.

I don’t believe anyone really thinks the GoD is overpowered. It does however have a small problem, a lot of its power comes from using Devouring Arrow rune which makes all other Hungering Arrow runes and also other skills nonideal choices. When people talk about nerfing GoD, they actually mean more of “a power shift”.

Check this:

Cutting down the effectiveness of Devouring Arrow and buffing the set itself would shift the power to more balanced state, making other GoD variations more viable.


Because support heroes with effectively zero damage can solo a GR150 in under 10 minutes with the season theme’s weather effects and not get banned because Blizzard’s officially stated position is that the theme is “working as intended”?


This new set is garbage. It is designed to be braindead easy to play, and it is also extremely overpowered. This is bad design. There is a reason everyone and their dog plays it, you join a public game, at least 2 players are either Demon Hunters with GOD or Barbarians with Rend build. Basically i rarely encounter anything else. You know why? Both builds play the same, you hold right click, move around the map fast, and occasionally press the other buttons a little. Even a 2 year old could learn to play those builds, it is not hard to hold the right mouse button indefinitely and moving the mouse around. Yet Blizzard has allowed those builds to reach very high GRs easily, while other builds struggle even though they can be much more complex to play.

You say this is “fun”? Yeah, if you are a low skilled person and still want to reach the leaderboards just by spending time doing the same repetitive right click holding over and over again, or you are a bot software developer and you prefer powerful builds that are simple to play so your job becomes easier, then yeah, it is “fun”. For any other person who needs some stimulation and some complexity, it is not fun. I can’t see how just strafing across the map and deleting everything can be fun, or how you can just whirlwinding non stop across the map can be fun (you don’t even have to press a key to apply rend, Blizzard took care of that too so it gets applied automagically, no biggy). This is boring to most regular players, which i suspect is one of the reasons everyone wants this season to end. Everyone is playing those spin/strafe to win builds, those are boring to death after some hours.

This set definitely needs a nerf. Extremely easy to play sets shouldn’t be the most powerful sets in the game. Or else, make pet builds OP GR150 too Blizzard, and not pet builds like the necro rathma mages set which needs the micro of a starcraft player to perform, while you allow GOD to be played by toddlers. OK?


If you think you can reach high GR clearance with WW/Rend just by holding down the right mouse button, you’re wrong. Ever watched a high level clear? Did you notice how much ancient spear / mob gathering was involved?

True, Ambo’s Pride auto-applies Rends, but those Rends do not benefit from Area Damage, only manually applied Rends do. That means in any high level clearance, the Barb will be weaving in manual casts of Rend between the Whirlwinding, as makes a huge amount of difference to clearing trash mobs.

Anyone that says WW/Rend is capable of high clears by just holding down a mouse button hasn’t played the build to high levels.


I wld leave if I dropped into a lobby with 3 dh. :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :sneezing_face: :yawning_face: :weary: :confounded: :persevere: :scream: :triumph: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Chill out dude, it is true, i haven’t played this build beyond GR100, and obviously i exaggerated a little (you do have to press other keys if anything to at least renew the buffs, lol), but you can’t deny that this build is very easy and simple to play. Compare it to let’s say Might of the Earth build. Do you really believe Rend is harder to play than Might of the Earth at the same high level Rifts? I don’t think so, be honest.

I understand that you feel the need to defend your “skill” (lol) since you are playing the flavor of the month build that everyone and their dog is playing, but come on, be honest. Rend is simple to play, and that is a fact.

Basics are easy. Mastery is a challenge.

The same goes to GoD.


My Barbarian has had a Whirlwind build since he was created in May 2012, on the day the game was opened to the public. Rest assured, not only the build, but the entire class, was anything but the flavour of the month for years.


I am thinking, that you overestimate your own intelligence big time, if you think of yourself that you can know what people are thinking that you’ve never met and havent seen their facial expressions yet. Or even heard a word from them. Must be some sort of superpower.

But i will join this game. I know how you feel: bored

Why? There is noone left that is crying for a DH-Nerf anymore, those times are long gone. Therefore the whole thread was unneccesary.

As far as the barbarian that got tossed under the buss again, I think leap quake was easier than ww. Leapquake you leap three times then smash the ground to dump resources…rinse and repeat. Ww you have to manually cast rend in higher GR’s, throw your spear constantly to gather more mobs (making sure you hit the stupid hit box for spear mind you), and mindfully cast ground stomp or charge to get BoM buff. You also have to cast rend manually to make sure your wrath comes off cool down in time specially on single targets.

As for the OP, sounds like a bad campaign ad. Thank goodness there hasn’t been a witch hunt thus far like so many other builds in the spotlight before and let’s please keep it this way by not mentioning anything about it.

If you think the GoD set is “extremely easy” to play or overpowered than you must be crazy.
This build is annoying as hell to play, cause you have to remeber to use your primary skill every 2-4 seconds and not to forget about other defense buffs to keep you alive which you’d knew if you ever tried to SOLO anything over 115-120 GR.

Asking to nerf this build is another braindead idea when ZDPS dealing NO DAMAGE AT ALL builds clear 150 GR in less than 10 effin minutes (after more than 500-750 GR keys if you’re lucky) while your so called overpowered GoD set build needs 13-14 minutes to do it after ridiculous amount of fishing

You probably can’t even clear a GR 100 or 110 with the GoD set build, so you cry for nerfs just because others can SOLO 150 GR. Well boohoo. I only managed to solo a 123 GR with GoD build even though with my items anyone else could probably solo arround 130-135 with ease, but I’m not crying on forums for nerfs just because I can’t even Solo a 130 GR with this build

I would rather ask to buff bolas much highier or even increase the 6 set pieces damage bonus from 10,000 to 20,000 or even 30,000 and lower devouring arrow damage a bit, but knowing Blizz they’ll nerf the GoD set by only lowering the damage of Hungering arrow on the quiver and pretty much make the GoD set completely useless for even soloing a 110-120 GR, just like they always do, cause some random casuals envy they can’t do what others can cry for nerfs…

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Agreed. Instead of nerfing the fun and powerful build, they should buff those weak and uninteresting builds up.


Leave the DHs alone. For the longest time they were the red headed step children of D3. Now that they have their moment in the sun here come the Debbie Downers, crying ‘NERF THEM! NERF THEM! NERF THEM!’. No, let 'em be. Maybe rework some of the mechanics but otherwise… For those that say they won’t play in games with DH’s, fine, you won’t be missed.


You prob never played WW-Barb and have no comparision.

He is right, GoD DH is braindead easy to play.

And fan of knives + vengence + wolf companion? You can simply autocast them on cooldown with numlock.
Then all you have to do is press your spacebar or whatever every few seconds to cast an Hungering Arrow and hold your left mousebutton pushed and thats it.

Ive never ever played such an easy build that is so powerful at the same time. But thats fine to me.

I would rather implement more diverse items but overall NO coe rotation builds are more insteresting when pushing GRs than dull builds that only focus entirely on building density and nothing else.
and coe is even a bit more engaging if you only use it for the flat 50% dmg increase and try to maximize the spike dmg window when it’s up.