How will Diablo Clone work in D2:R

I don’t think they will all use the same server IP, but your first point is absolutely correct.

The Dclone spawning method in current bnet is terrible, incentivizing thousands upon thousands of people leaving hell games open is just bad policy.

That’s true, but it’s also MUCH easier than gathering 50-100 SoJs without mass bots or duping.

So you don’t want it to be a server event anymore. Even if this activity were unavoidable, I’d bet bnet 2.0 servers wouldn’t be ‘DDOS’d’ by it. You’re vision is clouded by how truly horrendous the current D2 realms are. As for leaving games open 24/7, you’d need to be using software to do that because characters will idle out. Cheating like that is up to Blizzard to implement a countermeasure, not to be designed around.

Calm down you guys, the standards idea is something I posted off the top of my head after about 5 seconds of consideration. It’s not something I’m married to or even pushing, just one option. It preserves the “world event” aspect of DClone while removing the lame mechanic which was purposed for removing mass duped SoJs from the Classic era. It gives a purpose to the standard of heroes which is otherwise nothing more than a waste of inventory space. It takes the anni market out of the hands of cheaters.

There wont be a preexisting mass of duped SoJs, and hopefully duping exploits will be rectified, so this aspect of the event is detrimental and IMO should be removed. The only reason to use SoJs is to make it feel the same as/similar to how it was before, which isn’t no reason.

That would work too, but also removes the “global event” aspect completely, which was basically the identity of the dclone event. It changes the spirit of the event into one person gambling alone with SoJs which no sane legit player would consider under the current system. I’m not opposed to your idea, but I don’t think you appreciate the magnitude of deviation.

DClone event will change, that is unavoidable due to the nature of bnet 2.0. Who knows what Blizzard will decide to do, they might even just simulate gameserver IPs and change nothing. My hope is that they move to a system that doesn’t so fragrantly favor cheaters; that legit players can also meaningfully benefit from. That’s all.

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The spirit of the event was to get rid of duped SoJs. If there are no more duped SoJs, then the spirit of the event must change. (hopefully they have fixed dupes)

We’ll see what they have done soon.

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The spirit of the event was that it was a global event. Too bad that it completely failed to get rid of duped SoJs and merely rewarded and encouraged the practice.

Well, at least they tried to do something about it. :stuck_out_tongue:


this is 100% false… it most definitely succeeded, it took like 4-6 years for them to finally all really disappear… but it DID succeed.

i know becuase i watch the dcone IRC community i had been party fo for years dwindled as sojs because harder and harder to obtain… you used to be able to afford tons of them so even having a single cd key was more than enough, by mid 2008 if u didn’t have 4 cd keys to get 4 annis per walk u could barely even break even to buy more sojs for the next walk selling you had to try to get more and more people together to donate sojs because you just could afford to do it with the normal size group of people… and the more people in the walk the harder it is to try to land on the correct ip because that ip will have more people with games on it.

basically it became next to impossible to do walks due to the pirce of nl sojs going up so much because absolutely massive quality of duped ones were just GONE.

the IRC is DEAD they don’t even DO walks anymore because they flat out cant be done there.

so yes it mostly CERTAINLY worked to get rid of the duped sojs.

and yes… a server WOULD get (effectively) DDOSed by a bunch of people trying to make games at once.

TLDR: because networking

now for the post…

i could go into specific details networking details but to try to write it in laymen’s terms.
blizzard sets up a server that is expected to handle creation of maybe X many games per second.

note here being CREATION,

if u have every seen a “que” to creature a game or to log in in some game this is because the server is designed to handle a certain amount of people… it doesn’t NEED to handle every person who plays the game because its not realistic for EVERYONE to try to log in or create a game at the same time
the phone system works this say way… that’s why for major disasters u cant get a dial tone… because its not built to handle EVERYONE at the same time. just a certain percentage of the population.
on launch day there might be “extra” server put online to handle this sort of extra massive influx of everyone trying to log in at midnight.

but a ddos is basically when the game servers cant “handle” a request
disruptive denial of service… DDOS
its up to blizzard network engineers to determine exact what percentage of the population of game creation server they need to be able to make games at once. and him sure they have constant feedback to adjust to what they actually need.

but the point is… if u told EVERYONE to make a dclone game at the same time.

the game creation server would either completely crash (ddos) … set up a massive que.( mostly likely ( or trigger automatic DDOS protection and prevent any contact outside of the internal network and stop anyone from from making a game.

either way it cant be a global event.

because the new 2.0 used a a completely different subnet system and all traffic is networked through the same external IP rather before being routed internally. ( this is very complex and I’m trying to use laymen’s terms so bear with me)
in general it means people wont be able to probe blizzard network from the outside as they will only see the “one” server rather than any of the servers we could see on the original in which everything was routed directly the the server it needed externally

the flipside of this means… there is only “one” server visible to the client… therefore every game would have the “same” ip meaning a walk would be on every open hell game on the planet.

which means ( and we’re making the full circle now) that if someone see’s and soj selling… and they’re in a public game… their going to want their own anni…
and because its EVERY hell game and not “specific ones” anymore. it means u wont get put into a “different” server so u could just make a new game and sell get the anni…
so everyone would do this… which bring us back to DDOSing the game creation servers.

Opinions stated as facts. There are still duped SoJs. Server queue is not DDOS. It can be a global event. If you don’t want people leaving to create their own games, then hide the sold message. Only display Walks.

of course there are still duped sojs, because u can still dupe… its much harder, but its still possible

first off. im not stating opinions as facts. im stating facts as facts.
it DID work, it removed over 95% of the duped sojs in 6 years… that means it worked

2nd i said “effectively” ddos.

obviously its not a real DDOS, real DDos are caused by people putting out a virus and having unsuspecting people download it, then the instigator chooses a time and makes all of the thousands of infected computers all spam a sever at the same time so it cant function.

the point is its the closest thing of reference i had so i used it as an example… the game creation servers like the telephone lines aren’t designed for a large amount of people at once.

but telling every player to do something at the same time you are telling the server to try to process way more than it can handle… aka its functions the same AS IF you DDOSed the servers.

3rd that still fixes nothing, then get people leaving the game on 24/7 in case of a walk when they’re not playing, wasting server space.

i used the old system… i ABUSED the old system for over 4 years to farm anni’s, and to this day i still have 3 working CD key sets ( technically i still have 5 but i have no idea where two of them are)

that being said, the old system was TRASH… and unless you were also a dclone farmer for years i highly doubt u know as much about this particular subject as i do.

the old system had a function, it fulfilled that function, and now that function is a huge determent to the game. and implementing it “as is” would be catastrophic.

the “soj” hold some sentimental value to me sure, enough for me to care that id rather have the peices u find be cubed intoi a fake SOJ you can smash at the hellforge…
but i DO NOT want a server wide event, i DO NOT want to to remove actaul sojs from the economy. i want it to be something that i can do over and over as many times as i want, and not something i need to use jsp to buy nl sojs get 5+ people together to form a walk, and hunter for a specific ip for 4 cd keys just so i can fight the best fight in the game.

dclone was designed that way for one reason and one reason only… to remove sojs from the economy, there are currently ZERO dupsed sojs on D2:R… therefore that old system

They will idle out. If Blizzard can’t detect a basic anti-idle script then the online portion of this game is finished anyways.

Agreed, except that it did not fulfill that function because duping is an ongoing issue.

Are you really against a server wide event due to worries about the servers, or are you actually just jockeying for a change to the anni generation method into something which an individual accomplishes I wonder. Because mass game creation can easily be nixed by not showing the ‘sell’ messages, and characters already idle out of games so unless you’re running a third party script (BAN) so leaving a game open 24/7 isn’t really an option.

the goal wasnt to “stop duping”, it was to removed the duped sojs… and it did do that… therefor it succeeded .
believe me sojs and annis arnt worth nearly as some other stuff that is much more valuable to dupe.
also it would be easier and faster to dupe the anni rather than the soj if u could dupe, the seller wouldn’t care if it dissappeared

selling sojs is stupid, it was never the intent to sell “real” non-duped sojs
the entire point was to removed as many duped ones from the economy as possible and it succeeded in that job spectacularly. so much so that the entire dclone community just up and died.

a new system needs to be made, and the old system wasn’t that great of a design anyways.

Same mechanic, increased number of soj to be sold (as now the event happens in just one global server) and that is all we need.

Anni is supposed to be hard to get and it would be hard to get if the game were not broken with hacks nowadays.

The last big patch that led to a 99% bot shutdown for a few months, wich happened like 5-6 ladder ago, resulted in barely no anni available for trading and that is how it is supposed to be, an extremely rare and expensive item.

They may only use one external IP, but they will surly use many virtual IPs. There’s no reason it couldn’t work the same as it did, in fact this would reduce the queueing problem, because you wouldn’t be able to find out which virtual IP you were connecting to

Why not just make it so you have to cube 4 sojs to open portal? Would Make anni more rare because old way he spawns for 100s of people, this way only for 1 person.

The resident kitten will not like this one bit.

this would be horrific

u guy need to seriously stop it with the “selling legit sojs to merchants”
the system was to sell DUPED sojs to rid them from the economy.

there ARE NO DUPED SOJS. ( in d2:R)

there is literally NOTHING good about the curent system

it has no problem to fixed and therefore it a problem itself
next no one would be able to experience the best fight in the entire game, many non-shield builds would be hurting badly for resistances
the system wont work to begin with because of the ip structure…
it would cause tremendous strain on the servers during a walk becuase of people trying to remake
and it would case people to leave their character in game

there is literally NOTHING good about the old system

and earlier someone even said something about

and no anni wasn’t hard to get if u knew how to do it. until the system worked and the ran out of duped sojs.

i want to FARM dclone… i would like also like to get a few anni,s but mostly i want the FIGHT.

all your stupid ideas of "making him mard to spawn, becuase u seem to be under some delusion that while we had duped sojs he was hard to spawn… i would get like 16 annis per week back in 1.10 and 1.11 and 1.12

he was NOT hard to spawn

you are flat out WRONG

anni’s are NOT rare… they may have been “rare” to people who had no idea how to get them. people need to stop saying this… because it flat out wasn’t true at all.
i usally got 1-3 annis per season in those patches not even from my own walks, just randomly in games im playing.

characters wont idle out on bnet 2.0
thats one of the few known changes we know from alpha
also… its absurdly easy to prevent them from idling out on
i did that all the time when i had to go to bed waiting for the walk after i landed on the ip and i collected the annis in the morning.

also i think it was this thread but im not sure.

putting "restrictions like " you can make so many games per time period.
is stupid it does NOT prevent bots… it make them worse

in fact i used a program that would make game on a timer specifically so i wouldnt get realm down while trying to land on an ip, specifically because it was too hard to not get R/D by doing it manually.

the irony is i had zero intention of using a program to make games for me, i had to do it because the “bot protection” would treat see me making games too fast unless i used a game creation script to avoid making games too fast.

so i used a thrid party program, to avoid my human action triggering a temp restriction designed to stop third party programs.

if tha’ts not the biggest utter failure of a system design , then idk what is

Told you. :stuck_out_tongue:

I still want SoJs involved. I think the nostalgia works better if SoJs are involved.

The only thing that should change about Dclone in my opinion, is cheese-exploding him without doing any damage.

If a lvl 1 mule can kill Dclone naked, I think something should change. That’s just my opinion though, if they want to keep the cheese for nostalgia’s sake…whatever.

I would rather have some new item to summon clone to farm. Maybe if they make cow kings farmable, you have to farm the 3 difficulties for special drops. To then summon or make a portal for Dclone. Just spit balling.

Or use standard of heroes and make DClone hard.

first off, you cant kill him with a lvl 1 mule, even using old blood raven/ shenk death glitch before that was patched, as you would need to kill those bosses in hell which would be slightly hard to do with a lvl 1…

and thier patches anyways, so unless therte is so new glitch idk about, ( which could be the case i havent tried to farm him on realm anymore becuase its impossible to get enouygh sojs and the community is dead becuase of that, so if somthing was discovered in the past 6 years and not patched… ok

if thery want to keep “soj nostalgia” you can gather pieces of a broken SOJ from bosses like u can keys and tokens, and then cube them into a faux soj ( faux means fake people)
and then smash that soj at the hellforge, and have a walk in your game.

that would be nostalgic, it would be repeatable, and u could even make the pieces common, and then just have a low % chance from him to actually drop said anni so you could do the fight over and over.

Maybe not. I might me misrepresenting it…you can definitely do it with a VERY low character though…without doing any damage to him.

It’s not new, but the less people that know about it, the better. Carry on, everyone…nothing to see here. (I do hope they patch it but let’s not advertise it ) :smiley:

Maybe it was already patched, I dunno…it’s hard to get reliable info with all the modded versions out there these days. Thank god those mods are about to die.

I haven’t killed “the real” dclone in years…Mods have kinda taken over with how bad Bnet servers have been for 10~ years…

Either way, can’t wait to fight real Dclone again.

Nah it’s gotta be real sojs…even if it’s just one, it’s pretty essential in my mind…

Another uber-like event where you farm the pieces…it’s just not the same.