I didn’t know you were so passionate about the whole thing. I thought it was a game for ppl to enjoy and have fun. My apologies!
I never said it was a lost cause, You’re putting words in my mouth, and just as he said, you’re fighting over something that isn’t even in the game. you’re being overly defensive in your point of view, to the point of you being a schmuck, and no one wants to converse with you.
Discussion does not equal implementation and you should know that. And i;m sure rod knows the ramifacations of completely changing how the the original played. I’m sure the loot system would have to be entirely changed too, to account for personal loot. and that is no small feat.
If your reply to me was genuine then I accept your apology. However, if you are just trolling some more, then…I am just going to keep you on my ignore list so I don’ have to derail this thread again. By the way you worded that reply it seems condescending, so I might just stick with doing the latter.
Hey RocknRolla…
Enjoy FFA tomorrow
Damn, over 3 hours later and this was the bait you chose, another one to the ignore list. I hope by tomorrow morning at least one new person will be able to of posted one sound argument against the system that others like myself have been asking for hours now from this thread.
Ah, yes, seemed totally appropriate, after all the heated debates and the back and trolling by you, and then the calm. I need to lower myself to this kind of level to talk with certain people, I realize. Can’t take myself too seriously sometimes!
I asked you a question that Nyx stated, that is all (hence the question mark). Thanks for answering my question from your first sentence though.
Oh I just noticed that you resorted to name calling. You know what they say about that and losing arguments. “When You Resort To Name Calling, You’ve Lost The Argument”. Another one added to the ignore list.
I personally would be great boon for me for personal loot in this day and age, I’m 25 years older and I’m half blind now.
But I don’t want it, as it would be a core change to how the game would play, and that’s not what they are selling to us. This is a remaster, not a remake. The changes that are being made are QoL, nothing that really affects core gameplay.
I’m not opposed to a new loot system, just make it a separate entity like jagex did with RS. As I read these types of threads, it just seems to me people want all the bonuses that come with p8 content, but none of the drawbacks.
I’ll call ya what you are, doesn’t take long to see what type of person you are by your post history.
You want a proper discussion, I suggest you tone it down by quite a bit.
Because that’s part of the core of the game. If D2 has something masterfully done, it’s its carrot-stick system.
Think about those TV shows where the boy and the girl love eachother and are always about to start a romantic relationship, but that never happens. You saw the carrot in front of your face, but didn’t get it.
Translated into D2, an 8-man party where a really valuable item drops, means that all 8 players can see it dropping, and all have the feeling “just clicking on it and would’ve been mine”. PLoot would mean either dropping for just 1 dude, killing the effect of the carrot in front of your face, or dropping for everyone, 8 times, aka making it more common and devaluating the sense of accomplishment.
Seeing things dropping, and dropping “for you”, allows making them more rare.
Agreed. I regret ever taking this guy seriously. At least now we know.
What is your main point against an option for personal loot for a system with the example of, "a 2 second allocated item time for invisible personal loot that then becomes visible FFA loot (similar to PoE) in public multiplayer games that will prevent bots/pickit cheaters from stealing loot from legitimate players?
I don’t understand your carrot on a stick analogy and how it applies as an argument against a personal loot allocated time optional system in D2R? Are you stating that the cheaters like the bots and players with the pickit scripts stealing loot is a beneficial part of the reward and punishment combination to induce a desired behavior (carrot on a stick)? Cheating is good behavior based on your carrot on a stick metaphor?
Just go away
Because it changes how the original game was drastically snd we all paid for the original D2 experience with updated graphics.
Not everything needs to be changed and updated. D2 was popular for a reason and to go against that would be an insult.
If you want ploot why dont you make your own game? Or only play with people you know? Why do you need to effect everyone else? You can say “itll only be an option”. but it still still drastically change the ecosystem, economy and trading.
Ploot is why i am alive
it keeps me awake and provides that warm extra smell to life
it’s what i live for
It doesn’t change your game if you choose to not use the option.
Asking for one option doesn’t mean the entire game is changed.
Because people want to play with others online to socialize and make friends along the way without having to worry about bots/pickit players from stealing loot, that isn’t a good environment to socialize with others when the main competition is taking each other’s loot and not fighting the enemies of hell together.
The majority of people won’t have friends to play private games with.
You are actually affecting everyone else because you are forcing the players that want a personal loot option to have to play FFA.
There is no proof for your statements. However, bots do effect the economy, go look at WoW classic AH or original D2.
It doesn’t change the original experience it adds to it and on top of that you could have played the entire game with never having to have competed with another person for loot FFA loot was only part of the game for some people. I played closed bnet a lot but my cousin didn’t have internet for the first 3 years of diablo’s life so he never played multiplayer, FFA loot isn’t at all part of his
Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.
it was popular because of many things i loved the game but i always hated FFA loot.
it wouldn’t play like diablo 2 does and blizzard wouldn’t allow it to exist if it did.
this isn’t a solution for wanting to socialize with new people.
it wouldn’t have an appreciable impact on people who just stick to FFA.
do you have some evidence of this because it shouldn’t unless they implement the system in a very weird way.
If you really want to prevent the economy from being ruined you should join in with people asking for blizzard to actually enforce their EULA and ban people who use jsp not stopping optional personal loot.
I like and admire you all, but… ENOUGH!
We ALL know what we all think. Now, it’s time to lay down our quills, and pick up our swords!
Enough talk. Now is the time of action! To the barricades. Let’s go!!!
P.s. There will be plenty of time for discussions later. And rightfully so. But, now it’s time to:
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour’d rage;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;
Let pry through the portage of the head
Like the brass cannon; let the brow o’erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a galled rock
O’erhang and jutty his confounded base,
Swill’d with the wild and wasteful ocean.
Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,
Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit
To his full height. On, on, you noblest English.
Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof!
Fathers that, like so many Alexanders,
Have in these parts from morn till even fought
And sheathed their swords for lack of argument:
Dishonour not your mothers; now attest
That those whom you call’d fathers did beget you.
Be copy now to men of grosser blood,
And teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman,
Whose limbs were made in England, show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and base,
That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game’s afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry ‘God for Harry, England, and Saint George!’
Gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon D2R Launch Day…
still got over 9 hours until action time and i won’t be putting down my quill until an optional personal loot patch happens or i quit d2r, and judging by how long it has taken me to quit d2 that wont be for at least 21 years and a remaster of the remaster is announced.