I cant believe how many of you are asking for changes

if you want to play d2 again, sure go ahead, its been out for 20 years :slight_smile:

for me, i really want to play the d2 it always should have been, cant wait for some much needed changes.

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i do not want ANY balance changes at all on release… maybe down the line we can attempt to address skill imbalances, but NOT on release.

but that donest mean “nothing can change” people need to realize that things like shared stash.
being able to trade annis and torches in trade screen. these arn’t “bad” things
being able to open cow level

even “charm inventory” idea some crazy people are under some “delusion” that people are “balancing” between inventory space and being able to pick up stuff.
no… no one is.

some of the threads i see like “i dont like enigma” or “nerf greif”
i mean yeah screw them those are flat out balance changes

but other things like Dclone NEED to be changed becuase the old senario migrated to a new game from search would “not” work how it did.

i could get into how the old system wuold make no one every get an anni and would also crash the servers the instant SOJ’s sold to merchants popped up.

but the point is that NEEDS to change becuase by “not changing” you ARE choosing to completely remove it. and removing something entirely is a MUCH bigger change than changing how you get it to work.

would i love immunity’s ti be removed? yes of course! it would be great… that would be a HUGE quality of life changer,
but the fact is they CAN’T be.
if u somehow brought every 100+ immunity to 99.99% you would completely and fundamentally alter gamewide balance. because of things like facets and cold mastery.

peolpe need to look at cause and effect
what do we gain vs what do we lose?

1.shared stash what do we lose? nothing, what we we gain… we dont lose items to dropped games

  1. cow king level remake
    what do we lose? nothing? what do we gain the abilty to not have to swap to a specific char we always used to open cows and then rejoin. so we know some random moron cant join and prevent us from opening again
  2. charm inventory
    what do we gain… the ability to freely pick up items on a completed character
    what do we lose? nothing

none of these affect balance and they have no negative side effects

we can look at one of my own suggestion
allowsing players to lock thier level
and wow this would be a “massive” change and a cool new feature
but step back and look at what it actaully does?
nothing… u click a checkbox on and off if u want to gain exp
the pvp applications are u can now bring your low level duel or might level duel to nightmare and hell and get kill stuff see how far u can get with the best gear and limit yourself wihotu runing said char

for pve it allows you again just see " how far in the game can i get with a lvl 45 char? can i beat hell with a fully geared and equipped char for the best gear a lvl 45 can get ? idk but now i have the option to go and fun out

and what does it remove?

but when we bring this around to dclone
if we DON’T touch the system what do we lose?
well if we don’t touch it
it will either completely not function because its looking for ips that don’t exist
or it will flag the new ip which every blizzard game on bnet now uses as the “only” ip

that means you can either never get an anni… or d clone spawns for literally every player

lets look further,
if dclone never spawns becuase its breaks:
yeah thats MASSIVE change to balance… no one can have annis’

let look at the other option:
if d clone spawns in every game what happens?
well every player will get a message saying “sojs are being sold to merchants”
aka every single player playing d2 know he is about to walk
ok given that what will the reaction be?

reaction" every player leaves thier game and make thier own passworded game so they can get their own anni

aka you just told every single player playing d2:r to “leave your game… and make a new one”
i hope i dont need to tell you that would crash the network.

so by “not changing it” you are causing much more damage than u would be doing BY changing it to “attempt” to have a similar effect.

cause and effect people


Wasn’t that the entire argument for diablo 3?

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i hope they deliver both charm inventory, personal loot and action bars (for pc aswell). and in the coming years, who know what else good they might do? one can only hope for a greater game than it already is.


Why do you need or want an action bar? This isn’t an mmo and you can already hotkey any skill you want.

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This is not a delusion, this is a fact. I max out my character power by filling my inventory with charms, but this means I can’t quickly pick up any items that drop. That’s called a “trade-off”. I don’t know how it’s so difficult for you to get this through your head. If there were a dedicated charm inventory like several people are suggesting then that trade-off that I just described wouldn’t exist at all. I’d then be able to max out my charm stash and still have a bunch of extra slots to pick up whatever I want. This would significantly change the game from how it is now and make it much less challenging/interesting. You seriously have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to this.


Yep usually leave enough space in inv to be able to pick up any unique that drops to the size of a windforce.

Rest is charms.

So if I decide to grab a gc or charms and something good drops that I would have used that little space for…welp…too bad.


This is 100% spot on. Charm stash is a massive departure from the original game and throws away any need to balance inventory space versus value of charms.


Basically what you said. +1

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you use the term “trade off” its not a “trade off” any more than giving someone a chose between a penny and an $100 bill is a “trade off”… if u HAVE the charms and your not using them your playing wrong… the difference they make compared to the half second it take to press “i” to open the inventory and drag it into cube is just is nothing compared to the stats u lose IF you have the decent’ charms were you would be “filling your whole inventory”.

your not “weighing options”
if you’re “weighing options” then u don’t understand what the options are. which is your problem. YOU don’t understand that u can just stick stuff in cube and run charms with a full inventory… of 8 skillers and torch and anni.

if you are at a boss fight then i open inventory right before they die so i can click it and keep it on your mouse to put it in cube
if you are running full charms it means u HAVE full skillers. and unless some random Jah drops from a normal mob when your playing in an 8 player game and u are surrounded by other players and u don’t have the 120 milliseconds to press “i” before another player picks it up… which happens…

sec let me get my calculator out…

ok… got to multiply a*b carry the * take the square root of inverse of infinity…
and we get…


then its you ALWAYS run full charms + cube

there IS no trade off


A charm stash is nonsense and anyone who wants one wants a mod not D2.


I don’t run with cube in my char inventory, when I say full charms I mean full charms. You’re still completely missing the point, but whatever. The rest of us are moving on because it’s clearly hopeless trying to explain this to you.


You can play diablo 2 again. Its available right now with no changes. Go play it.

As for a remastered version of the game, it is an opportunity to put some QoL changes in the game that bring it to the modern audience.

Stash organization isn’t what made D2 a masterpiece. lol


I hope one day we get that unreleased expansion that never got developed.


you’re telling me you run… 9 grand charms? rather than 8 and and a cube?

ok THAT is stupid. unless its a strictly pvp char.

thats just a dumb decision… you are trading 12 inventory slots for 3

+1 skill pvm that’s lunacy, because now u cant pick up ANYTHING.
with cube u only lose 1 skiller, it makes picking stuff up slightly more annoying sure, but power is worth slightly more annoyance, the trade off for maybe have to town more than once if u actually find more stuff worthwhile than can fit in cube, will already almost never happen

having to keep it on cursor and then comepltly leave the game and then make your own game to drop it? so u can put some charms in your stash so u could pick it up and then move it to your stash to put the charms back in… then rejoin the last game and hope nobody else took you spot
just to pick up an item? THAT’S insane…

there is a difference between having your 12 cubs slots and a full charm inventory and being able to pick up NOTHING

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This game needs the corruption feature for deeper replayability on the same items. Some items are useless. It does not do justice to create a useless item.

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That’s why we’re here and not in D2 forums. Improved graphics is a mod, shared stash is a mod.
You want original, it’s not going anywhere, go play it. But you got to be delusional to believe d2 is perfect and can’t be improved.


You have many D2 mods available out there full of QOL changes as well, why dont you go play them?.

As this is a remaster and not a remake, the gameplay has to remain untouched.

I agree 100% with the first post.

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I agree. This is a remaster, not a remake. It’s pretty simple, folks. :slight_smile:


Would giving Paladins an aura slot to free up their right mouse button be ok?