I know this isn't technically a bug, but it would be a nice quality of life improvement for the game

Like I said, I know this isn’t technically a bug. But, I couldn’t find a place to put QOL changes, so hear me out.

The fact that there’s no way to disable the paragon point button a the bottom of the screen, and the fact that you can open it up on accident in the middle of a greater rift (which, in most cases gets me killed because I usually play incredibly squishy builds) is pretty silly imo and has been tormenting me since the implementation of paragon levels.

It is my understanding that blizzard doesn’t want you to be able to change anything about your character from when you enter a GR until you complete that GR so that you can’t change your character based on what random enemies you happen to be fighting, but for some reason this infernal button still remains.

The fact that it’s there in the first place doesn’t even make any sense. If you’ve played the game at all past 70, you know when you have paragon points to spend because It’s incredibly obvious when you level up. Not to mention the fact that paragon points are such a small incremental increase in stats, it’s hardly even worth putting them into anything (past movement speed at the start) until you have a bunch of them saved up anyway. It’s almost a waste of time to open up the menu and click through the 4 tabs so that you can get 0.2% more cdr, 5 int, 5 resist all, and 0.2% resource cost reduction.

Hell, even just move the button to the very side of the screen next to the collections button (that I’ve honestly just now noticed while looking for a place to put the button that makes sense. I’ve been playing this game since vanilla. I couldn’t tell you when they put the collections button in, I didn’t even know it was there before just now, but I can tell you that I have never accidentally clicked on it and gotten myself killed for it, which makes this a very well placed button.) where players don’t generally click while they’re trying to avoid endless waves of fireballs and arrows.

If you like the button, you should be able to keep it, but I’m sure I’m not the only one that’s tired of accidentally clicking on it and getting myself killed.

Please don’t just flame for this not technically being a bug. If I should post this somewhere else, please just let me know. :slight_smile:

tl;dr - I hate the paragon point button, I’m sure I’m not the only one, and I wish there was a way to remove it, or move it somewhere else on the screen so that I stop killing myself with menus.

So… why are you putting this here ?

Review the topic on bug reporting at the top of this fourm… especially the “Ground Rules”.


Because i still feel like it’s a half bug because it allows you to edit your characters in GRs. Also I said in it, if you know where I should put this, please tell me because I can’t find the right place.

Boubou is correct. You should move this thread to the General Discussion Forum where QoL suggestions normally go.

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