I cant belive i have to explain this, people dont mf alone becuase they dont "want to share"

That is not how drops are determined n D2.

Item Generation Tutorial - Diablo Wiki

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This whole forum has gone off the rails.

Now people are thinking solo games would in any way be influenced by personal loot?

I think I’ve seen it all now.


FFA players in solo need more loot since they are competing for their drops with…

Slowly walks away…


You seem unnaturally autocratic in wanting to force everyone to play the way that you think is correct instead of giving options that allow you to play you want to play and allow us by the way we want to play.


why do u think having to contribute to the party in order to get loot in “unfair”

why do u think paying for a leveling service in the .1% of drop the runner actually wants to “pick up” is “unfair”

if you need an item someone else picks up and they DONT need it… unless its a GG item worth at least a lem or a pul… thier going to give it to you if u ask nicely
if its worth more and they dont need it… their GOING to want to trade it… and its a hell of a lot quicker to trade it to someone in the game u found it in that make your own trade game and wait.

and if a GG item drops that EVERYONE needs… well tough luck, chances are in your “personal loot” system you wouldn’t have even SEEN it drop let alone had a chance to pick it up

at leats now you have a CHANCE at it… anbd if you DONT have a chance at it… why is that??? 95% of the times its because your not even attacking the monster that dropped it.

now idk maybe if u main bowzon and and you are trying to farm in a public game this might get annoying but, chances are your not… chance are your not GG getting drops becuase your not contributing to the party.

you talk about “whats fair”
how the hell is it fair to US to have low level characters or even high lvl charcters join our games us around and not do ANYTHING and not only “get loot” for nothing but LOWER the amount of loot WE get…

how is THAT fair???

in VAST majority of cases the “benefit” of personal loot wont matter becuase you will be able to pick up or trade for the item anyways

in the GG item case its almost ALWAYS the people who contribute who get it.

maybe 80% of the time the person who killed some non-boss monster will be able to grab its loot if they wanted it

that is a HELL of a lot more than “12% of the time” because the other 88% of the time it went to another person not even attacking.

you are CREATING a “scenario” where the person DOING THE MOST WORK gets the LEAST benefit, and the people doing the LEAST work get the MOST benefit.

and you talk to me about something not being fair.
you know whats NOT fair?
having some player join my game and lower the amount of loot i get by following me around and making the game harder…
making me jump through hoops to have to try to prevent this by making a lvl restrict or password to prevent this… having to stop what im doing to PK these morons until they leave…
THATS what not “fair”

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I’m starting to worry about your well-being.

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You have gone through your service and pay runs in multiple posts. I have responded multiple times. You can reread what I already wrote to you.

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Sigh, think I’m out for the day.

I’m glad I don’t have to be a PR representative for blizzard, no matter what choices they make.

There is honestly zero reason why implementing personal loot would impact someone who never plays in a personal loot game, negatively. None. Zilch. Nada.

It is all emotional.

I’m starting to think blizzard is going to cave if they ever do decide to make any changes and just do separate realms though, half the player base doesn’t seem to want to let the other half make what is essentially an opt in loot sharing agreement.

It’s gatekeeping and it’s irrational.


It does matter though, if I’m running my own baal or chaos games and I’m keeping shared loot on instead of personal, most leechers will only join personal loot games because it will guarantee them more drops. This will make it harder for me to fill my games up with players.

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Although I prefer the choice at game creation, if Blizzard decides to do it at character creation, I would be ok with that.

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You do know that in personal loot game, a player can not ninja loot and pickit use is useless. Also, you can not post monster kill scavenge gear if you were not in the same zone when the monster died in contrast to FFA.

Altogether, FFA games promote leeching more than personal loot games.


yes there are

  1. “new players who might find a GG item and not recognize it and leave it on the ground when another player in that game might have picked it up”
    this removes this item from the economy.

  2. people joining my game and complaining i don’t have “personal loot” on an being jerks

  3. people joining YOUR game and complaining you HAVE personal loot on and being jerks.

  4. splitting the community in half and making a constant non-ending war in game just like here

  5. all the resources and time used to implement this system being removed from other areas they could have spent time on.

it took me maybe… what? 3 minutes to come up with FIVE reasons how it impacts me? without EVER joining a “personal loot” game

you’re right… you should probably head out

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I really think that they are going to change nothing, and the game will be left as is for eternity to be honest. I’ve said it before, if they change nothing at launch, they won’t ever change anything because the hardcore elitists will scream bloody murder. Good luck on console version sales though, lol.


So you are saying you don’t want the system which allows YOU to exploit other players for higher drops, to change then. True merc style!

  1. In life and video games, people are allowed to make mistakes
  2. Already addressed non-issue since you set the game to FFA and only people who select FFA in the game filter can join your group
  3. See # 2
  4. See # 2 and if the community is evenly split as you claim, it makes sense that you would not want to disenfranchise/alienate half the playerbase
  5. Blizzard asked if players wanted personal loot at D2R launch. I am confident that Blizzard would not have asked that question if it was not feasible (and potentially ongoing/already completed)

You already came up with those and were already answered that the concerns were illegitimate.

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I mean if I’m doing all the work of leveling these players up the fair transaction is letting me get the baal drops after each game.

There are plenty of baal runs where you can fairly run together, but if you want quick EXP games where you sit and leech you should definitely allow the runner(s) to get the loot.

If you are the one creating the game, you could just toggle FFA loot on game creation theoretically.


Your complaint was specifically stating that players will join ploot games instead of yours, where you are exploiting the player base for your own higher drop chances. Instead of the bots exploiting them, the high end players are doing it. I’m not saying that it isn’t fair that you get first shot if you are providing the service, but lets call it what it is; exploitation, and many of the hardcore don’t want that system to change, among other reasons. You are not as opposed to their being leechers, as long as they serve your purpose.


It’s mutually beneficial, not exploitative. Players don’t need to join my games if they don’t want to give up boss drops.

By your logic rushing people for forge or items is also exploitative, but in reality its providing a service.

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  1. whether or not they “made a mistake” has no bearing on how they just removed an item from the economy, that item is gone… that affects me if i want to buy it. because the person who wold have sold it to me wasn’t able to see it and pick it up
  1. this is assuming blizzard uses “your” idea, which is a big assumption

Being confident blizzard wasnt going to do something stupid didnt help all the d2 fans who were waiting for d3 for over 10 years,
being confident blizzard wouldnt do something stupid didn’t help the people who bought tickets to blizzcon 2018.

there is a REASON why a LOT of us here ARE NOT excited for “diablo 4”
becuase wont dont trust blizzard to NOT “do somthing stupid”

and its why when we were told they will NOT be changing stuff here we pre-ordered so we could discuss things.

telling me you think “blizzard wouldnt ask if they couldnt do it”

to say i “wouldn’t put it past them” would be an understatement