How will trading work?

In game trading windows exists to trade.

In Diablo 2 right now there are tons of trade games and specifically titled games with people looking to trade.

Do you mean you want there to be an in game marketplace type thing?

This is the way for a great Remaster.

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BlizzConline 2021 - Diablo Q&A - YouTube at 31:30

Items can be linked it chat.

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Thanks for that. Not sure how I missed that in the Q&A!

With an increased player base, and if the game list is formatted better and doesnt auto refresh every 10 seconds, trading will be done old school by creating games and trading within.
Of course there will be forums, websites, ect because thats unavoidable no matter how many people wish they didnt exist.

The same like Diablo 2! Check Diablo 2 Breakdown Multiplayer on Youtube

they dont want trading? They literally said its going to remain exactly as it was before with some QOL. You are literally pulling crap out of thin air.

Hopefully like in the original game.

Trading will most likely work as it always has… as in via the trade window.

If you’re asking as to whether people would resort to trading with external currencies (such as forum gold or real money) on third party sites , I’d say I highly doubt it, as this is a thing of the past.

What D2 could really use is a site (fan made or Blizzard held, doesn’t matter) similar to warframe market or poe trade, so that people can list their items, and others can contact them via whisper in-game.

I really don’t see why people here are fearing Armageddon, or trying to invent the hot water, when an elegant solution already exists.

I must have missed some crucial developments then :thinking:

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Well, from my perspective, having played other games with trading, there have been indeed crucial developments. Check out how trading is done on something like warframe.

I specifically mentioned warframe market. Even if you’ve never touched the game, you can go on the site and see how it works. You can browse for items, you can sort them via prices, and once you’ve decided from whom you wanna buy, you can copy his name and whisper him in-game.
It works the same way on poe trade.

All it takes is for one site like that for D2R to emerge in the months prior to release… and sites, that rely on external currencies will be effectively undone. It can be created by Blizzard, it can be made by a fan.
Personally, I would prefer if Blizzard had that functionality built into the official site, so that we don’t have to go on third party sites.

I know that there are alternatives that might heavily reduce 3rd party trading.
But so far Blizzard has not announced that they would offer the players a new way to engage in trading with other players and until that happens my guess is that things will stay very close to as they are now.

When it comes to RMT, there is no real way to stop it from happening.
If the people had items they wanted to trade, they could do so right now.
They are spending money to take a shortcut and not even the best implemented trading system could stop that.

The only way to make a huge dent into the RMT economy is to stop botting and duping, so the items that change the owner are at least legitimately farmed and don’t inflate the whole ingame economy.

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For all you know, girl gamers could be providing other kind of favors to get their hands on BiS items.
Terrorists could be farming and selling items for real money, preparing to unleash weapons of mass destruction on the world.

Seriously though, who cares if people are crazy enough to give real money for in-game items?
It’s not Blizzard’s responsibility to eliminate the crazy or remove the fun of trading entirely for the normal people, so that the crazy can be safe.

You can trade in-game just fine. The game is almost 21 years old. Even if people experience some difficulties with in-game trading right now, that would be simply, because the number of active players is rather low.
With the release of D2R, that would not be a problem.

Actually, D2 is the game, that has had like the most stable economy there is. Items have like the same price in terms of runes since 1.10 till now, with or without dupes and bots.

I am not even sure why people care so much, since good gamers can get their BIS reliably like every freaking season. Most BiS items items are not that hard to find or assemble either.

Let me tell you another hypothetical problem though:

You see as a potential issue if someone spends… say $50 out of his salary in order to get BiS 2-3 days into a season.
Would you see a problem, if a content creator with a massive following would get donated full BiS 2-3 days into a season?

I never said that there are difficulties with ingame trading.
But people can’t trade items if they don’t have anything of value.
And that’s why some people resort to RMT.

At least in Ladder this definitely isn’t true.
If a patch on Ladder Reset day stopped the bots from working the prices dropped much slower than during bot infested ladders.

The public dupe method that got leaked some years ago completely annihilated the ingame economy and had lasting effects even after it was fixed.

In a “recent” event banning all VPNs more than doubled the prices of Annihilus charms from one day to the other until the “professional” clone hunters found a workaround to connect hundreds of characters at once again.

As long as the item was farmed legitimately I honestly don’t care if it belongs to the one or the other guy and if someone paid money for the item or got it for free.

While I would like to see RMT to be gone I know that the only way to make it happen would be to remove open trading.
But I have way too much fun while trading to see that as a viable option.

My thoughts

If people don’t have anything of value, then they don’t know how to play. The fault is not entirely their own, as D2, like many other games fails to teach the players how to play through adequately explaining it’s systems.
The game doesn’t show on the interface, that items have item levels, it doesn’t show, that areas have levels as well, it doesn’t teach you, that you can farm lower item level BiS items though farming them on a lower level areas and thus – maximizing the chance to get them by excluding all the higher level items from the loot table, and things like that.

So I would really like, if item levels and area levels are displayed on the interface, the same way you can see them on mods.

But to say, that pretty much no one gets items of value is kinda strange. Even if people have no idea as to how to play, eventually they would stumble on higher level areas and get something, that they can trade.
Hell, they can google and figure out, that they can sell freaking Spirit packs and have a reliable source of Pul runes, for which they can get many BiS items.

What you’re saying simply doesn’t make any sense and here is why:

If prices are dropping, because loot is more abundant, they would be dropping across the board. I honestly would prefer getting a freaking Shako for a Lem rune rather than a Pul, Um or a higher rune. The less it costs, the more you can buy.
You find one or two high runes, break them into smaller ones and you’re set.

It would be much more difficult to gear, if items cost more. At such a time, people would be more likely to resort to real money, not less likely.

When did that happen exactly? How many years ago?
Because the only dupe I’ve encountered and I know 100% it was a dupe was, when Blizzard restored one of my deleted characters after a freaking sever transfer few years back.

The way of obtaining Annihilus has always been cringe and nonsense. And, at this point in time we’re well aware, that the way the World Event (a.k.a. The Diablo Clone) works will have to change.

So for you the principle of the thing is: as long as the item is not duplicated, and it’s not obtained though botting, it’s fine.

Can I ask you another hypothetical question?

The year is late 2021. The world is still under global pandemic, or (hopefully) the pandemic just ended, but it’s economic ramifications are still deeply felt.
People come back from work and enjoy (relatively) cheap entertainment such as video games.
They play D2, farm and trade for items in order to get some enjoyment in their lives.
They have no way of knowing whether the Enigma they just purchased for the High Runes they farmed is legitimate or a duplicate, or assembled from items, that were farmed by a bot… no indication on the interface whatsoever.

Would you have Blizzard unleash the Rust Storm and frustrate the crap out of legitimate players? Because I’m pretty sure Blizzard are not gonna mail you your high runes back, as it would end up being too much work for someone to investigate manually for a game, that is not going to have a monthly fee.

How would you handle that situation?

Some don’t know how to play efficiently, some are lazy and some are impatient.
I am not arguing to defend those players, I am just saying that you can’t get rid of the attitudes and circumstances that lead players to engage in RMT by improving the trade system. They will always be there no matter what.

I assume that you haven’t played Ladder that much?
The value of some items is fluctuating heavily, while the price of others seems like a rock in the tide.

Highend crafts, rares and some magic items will keep their value because they are so rare that the market is never oversaturated.

The items that will drop in price the most are items that are very strong and very easy to find at the same time.
It starts at Amn/Sol runes, 4 socket Polearms/Monarchs and ends at Tal Set Items, Occulus and Shako.

At the beginning of the ladder all those items will be rather expensive, but as soon as most people have stocked up on them, the inflation hits them fast and heavily.

It was in December 2014.

The way duplicate IDs get detected and deleted in old B-Net is rather random and ineffective, but that should be easy to fix, now that D2:R will be using Blizzards new infrastructure.

To answer your question properly:
Yes, I am all for deleting dupes no matter if the person who is holding the item is the one who duped it or not.

When you no that dupes exist you should take some precautions to minimize the risk as much as possible.

During the worst times of public dupes and exploits I always retreated to a smaller Diablo community forum that only allowed you to trade items of which you where sure that they aren’t duped (either because you found them yourself, or because you got them from a trusted player).

The system wasn’t flawless, but the zero tolerance policy from the mods and the small size of the community helped to make trading much safer than in public games or other more anonymous trade forums.

If D2:R is getting a clan/guild system (which it should), it would be much easier to find safer places to trade if Blizzard doesn’t manage to get the problem under control.

You assume wrong.
I have played ladder, hell, prices on ladder to me seem more stable than non-ladder ones… but then again, it might be me usually building cheap casters, where the only real expensive item is the Infinity.

It might be for attack rating based characters where the fluctuation occurs.
If you tell me specifically, I’d understand.

But isn’t that true regardless as to whether there are dupes, bots or not? Sure, dupes and bots will accelerate the process.
Tal sets getting cheaper later in a ladder can be easily explained. When people get their Enigmans, they swap to a different character from their MF Sorc. That will happen, with or without dupes and bots.

I did play in 2014, but was in the Summer. I must have missed it. The next time I played was 2017… I think… prior to the server transfers (on EU? I’m really not sure if that server transfer was EU only or Global).

Sounds really good in theory.
In practice, it would be a disaster and it would only make players quit. People, who’ve played for 20+ years might be OK with this, but new players – hardly.
People, who are newer to the game will be like “screw that nonsense, I’m out of here”.
It might even hurt future sales of Blizzard games, if Blizzard treats it’s customers this way in 2021.
Keep in mind, it’s unreasonable to expect a casual gamer to know how to distinguish between a duplicated and a legitimate item;
and it’s also unreasonable to expect them to pay the price for something they themselves didn’t do and have their progress thrown out the window.

I have to agree with this, there is a much different player base nowadays and way more games to choose from.

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Highend Rares (Eth Weapons, Eth Armors for PvP Barbs, Orbs, Necro Staffs, Rings, Amulets, Boots, Circlets/Pelts/Barb Helmets, Jewels)
Crafts (Gloves, Boots, Belts, Rings, Amulets)
Magic Items (Perfect Small Charms, Claws, Orbs, Javelins, Shields/Pala Shields)
All the Rare and Magic Low Level Duel stuff.

Uniques and Highrunes are neither rare nor expensive compared to most of those.

Isn’t that exactly what I said?

It all comes down to if Blizzard is able to control duping and botting.
If they don’t, most of the players will move to D4 and never return either way.

For the hardcore D2 crowd that stays it will definitely be the better option to simply delete dupes as they always did.