…Look here, I guess? I dunno why this was even a question.
And this:
This is me being beyond baffled again lol. I’ve literally said multiple times that the laws should simply not extend its protection to these unpleasant people. What is the implication of such a statement, if not a societal and systematic change astronomically bigger than my one person? Or is this an elaborate “you’re so fat that you alone can count as a society” joke?
Where did I ever make myself out to be dangerous? Where did I say that trolls were dangerous? And what would I even deserve in this scenario? Literally not a single thing makes sense in this question lol.
…K, so your point is that, if I believe child predators should be punished more harshly, but won’t put together a Batman suit and go hunt child predators myself, then I’m a “internet tough guy”?
I’m 100% sure that you’re older than me, but honey, in the grown-up world, we solve problems through legislation and systematic reforms. Not through taking matters into our own hands. After all, one vigilante is maybe going to put down a couple hundred trolls in his entire life. But a government can put down tens of thousands of those people per day.
Not in your world though. Because the problem is people, right? People shouldn’t exist. There’s no point in correcting humanity, we should all just go “poof”.
Now do you see the comic book logic?
The point is, you believe instead of targeting the bad guys. You would prefer to get ready of everybody. Because if you’re not a criminal, you as a human are begging to be a victim of one.
Oh look, we’re going back to the other point again! And not even reiterating it correctly! What did you call this again? Something about post offices? Or soccer goals?
Jokes aside, though, let me repeat this for you: in a world that is completely ideal to me, where nothing is realistic and pragmatism flies out the window, there is either no injustice whatsoever, or no life. No injustice shouldn’t need explaining, but “no life” is because the concept of injustice can only happen to living things. That means, not just “poof” to humans. And not just “people shouldn’t exist.” Again,a cruel and unfair world shouldn’t get to play with the toy that is “life” in general.
It’s illustrating that you can’t simultaneously believe only criminals should be punished and believe that all humanity should pay the price for criminals existing.
Corrected grammar, I was being a bit redundant in the post and corrected it.
Sure. And I’m not a lonely loser arguing with people on the forum of a dead game. Isn’t it awesome when we can just will facts into nonexistence?
…But man, it’s really hard for you to get this, huh?
Can you please take a good hard look at this? Can you remember your own point that even without criminals, life will still suck in other ways and fail the few perfectly good people? This isn’t humanity paying the price for criminals. This is taking away the concept of life from the world overall. No humans, no animals, no single cell organisms. Everything is just collateral to make sure the world itself gets what’s coming to it.
Edit: and in case you try this, let me tell you that I absolute CAN want to punish criminals and want the world to be lifeless. Punishing criminals is one slice of a very delicious pizza to me. Ridding the world of life is the entire pie. Wanting both things is not just possible, it’s the reasonable conclusion.
Great! Now you’re finally caught up to what the other guy was already saying like 30 responses ago.
Gotta say, he/she/they/it/whatever else was a better conversation than you. You’re earnest and headstrong, but really not all there. A legit miracle that you landed a wife who loves and cherishes you, tbh. You can color me jealous.
And finally, to address the point you finally caught up to, I believe in making the right thing happen 10 times out of 10, but I’m fully aware that some people think “the good outweighs the bad.” This, however, is a dichotomy that’s kinda hard to prove either way, or even scientifically argue about. It’s probably got a lot to do with personal experience, and my experience dictates that I don’t think the dark times are worth enduring. So, I’ll just say that if expecting the world to be perfectly without injustice is wrong, then it will just be one more reason why I also deserve to be lined up and gas’ed in a camp. I’ll unfortunately stay this way, until I discover new experiences that makes me change my conclusion. Kinda like how people believed there were only 3 states of matter for a long time, and still don’t really teach kids about plasma today.
Anyway, I’m glad at least now you can see that your logic might be flawed, which is more progress than I expected. I don’t expect perfection though, so there’s that.
Dude, that part was just me making fun. Do you see the “edit” ? I’ll apologize if it really offended you lol. For sure not saying anything bad about your wife either. I wouldn’t know enough about her to judge yet.
But also, I question this:
…you didn’t do anything to my original point of “people need to suffer to be decent” lol. You just dropped it out of the blue, and started trying to punch holes in my ideal world. Almost like you were moving the goalpost again or something.
Again, I’m too tired to scroll super far up, so I’ll just paraphrase instead of quoting directly. A world with no life is a faraway dream that I know won’t happen. “People need to suffer to be decent” is a simple fact that guides my next best thing, where we punish crime a lot more harshly. Finally, the law simply not protecting the annoying people like internet trolls or telemarket scammers is my ultimate concession to the fact that I live in a world where nobody wants to punish or be punished. They are like 3 different alternate universes, each less ideal than the last but still better than reality.
Edit: Another thing that I’m too tired to find quotes for is that, if you scroll back up and reach through our hundreds of replies, you’ll notice that I started with my most realistic vision. Then, I brought out the more ideal world of us truly teaching criminals fear, when someone else mentioned “shuddering at what I’d do to actual criminals.” Finally, I didn’t mention my perfect world at all until you goaded me with your acceptance of imperfection.
Anyway, the point is I should clarify what I really meant earlier.
I don’t expect perfection from the imperfect. All the crime and punishment stuff. All the humanity needs to go and the “tell me one good thing worth saving” and everything else that’s been argued back and forth between you, and I isn’t really the point.
What it boils down to is we have different standards. Which is okay. And though it might have been pointless. The conversation wasn’t without worth. Debates are good things, whether good natured or fierce disagreements.
You’re an okay guy. I’m an okay guy. There’s room for improvement in both of us.
Basically, I agree humanity should strive to be better. We just disagree between the balance of carrot and stick.
Indeed. Was fun to have these conversations, to run through the logic. Kinda why I responded at all. After all, I won’t exactly be teaching my students how a philosophical technicality can theoretically end all suffering. It’s a bit beyond their intellectual faculties and not really relevant to the state standards.
I certainly wish the world had more stories like you and your wife. Instead, modern history is rather more full of genocides and great famines where people end up having to cannibalize their own children. That one isn’t in official reports so I won’t use it to debate, but everyone out of China knows it. That’d be the Asian Heart of Darkness, if the CCP weren’t the final boss of censorship. You could look into it if you ever get bored lol, could fill up an afternoon or two for you.
Absolutism is rather offensive to basically anyone who isn’t the absolutist on the throne. Authoritarianism is also equally offensive to anyone underneath the arbitrary boot. You’ve also expressed various degrees of fascist sympathy, which are the ones I’ve been directly responding to when I see them because that is particularly egregious to me personally. I would quote them all again for posterity if I thought it’d truly accomplish anything at this juncture. But if you didn’t see a problem with it when you first said it, nor when I called you out on it, nor when KillerProc called you out on it, I doubt “4th time’s a charm” is going to do anything beyond wasting everyone’s time.
The reason I keep bringing up philosophical platitudes that illustrate naivete, is because you are painting with the broadest of brushes via the shallowest of paints. Every single time, you miss the nuance of context. It is the mark of someone who’s never had to seriously think about anything for more than 5 minutes, who will say – across over 200 posts and counting, no less! – that there is unironically no difference, between “killing a murderer” and “permanently extinguishing all life whatsoever.”
Like, do you not see the tragedy of where we are right now in this moment? Not even a little? You are literally calling for violence and suffering and death, because of a forums post for a dead game that initially only wasted several minutes of your time. And now we’re on week 2 of bicker-banter.
Sure, I’m complicit in keeping the thread alive. Never said I wasn’t. Of the two of us, I’m not the one who’s bothered by the inherent hypocrisy of life.
You started this conversation by explicitly stating a desire for Maximum99999 to get doxxed and potentially suffer IRL physical repercussions from that doxxing, all because you felt like their post that you voluntarily read, wasted some of your precious time. And I called you out on that because that’s a ridiculous position to uphold. That’s how this started.
How it’s ending, is with the rest of us getting bored with entertaining your genocidal, psychotic, pseudo-philosophical rants. I like rhetoric and debate but even I have my limits. Eventually I’m going to want to go back to accomplishing things in the real world. I only allocate so many daily spoons to random forum wars.
I’m cis male, but honestly you can call me whatever you want, as long as you don’t call me late for dinner.
It’s really not complicated in the slightest. You have severe emotional / psychological trauma that’s adversely affecting your thought processes. That’s literally it. Assuming, of course, you’re being truthful in what you’ve said on here. For all I know, you could just be an AI prompt from a bored psych major. I really don’t know who you are or if you even exist, in the grand scheme of things.
That being said, being effed up or potentially made up, still doesn’t give you a free pass to say, think, or otherwise do whatever you please. Actions have consequences, and you’ve been saying some pretty sick and twisted things of late. Do you really expect NO push-back to your inanity? You started this over a forums post on a video game.
I mean, you say you’re having to repeat yourself, but there is literally like 3 different iterations of me explaining this point lol. I think I’ll have to rescind the judgement that you are better conversation than the other guy lol.
Basically, authoritarian rules in this world have only ever been based around brainwashing people to believe some ridiculous leader figure. Often accompanied by unreasonable racial prejudices. There has never been a single society where the authoritarian figure is an impersonal and incorrigible set of rules, because only crazy people who play up the God/messiah stuff can brainwash, and the common man only accepts anything resembling proper discipline when brainwashed. It’s part of the weakness of being human, and it doesn’t prove that strict adherence to proper rules is wrong, just that it’s near-impossible to set up. But hey, is there wrong in wishing it CAN happen?
Uh, what I literally said is that “extinguishing all life whatsoever” is to address a whole other issue than humanity’s innate evil. Been saying it again and again to the other guy. So yeah, of course there is a difference between punishing evil and extinguishing all life. The difference is that one is a small scale and temporary patch to our society alone. The other is the unattainable dream to end the very concepts of unfairness and suffering.
There’s no tragedy here. I’ve also said before that “wasting time" doesn’t matter. Nobody should be allowed to derive pleasure from purposely frustrating other people. Those people should be hurt. It’s a matter of principle.
So, lemme quote the CDC right here.
“In 2021, an estimated 12.3 million American adults seriously thought about suicide.”
Reminder, the other guy literally suggested offing myself as an alternative method to achieve my ideal world where life ceases to exist lol. Morally, it’s completely different, which is significant to me, but practically, it really IS a similar result for the individual. Are you gonna say that the 12.3 million people per year who don’t think the good outweighs the bad–and therefore considered annihilating their “everything”–are all insignificant? And, you know, this data was for a country with pretty meh suicide rates. Should take a look at how South Korea is doing with this stuff lol.
There’s a difference between just seeing stuff and actually being through stuff.
I don’t know you and it’s possible there’s more going with you than what you saw during your time in China and other parts of the world. You might have experienced some of what you saw, I just don’t know.
But when you guessed that I might be older than you, I’m thinking you might be right. I am pushing 50 years old.
But without relaying my entire life story, I’ll just say I’ve been through some unpleasant stuff. Good and bad. Most if it bad before my wife and most of it good after my wife.
I was one of the people in that statistic you threw out, though. And thankfully it didn’t work because if it had, I wouldn’t have met my wife.
Anyway, in my defense, before suggesting you off yourself. I suggested therapy because that also started to pull me out of that dark place in which you currently dwell.
Not going to argue again about the perfect from the imperfect thing, just saying I didn’t go straight to “kill yourself.”
What I mean, is my way of thinking when I was younger was similar to yours. I just couldn’t see the good for all the bad I saw and went through. So, seeing you write this stuff down reminded me of where I used to be. It touched a nerve and I reacted negatively to it.
Anyway, just know that I know from experience where you are right now and I also know that it’s not a good place to be.
I mean, I don’t get the complaints about this thread when not too long ago, a beef from the whole forum against one poster consumed every thread on the boards.
This is one frickin’ thread and is in no way disrupting the boards like that big hullaballoo did. But yeah, keep complaining about this one, when in every thread a certain poster shows up in immediately devolves into people dredging up posts from years, months, or weeks ago to show how awesome everybody is compared to him.