Hyped for PTR, when will it come?^^

Hi,Nevalistis,it has been two weeks after you said the ETA would share in the coming weeks ,is it will be in the coming days before it begin?Thank you.


I have one question…Nev is the CM for DIII and will be for DIV…is this good or not :thinking:

Is it so hard to say…“we plan to do xy in the next 2-3 weeks…” or " like the current state of xy will bring you the information in the beginning of next month…" etc.
In grim dawn they had work on an expansion and had said…" it looks like it will be come at the end of February…sorry guys it takes 1 month longer" -> NO PROB!

But this “soon”-trash looks like they have minimal plan of what they do over years and how long it costs. We have now season 19! 18 seasons of the same procedure like every season…now they should know what time lines it needs :man_shrugging:…sry for the hard words but this kind of communcation is absolutly LOW LEVEL!

And all time something can happen that was not foreseen and moves the time plan backwards…wtf no problem…but if you have no fixed sizes then we must ask thousend times the same questions…it is frustrating :expressionless:

Good loot!

Yes…you are right.
But this ptr communication is the same procedure like the 18 times before. In a quarter cycle plan (season to season) are “weeks” the same as “soon” in my opinion. This is no hate against Matt or Nev…this is only a critical note to be more courageous about clear communication.

Imagine, its the 25. November and Sony want to sell the PS5 at christmas…now everybody will know the detailed specification of the console.
And Sony says…“we publish this in the next weeks”
Is this high transparency and communication…they would get supa s.hitstorm!

But it is as it is…I hope the coming patch will be good and by season 21 ehm…the same procedure like every quarter :smirk:

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come on ,come on, come on, when is ptr coming for us ?
come on ,come on ,come on, I want ptr right now baby.
O no , O no ,O no,ptr won`t come tomorrow.
sad,sad,sad,I am going home.

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Technically the first week of December is also “coming”.

You would think someone could spare a minute on a Monday and post “next patch is still in the works, no PTR announcement this week” so everybody could lean back and stop looking at this useless forum. But no, we are not worth a minute of their time.

I have long since decided to ignore all of the CMs useless promises, especially those regarding how they want to improve communication, and only take their actions. And see what we are getting.

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If the meant that they would say before years end. If Blizzard meant a few months, they would write “months” not “weeks”. Your hyperbole does not help your argument.


On the left side, start date, on the right side, end date!

We are on day 74.

3 month mean “about 90” days +/-1 a week or so.

For now, they are totally fine. And recording to Matthew, in my own thread.

Hey Mortred!

We’re going to go with Option 1 on this one. We’ll have more communications in regards to PTR in the coming weeks.


he picked Option one, soon. I indirectly intended to mean 3 weeks, 2 weeks, 1week.

Still…they are fine and totally on track of what they said.

IF, nothing comes today/tomorrow, it would be more than 3 weeks, which would be fine either, cause soon doesn’t directly mean xx weeks.

The only thing i had in mind, when i left them with these options, would be the seasonal length, which, if it the PTR would come today/tomorrow, would still be on track either.

If they chose to release the PTR next week, they would have a very tight time window for fixes, the patch release, post-patch fixes and… the season start.

Guys, chill the next 36hours and we will all know, what is going on.
I am as hyped as you are!


PS: copy pasted from another thread…

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We will first get the D3 Balance Blog, if things go according to plan. Probably this week based on the posts in your thread and the state of the current season. PTR…maybe next week like you said. We can hope that there are lots of good things coming for sets and a theme.


Yeah… that blog i forgot.

I don’t know why we should get a blog about a statement they allready made and what they will leave a statement for, but it seems the community wants it?

I guess, (not sure, just a guess) this is a reaction of the loud cry out from the barb community?
Don’t know… in the end it doesn’t matter for me, if a build clears 140, or 145 or difficult builds 150.
The only thing i am curios about is, that every skills get it to that 140 mark, a lot of people seem to be the must have.

I don’t really wait for the blog, in my eyes pure waste of time.
I also don’t know why it can’t be enough to give a well formatted blue post in the forums instead of an extra work for the web developer.

An own blogpost about balancing seems tooo big, but lets see what it will be, maybe it is worth their time.

I really miss simple Q & A actions these days…
Developer start streaming, get questions, answer questions, asks questions… and a designer in the background takes notes… no scripted and pre-gathered questions, just a live reaction!

That forum/social media style seems broken imo. :thinking: :confused:

It has to do with how widely they want to communicate the information. A forum post is not subject to the same reviews and localization requirements that the Publishing team puts on the Blog posts. BUT those are distributed in every language that Blizzard supports. The goal is to reach the whole player base, not just the people who read the English language US forum.

While you might not be interested in the game Dev concepts behind Balance and details, many other players are and have asked for it. I am glad they are taking the time to put something together talking about the current team’s approach.

Those are hard - for lots of reasons. Some questions are repetative and a waste of time. Others are designed to cause trouble/troll the dev. Most important though is people take whatever the Dev has to say as a promise - not just an open discussion. It causes issues when people insist on holding the Dev to that, despite the game having changed. Then there is the whole “representative of Blizzard and legal/PR wants to make sure nothing bad is said”.

I admire Devs willing to just chat openly in a live broadcast, but get why most don’t anymore.

However, if you want to talk openly like that to Blizz Devs, you can sometimes do it one on one at Blizzcon. They are much more open when not being recorded for interviews/publications.

That’s probably the reason for the delay of the blog post - they had to update something and the soonTM got doubled.

I think they can announce PTR and publish blog post on balancing on same day.

They usually announce PTR 3 days before it starts.

What can be a problem? They say something in blog post and PTR does not follow that philosophy. But core player base would understand if they miss target a bit… Not a big deal. Balancing this game is almost impossible and most of community understands that.

News about PTR would be nice today… to light me up abit after my idol Kobe passed away :frowning:

Actually, I think most of the community disagrees with this, which is why we are so passionate about change and tuning.

It should not be that hard to get all 6 piece optimized sets within 10 GR levels of eachother in that 135-145 range before considering the benefits of a seasonal theme.

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Balancing is not rocket science… it requires logic adjustions, a few tests and fine tuning…

I would say 135-145 is totally fine, for now…
We have differences of 30-40 levels in power, THIS, is the problem.

I don’t care if FoK 100% crit/25% life build can clear 145+ with high perfomance and on-point-gameplay, if my lazy EA or Strafe build could at least clear 130-135.
I would never aim for the most perfect result, i would go for the easy 90% on par.

+1 demon

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I don’t agree with this. Most of community does not want real balance. They hope for their class to be over powered which is why they are so passionate about changes.

10GR difference is not balance.


In that case you would be able to tell me what 2 sets have difference of 40 levels?


Raiment monk vs poj comes to mind. AoV vs Roland’s/Akarat. Helltooth vs Zunimassa. Not sure on actual numbers but those would be my guesses for biggest gaps

Not, within the DH section probably. Their are worse examples.

The DH only needs slight tweaks in set power and new legendary powers, or power tweaks.

But to answer your question more precisley, skill power is the big keyword, not set powers and i didn’t speak just for my class, i spoke for the general state, because the game itself deserves balancing, not my ego class.

Wizzard Hydra - Wizzard Meteor
(starpact doesnt even matter, shower is super strong too)

WD Acid Cloud - WD Gargantuan
WD Zombie Charger - WD Poison Dart
WD Frog build vs…
WD Spider build vs…

DH Spiketraps vs…
DH Strafe vs Barb Whirlwind?

DH EA vs DH MS …maybe not 40 levels but 20+?
UE Chakram vs UE MS, maybe not 40 levels, but 20+?

There are way more examples out there…escpacially on the necro too, but i don’t play him in his current state.

Crusader for example…Akkarath vs LON Condemn build

List goes on and on

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There is no set for Spiketraps.
There is no set for Strafe.

I sad give me 2 sets that are apart 40 levels.

If you expect them to support each skill you are unrealistic.

OK but that is not even close to 40 levels difference. Don’t throw numbers around randomly.