I don’t “pretend” to know anything about you. All I have to go on, is what you’ve put to words in a video game forum. And those words aren’t cool or even original. You’re not even the first person this week to say something vaguely offensive to me in the hopes of being edgy. And for all your talk about “people should get doxxed if they’re morally questionable” you really don’t seem to understand how precarious your own anonymity really is. You think if anyone here actually took you even remotely seriously at your words, that they’d be sitting here twiddling their thumbs while you make statements like what I just quoted you saying?
Actually it’s like saying exactly what I said. You have no right unilaterally pass judgment on not just humanity, but ALL LIFE ITSELF, just because you personally think humanity sucks. Get your sights out of the gutter and maybe you’ll see more than trash. You aren’t concerned about truth or virtue. You’re not looking for the Yang counterpart to the Yin. You’re just throwing the baby out with the bath water because the baby farted in it. Not even remotely trying to think beyond, as you said:
You hate life. That’s great, good for you. The rest of us really aren’t on board with your haterade though. And I’m convinced KillerProc might have hit closer to home than you’d like to admit when they talked about you just looking for attention.
Which is great, until you realize all you’ve done so far is act like an emo cringelord on the internet for a week and a half.
…What’s even offensive here? I’m asking you to be genuine and tell me if you really believe this idea that NOBODY should be killed, because you tried to play a technicality and evade the question of “are you sure nobody ever deserves death.” Not even Josef Mengele? Not even Ted Bundy?
This is an extremely good point that I will concede. I don’t care about salvaging. I just know that the world will on a fair number of cases let down good people and spare bad people. I can’t stand that. I don’t even want to see or know about a single case of that. I want virtue–perfect virtue, and anything less disgusts me to my core. If that’s a fault, then I guess it’ll just be another thing that mades me worthless and inadequate.
And that’s exactly why I started with “just don’t give people anonymity” lol. I know people don’t have the balls to do what’s necessary to fix the world. I also know people aren’t even willing to truly punish bad people. So I say the bare minimum of “I want laws to just let dumb people fall through the cracks and die like they should.” It’s only when a guy(our friend KillerProc) who really doesn’t seem to believe or even understand what I thought to be common sense, that I start explaining the logics of my beliefs. Yet another reminder, I didn’t start this conversation with “let’s end the world.”
What’s funny is you blame me for “moving the goal post” when you’re the one to make the jump to Fascism, when I said I wanted to see people who do bad things burn. You’re also the one to jump to personal things when I kept trying to explain that, statistically and across the world, more people care more about “not being punished” than “not hurting others.” Finally, when I kept pointing out that you don’t distinct between “kids will be kids” and genuine malice, you’re also the one to jump to how horrible the world is, and:
In my direct response to you moving the goalpost, I stated that I was for the first time truly angered by something you said, that your attitude of accepting bad things is unacceptable to me, and that I will therefore finally “be real” with the rest of what I think. Before that, I just had a bajillion replies all aimed to help you understand how I observed more evil than good on a global, systematic scale, while you kept referring back to your wife and a handful of childhood bullies. I’m sure your wife is a great person and all, just know that she isn’t as statistically significant as entire schools
You say she is the anomaly but offer no hard facts to back it up. Just the opinion that there’s more evil people than good. Your anecdotal evidence is no more valuable than mine so quick pretending it is.
Point is, I am in fact right that there are more good people than bad. And you argue basically that “good people are bad people that haven’t done anything bad yet.”
And now we’re back to your school again. And this is where I say, “You’re bothered because this girl was abused”. So, you’re either saying she’s a good girl and didn’t deserve what she got which would be admitting that this school isn’t full of bad kids. Or you’re saying, “She did deserve it but just not at that time because she would have eventually done something to deserve it.” Which means it’s just a timing thing.
And if we’re all nothing more than mosquitoes. Why does it bother you what happened to her in the first place?
And I haven’t even got into the thing you said about all crimes except theft should be punishable by death.
I wonder why you carve out that exception for thieves. I mean, I could argue that the bank execs that nearly bankrupted the globe with the subprime loan scheme should be candidates for the death penalty. But since they only stole folks money, you argue that wasn’t nearly as bad.
Anyway. You can argue with someone else, now. Your pity party isn’t all that amusing.
Um, yeah, we’re going back to the school stuff, but not just for the girl.
In case it’s not clear, I’m taking a census here, to the best of my ability as a single individual. It’s crude, but it’s certainly better than the singular data point of your wife.
Finally, here:
You do realize that I brought up the girl as an example of “cruelty” and “malice”, right? I keep trying to tell you this: getting angry and throwing hands is not the same as planning out a really awful thing and then executing the plan. She is an example of how too many students are getting into legal trouble for doing the latter. She is an example of “bad people” to counter your claim that students getting into trouble isn’t indicative of the world. She isn’t here to say anything about me lol, despite how you’re clearly in a polygamous relationship with your wife and the idea of a “pity party” existing in this post.
What I said is that all crimes greater than or equal to theft should be a capital offense. I’m not exempting thieves. I’m saying we start the execution with them. Stuff like littering and jaywalking should instead just fall under “we won’t monitor this, we just won’t protect you from potential consequence.” Which, you know, is the same thing I said about internet trolling? Do you now see the pattern of you yourself misreading things, or missing them entirely?
Yes. Example of cruelty and malice perpetrated by kids. And nowhere in any of your posts address the fact that studies show that the human brain isn’t fully developed until around 25. Which means, you’re judging all of humanity based on your experiences with children. Not fully realized people but misguided immature kids.
I’d say my experience with an adult woman and all her friends and family and extended family is more valuable than your experience with kids but whatever. You do you, man.
Edit 2:
And just so you don’t say I dodged your accusation. I have misread some of your posts but that’s because they’re so off the wall insane that taking the raving of a madman seriously means delving into them deeper than I want to.
Again, you have to draw a line somewhere lol. Even if their brain isn’t fully developed. There’s a reason why minors are still tried for crimes that are serious enough, in a world where even the most heinous crimes are receiving less and less punishment. In essence, my counterpoint is just common sense, the common sense that immaturity does not mean you have absolutely 0 idea.
And for your edit,“your wife and her extended family” is not only still a VERY small number, but also a classic case of selection bias. People from a single family is far more likely to be similar to each other, that’s also kinda common sense. They share the same set of “nurture” after all. On the other hand, me doing my best to take a rudimentary and imprecise census still leaves me with information from one full school, and then also about a dozen classrooms all over the country. While these students are still likely to be in similar neighborhoods, they’re far less likely to share the exact same upbringing. That’s the randomness that cancels out variance. I have it, you don’t.
Pretty sure I already told you that about 50% of all the students I checked out had criminal records lol. I’ve been scrolling back up for you over and over again. Maybe it’s time you did it for once. I’m sorry I can’t link you a full dissertation I wrote on this. I did it as a for-fun census that is, once again, rudimentary and imprecise. It’s just that, any large random sample is still better than looking only at one family. If that’s not good enough for you, then I’m sorry.
And finally, I gotta address this a bit, since you keep trying to belittle me with the same joke. What I said about your continued reference to “comic book logic” had been “I’m surprised that literature and media haven’t covered this topic more.” Because the fact that our world sucks donkey balls is something we should all have realized by the age of like 8, and a serious problem to deal with. It’s story-worthy. Like the Black Dahlia stuff, or the Dyatlov Pass thing.
Edit: added my sincere apology that I wasn’t 100% clinical in my pet census project.
Yep, taking something intended as farce as the most logical thing in the world. And it’s been delved into several times. The Punisher, Unforgiven, Escape from New York, Max Max just to name a few. And it’s always meant to be taken to the extreme where you apparently live in your head. Which puts you in the “not logical” category.
And apparently the “comic book logic” bit hurts. They say the truth hurts sometimes so do with that what you will.
I mean, I drew a comparison between you and The Punisher. Someone else, called you “Mr. Thanos”. People comparing you to comic book bad guys should tell you something about your “logic”.
…the fact that people are selfish is a farce? The fact that you can control people through pain is a farce? Interesting claims. But again, your evidence is your wife and her extended family. My evidence is that half the kids catalogued in our country’s school systems do things that can fall under “selfish” even with a punitive system in place.
Yeah, it always hurts to be misquoted lol. I’ve said twice now that, if my ideas do sound like things out of a comic book, then the only thing I’m surprised by is we don’t have more stories like that. Do you think that statement is really me asking for movie recommendations?
Uh, there are like 3 guys total in this conversation if you include me? If two people calling me names already has significance, then y’all should be hailing me as a gosh darn prophet for having conducted the Huawei version of a proper census lol. And, if you think about it, I could just as well compare you to the farmer in Aesop’s “The Farmer & the Snake” for claiming that criminals don’t deserve to suffer. Does that mean you really are like the farmer?
Edit: Just remembered that I mentioned this fable once already and you straight up ignore it lol. So it’s not even I could. I DID already.
Uh, I thought we went back to the point of whether or not people are evil? And a bit of whether or not punishments should be more cruel? If you want to talk about my ultimate conclusion that the world doesn’t deserve to have life growing in it, we can swap to that. But who will be the one moving the goalpost then?
I haven’t moved the goal posts, I’ve responded to when you have. And each time you have you got worse in your assessment of humanity.
Anyway, you’ve argued that I brought this up when if you give me a moment, I’ll find the post I reacted to in this thread…
But I didn’t start this. It all started with someone else asking something along the lines of “are you really advocating that people on the internet should meet grisly ends for trolling”
To which you replied something along the lines of, “Yes!”
And that’s where I started questioning your logic.
Here’s the post I’m referring to that happened long before I ever confronted you.
Which all boils down to the old “Internet Tough Guy” or “Keyboard Warrior” meme.
“If you knew who I was you wouldn’t say that to my face.”
Uh, I’ve literally been saying the same thing about humanity since day 1? That we are inherently selfish, and only the fear of pain keeps some of us decent? The only additional point I’ve made was my response to your claim that we should just put up with unfairness and imperfection. Because I spit on that idea and anyone who believes it.
Thanks for bringing up my original post btw lol.
This is the exact thing that proves my consistency lol.
…Uh, help me find the similarity between “people can only be managed through pain” and
And isn’t
the opposite of “tough?” I feel like you’re not only moving goalposts now, you’re making some lightyear leaps that I’m having trouble following. I guess I’ll apologize for being slow lol.