Hungering Arrow from 3 to 4 pierces. 6pc remains at 15k

I tried to decide whether this was sarcasm, trolling or genuinely daft.
I concluded that none of the three options precluded the others so it might be all three.


Clearly the GoD-DH has been nerfed, and our highest possible clears are lower than last patch. This is especially painful while looking at the current seasonal leaderboards comparing Wizards and Demon Hunters: With a nice GR 114 I am within the Top 50 (or was, when I did it yesterday), Wizards already need a GR118 to be ranked at all. Even considering that Wiz is FotM now, and “nobody” plays DH anymore (also noticeable in public bounties), this is a huge failure when it comes to balance.

However, it is not that bad, imho. If you’re struggling on GR105 with almost 2k paragon, you’re doing something wrong. Also, I do not notice such a huge nerf, or at least it is compensated by the follower buff. My main indicator for that is my first augment in Season. In S21 it was a 115 gem, and now it is again a 115. (I did not push in S22).

So GoD got a nerf, but not that much on a “casual level”. Almost only the high end clears are affected by it.


That’s because I went a lot more defensive than the staple build, thus the struggle to kill anything without a good density.

Hell, I have to do more pulls than I would have prior to the HA pierce cap.

There is nothing wrong to stack a little bit more toughness. That’s what I do as well, in general. However, the goal in D3 is to kill monsters, and this goal can’t be reached when you have more toughnes than needed to stay alive.

I do not pull at all. I am back to my old UE-6 playstyle: “Kill everything in front of you”. I even gave my Scoundrel a Windforce to keep demons at distance. Most follower guides even advise not to skill the CC abilities at all, I actually encourage them to do it.

This is how I do GR105 after 3 days in season. It is not a good map, not very well played, and absolutely not appropriate for a high end guide “How to push with GoD”. It is just a casual semi-speed-run to level my next gem for augment.

Okay, I think I may have over exaggerated the part of struggling to complete 105 in NS with close to 2k Paragon. I meant complete within 3 minutes (I usually do speed runs, I don’t push as much unless I’m comfortable I can finish it within 5 minutes).

Sorry, but that makes even less sense. You don’t pull in speedruns, as you have no time for that. Also: for speeds, GoD got a ~50% buff, so it’s even stronger in that scenario.

If we want the devs to convince of GoD needing a buff (or to un-nerf it), we need to bring valid arguments. “GoD is now weaker in speedruns” is just wrong.


Okay, so here’s a valid argument (and a reemphasis of what I have said before):

Back in Season 22, I had no issues completing GR105 within the 3-minute mark with a character around P1200. Given, the theme helped made it a lot easier thanks to the 4th Cube slot as well as the shadow clones.

Then came patch 2.7.0 and I tested out the reworked HA GoD6 in NS as a P1900 character and tried running a GR105, and within the 10 runs I made, had an average clear time of about 6 minutes and a half, which is obviously longer than what I had to do.

Mind you, I have taken notice of the theme’s benefits but with a P1900 NS character I struggled to achieve what I did at P1200 Seasonal. That is what I was referring to in terms of struggle and notice in the change in power of the set.

I’m not sure that’s even a valid argument. It could be considered your option; but mathematically, ie; objectively, GoD is better for speeds than it was. It was it’s top-end power that was nerfed, a little too severely, imo.

You are still missing the point …

Yes, this is good low-tier speed run set:

IF you have high gem tiers
IF you have high augments
IF you go the standard F&R jewelry

My point IS AND FOR THE LAST TIME is that even at lower tier, I feel the impact of the reduced pierce rate when my P level is a lot higher than what I could’ve achieved prior to patch 2.7.0.

It doesnt always guarantees 4 pierce. Period.
The impact of GoD6, be it low GRs or High GRs are significantly nerfed.

I think our point is your perceptions are user-error. I might advise you to check your build and make sure its optimized properly. You should feel stronger.

for instance, it doesn’t show a jewelry option in your cube. (edit: appears to be a bug.)

Depends on the tier of speeds you are running.

It feels great for 105s. I find with the change it’s not quite as good in the 115-120 range for me though. It’s only stronger on difficulties where you can one or two-shot a lot of trash. That’s when you wouldn’t get much value from the pierces anyway, so the bigger set bonus is better. On difficulties where you actually fight packs of trash for more than a second or two, the extra pierces in the old version were more valuable.

For me, 105s felt better but 120 “speeds” for gem finishing felt worse. At least at my gear level and paragon. And at least for clearing the rift anyway, RG kills are faster at every level. Feels great for 2-3 min runs, seems a bit worse for 5-10 min runs where you might actually do a bit of grouping and play around larger packs. Big packs of trash in 120s die noticably slower now, you sort of thin them out methodically instead of wiping the whole pack like you used to.

RoRG and Leoric’s Crown never show in the cube in the web version. A weird bug, been around for a while.

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I get that; he’s talking specifically about 105s. I’d like to see the pierce reverted back to three and the set multiplier itself doubled. It would be fun to see grenade launching GoD DHs. Another way to play.

Yeah I missed that. 6.5 min 105s at 2k paragon isn’t right.

Endless Walk + Elusive is a strange choice for a build that is always moving. You’ll never have the damage bonus from Endless Walk. Focus/Restraint would be way better.

Crimson’s variant also doesn’t really make sense now that the 4th cube slot is gone. You’re giving up Depth Diggers + CoE to get it, which is a terrible trade.

Running Focus/Restraint + Depth Diggers + Hellfire/Squirt’s + CoE/Elusive instead of Endless Walk + Elusive + RoRG + Captain Crimson’s would give you anywhere from 3x (Hellfire + Elusive) to 9x (Squirt’s + CoE) more damage.


That would totally destroy the ‘fun factor’ of running this build. It would be like running a spinning S6, and we don’t need a spinning S6. They’ve already ruined the fun of pushing GoD by turning it into a low tier speed build.

Maybe it doesn’t have to be. Maybe Eminimei’s Duffel or Leonine Bow of Hashir, sadly lacking at 150-175% damage, could be brought up to 250-300%. If you doubled GoD 6 peice to 30,000% damage as well, suddenly Grenades is doing like +8 more GRs, and Devouring Arrow gets ~+5 GR.

 And these are ridiculously simple tweaks. Literally changing numbers. And that's it. It would take 10 minutes to do.

If someone likes to play with Grenades, let them play with grenades.

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Or better yet, increase pierces to 8-10, reduce Ninth Cirri Satchel to maybe 250-300%, increase GoD6 bonus to around 35000-40000%, and reduce Devouring Arrow scaling to 10-20%.

This combo of buffs/nerfs could help Hungering Arrow slightly in the top end, bring back the fun factor to the build, keep the lower GRs in check, and bring Bolas and other variants into viability.


I like the path of specialist builds. At present, the DH class has nothing else but zDH.

So I’m more in agreement with Venaliter, but if they roll out a buffs to Impale, Multishot, Elemental Arrow, like they should — I’d be okay with a well rounded GoD6 HA build.

Been offering this feedback for oh…18 months, maybe?