Hungering Arrow from 3 to 4 pierces. 6pc remains at 15k

As I said in other threads, I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt one last time. I think plenty of players will reach GR130+ with many builds because of the set leaderboard. The builds that reach a GR much higher than that will get the nerf hammer, and those that are lower will get buffs, I think.

If, even with the individual leaderboards results, we don’t get a proper balance patch, then I guess it’ll be time to close up shop and move on to another game.

You guys have my condolences. A crappy situation.


Blizzard isn’t going to touch the DLC characters. They want RATS to exist.

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This is so good, I think I need a cigarette!

Was it good for you, Blizz!



I followed the discussions made by you and other well-known DH players, and I remain baffled that at no point, in any way, was there an effort to address the one and only issue with the GoD build: Missile Dampening.

To me, it looks like they treated the symptom (the GoD build seemed, to some, overpowered) and not the disease (HA’s interactions with Missile Dampening).

Sorry this patch didn’t go your way, DHs. I very much hope this (and all your sets) get buffed in the near future.


I think the developers used missile dampening as an excuse to nerf the class. Sure, GoD HA might have needed a ~5 GR nerf in addition to a missile dampening fix (e.g. removal of the elite affix), but we ended up with a ~10 GR nerf.

The most infuriating part of the nerf is that certain other classes were not touched at all (i.e. Crusaders and Necromancers who are still GR140+ capable at 3k paragon). Only Witch Doctors and Demon Hunters got nerfed this patch. Over the last two patches we have:

  • Barbs got nothing for 2 patches in a row (except minor Blade of the Tribes tweak)
  • Crusaders received a few buffs last patch (e.g. Norvald’s, Akkhan, Belt of the Trove)
  • Demon Hunters got nothing for 2 patches in a row and a nerf to their best build
  • Monks got some minor buffs to some sets (e.g. Inna’s, Shenlong’s, Uliana’s)
  • Necromancers got several Bone Spear buffs and new Rathma’s set
  • Witch Doctors got several buffs (e.g. Helltooth, Manajuma, Ursua’s Trodden Effigy) but a nerf to their best build
  • Wizards got several Energy Twister buffs and new Firebird’s set

Now there is a cause of concern about inter-class balance due not only to GR disparities as before, but also developer apathy towards certain classes.


They learn for the community.

meanwhile those classes get to enjoy the spoils of 140+ pushes, XP, gems, and augments…further pushing DH (and WD) under the rug.

my point was the 2nd part you didn’t quote - that DH were the last to get an OP set and now the first to lose it…so we waited patiently while other classes got to enjoy the spoils of 140+ pushes, gems and augs…and then when DH finally got a chance to shine for 2 whole seasons…WHAM BAM NERFHAMMER MAAM.


looks like 2H xbow hits much harder, dieoxide how was your 135 clear?

My thoughts exactly …frustrating to spend time with something only to have them …fiddle with it…

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somebody cleared 142. God needs more nerf!

Heavy sigh… You didn’t seem to mind running a 144 in season with your 5200 paragon. I don’t see a new NS clear for you so it look like you haven’t even seriously ran a post-patch push with GoD.

With text it’s hard to tell if you are being sarcastic or serious.

This is sarcasm, borderline troll.

It is impossible to do 142. IMPOSSIBLE. Even the best players cant do it !

Somebody indeed did a 142 at 11k paragon in 13 minutes.

I am doing speed 115’s inside 5min with p 2650 on NS… if i drop to 112, it’s inside 3min with decent rift, Plenty for me… although no point of playing… no items or anything will improve it.

Was on NS earlier today with a P1932 character and struggled to complete 105 when I had an easier time in S22 as a P1214 (of course, the 4th cube slot also helped).

This shows how big the disparity is the whole nerf to GoD6 in 2.7.0.

But again, the devs could not be arsed about this.

Check the top three ranks here…,hc&types=dh&regions=eu,us,tw,cn&maxrows=1000

All 3 of them are exploiting for sure. 140++ is impossible after changes.

Blizzard, please nerf God6 further immediately!

Have any evidence to back that up?