I don't care for the ancient legendary

Of course a user with the name Maximum is bound to have maximum trustworthyness :grin:


So what? Natalya and Talrasha don’t have shoulders either and they are clearing GR150 left and right.

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People like this are why I think all of our online activities should be publicly connected to things like our SSNs + irl addresses. This isn’t exactly police-worthy, but why allow worthless garbage like these protect themselves with anonymity? Let them annoy the wrong person and fall victims to maniacs like the Vegas shooter or something.

People don’t accept a better truth these days.
If my truth is different than yours then it’s a trolling huh?
Maybe you’re the one who is trolling me because I’m different.

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It’s been very wet this morning… lovely!

That’s what she said. :zipper_mouth_face:

That’s sadly how it is on many forums (this one included). It was common sense that saying something that someone else didn’t agree with was trolling until 2005. Each time I see it beyond then, I shake my head.


Any forum is as good as the people that run it. I was on another gaming forum. I was on that one since 2006. I stop replying on last year. Not because it was bad. But yes it was bad because they ended moving it onto Discord.

But the point I’m making is all the years I was there. It wasn’t even close to this forum with disrespect of other people. There we had many people ask or say stupid things about the game. We did call them trolls, tell they were not playing the game right, or tell them you are playing the wrong game. We tried to help them the best we could.

Plus there was one time here I reply to something. The next thing I knew I was being slam and call names. I forgot what I said back to them. But the next thing I knew I was band for like 24 or 48 hrs. Because one of the Cry Baby Fanboys ran to the Mods.

Like I said the forum is only as good as the people that run it!!!

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In regards to this forum, just ignore or block those people. This forum has a sock problem and if you were attacked by several names on the forum, it was likely the same person playing musical chairs. Do not take it even remotely serious. Some people just don’t feel complete unless they’re posting only to try making someone else’s experience negative or to farm likes from other trolls. It’s reasons like those why people on other Diablo forums or discords always warn people never to go to the official forums if they want serious discussion.

It’s not the wrong game and I’m playing it just fine.
Torment 7 is challenge enough that I have to trigger the second form sometimes.

Sometimes I really don’t understand you!

You jump very eagerly to deflect anyone challenging a trollish op or post. Only to very easily call all critics trolls, now I see a new theory of yours any critic has to be a sock or a troll or both.

Tell what value the op had for the community?

If there was a different take on it explaining that there is a value to play and enjoy the game on any given difficulty it would be a whole different approach to the answers.

It’s not the first time the op has blurted something nonsensical on this forum only to wallow in the crapstorm whilst waving the victim card.

Sorry this is not meant as a personal attack, but I couldn’t avoid calling it on this occasion.


I don’t think the OP is a troll.

I didn’t call all critics trolls. I’m reinforcing the fact that there are some people on this forum who badger people in that regard nonsensically. I also didn’t say every critic is a sock, I said there a sock problem here, and that’s a known fact.

There are several on this forum who blurt out nonsense yet have the audacity to hypocritically badger someone else when they feel they’re doing just that and it’s always the same people.

Again, it reinforces why other platforms for discussing this game warn people not to post here. We have the ability to prove them wrong, we just choose to prove them right.

Op is borderlining it often. In my honest opinion I would agree on the trolling.

As for the rest there most certainly are, I’ll agree on all of the above.

As for the op I do have a hunch that it is sock of a infamous poster. But that is all I have a hunch. :wink:

Maybe I misread/ misinterpreted what you wrote.

Edit: I forgot to write sorry if that is the case!

Take care M.


No problem. I hope you have a good rest of your week. Stay safe.

Posts like yours are why I’m glad you’re not in a position of authority in places I frequent online. “It isn’t exactly police worthy” and yet you imply death threats against them because you wasted 3 minutes reading something you didn’t like? What do you recommend for people who ARE committing actual crimes? I shudder at the thought.

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I don’t really care how you play, I’m just saying if you actively have to avoid playing the game as it was intended to be played to enjoy it, why not find a game that actually plays like you enjoy playing it?


That why I enjoy playing this game the way I like it.
I know how to have fun and challenge at the same time.
I don’t have to be the best to have fun in the game.

Why not compete in being the the lowest and slowest instead of the highest and fastest? :slight_smile:

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I prefer the middle way. Not too little and not too much.

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I might play D4 one day. The campaign is fun, everything else about it…

Go ahead… and don’t sugarcoat it.