How will trading work?

I predict serious prices for runes for real money, say $ 200 for some zod

And so it is… I don’t care. It does not even make a big difference for me, whether the guy, who farmed the runes, has them, or the guy, who bought the runes for real money has them… it does not change the market, but distributes good items among the community a bit.

Let the people spend their money, I don’t care tbh

I would love an in game trade UI but seems really unlikely. The biggest drawback was always spending the time in chat spamming until you find someone who wants the same trade you do, getting into game, having them back out, or seeing a trade game listed and you join but it’s already done.

But how would you even have an ah? People trade items for items a lot and it can vary what they will accept. It’s not like it’s just x for y gold.

Linking items in lobbies would be a nice touch, but again how? They would need to add something to select from items you have on that character I guess.

if there’s no trading, im going to ask for a refund.


just thought about it. They said that they don’t want to change the game from what it felt like originally.

If they took away trading or implemented bind on character, they would need to up drop rates on basically everything.

which, you guessed it. Equals an entirely different game.

Trading won’t go away, if it does, me, along with everyone else that pre-purchased will probably feel like they have been punched in the gut.


Hopefully they just implement a similar system that the private servers use where you can list items and message potential buys and sellers. Nothing more is really needed

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I guess there will be old school trading, because they already improve on finding and joining games. So one thing they mentioned was a proper filter. With that, you could easily look for games, which have the item in their name. Already an improvement upon the old trading and that is going to be it I guess

People need to watch the deep dives and the Q&As with people like mrllamasc.
They are keeping D2 exactually as it was at the last patch. The only changes they are going to be doing are shared stash and gold pick up.

You trade just like you did previously. No change, no AH, no linked websites and players.

Im pretty sure trading is confirmed, just like in original.

Trading example in D2:

You create game and name it for example O Zaka N Mal

1st person who joins: “O Um”
You: “N Mal”
1st person: “lol” and leaves
2nd person joins: “Not worth Mal” and leaves
3rd person joins: “Need Herold”
You: “N Mal”
3rd person: “??”
You dont reply and in your mind “sigh”
3rd person: “N Herold” and leaves after a while when not replied to
If your lucky 4th person joins: “O 2 Um”
You in your mind: “thats a deal” and tp scroll to town and trade with that person :smiley:


Well, if I remember correctly, there was something about linking items in chat, right? That technically is a huge change (which I would love to see).

But yeah, people are asking things, that are way over the top an unrealistic for this Remake.

Haven’t seen anything in any of the Q&As that suggests you can link items, would be interested to see if there are any sources about that.

They have said they aren’t looking at loot filters, which would probably be something that could be handled just on the new front end, so I doubt they would look to put in linking items.

It’s not something that was in D2, it’s not something that players could do anyway through a work around, so going by their statements, it’s not something they will be looking to introduce.

Yeah, can’t find it rn… Thought it was part of the Private Q/A of MrLamaSC maybe:

But maybe it was also just a thing, he was thinking about, but did not ask the Devs, can’t remember tbh.

Still, I would love it.

bartering was half the fun of the game lol

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The thing that makes D2 trading dynamic is that there are many different forms of currency. In the early days of D2 people would just join trading games and people would show each other their gear, and people would trade gear.

Also, a lot of crafters would open games to trade some of their unique and set items for chipped and perfect gems, for various crafting / cube recipes they were working on. This was a great way to get some decent gear for a character you’re leveling. A tip to new players - save your chipped gems. They are worth more than flawed gems in the market, due to certain recipes.

Later on down the road, runes became the most common currency to trade for gear. Having a stockpile of various quality runes is a great way to trade your way up as well. Countess farming is one of my favourite early ladder season activities to build wealth.

There are so many different approaches to trading and people are always looking for different things. What made D2 trading great is that you had to actually barter with people using words. It’s a really great dynamic that so many modern games have lost to time, and replaced it with auction houses and the like, in the name of “convenience”. D2 is going to stay the same, so embrace it.

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I’m fairly certain they mentioned in the deep dive and/or the QA that trading would be just like it is now in D2. Changing something as fundamental as trading would completely ruin the feel of the game. D3s “trading” system completely ruined a lot of the charm these types of games have, in my opinion. Less is always going to be more in this situation.

I think we will not be able to go back 20 years ago, the world was different people were different. Look at the vanilla wow experience. Is there someone cooperating there? full of traders and other innovations. I think even if there is no such system (for example, an auction house), there will still be some kind of platform that will deal with this. will be full of hosts in the open game with WTS something

Old School Trading is a big part of Diablo 2.
Auction House was the part that destroyed Diablo 3 in the first place.
I loved how you had to make a game to trade

“Offer Ists 4 Enigma”
“N Oculus O Um”
“O 20 Gem 4 Pul”


I hope they keep it as is personally, i however do remember the good days pgems were amazing for crafters so they would give like pul for 20 or um for 40 and even OP if they really wanted etc.

I recall them mentioning that you can post items to chat, which I think is familiar from d3 and wow. That alone is enough of a feature. What I’m not looking forward to, is people trying to grab stuff out of a trade or swap for a similar looking item to trick you into trading for nothing or a garbage item that looked similar to the fancy one they showed you at first. Ugh.

I hope like Diablo 2