How to use Stone Gauntlets?

Trying out the build for the Crusader with Stone Gauntlets in the Cube.
When I do this it seems like I am going slower and slower.
What is the trick to not loose speed?

Pick one of these options…


Barb’s Ignore Pain and Crusader’s Iron Skin also grant CC immunity.

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There are chant options too. You can run bravery and it cancels out the negative effects.

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Excellent! Thanks for the replies.

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You can also just be a thorns Crusader using the Belt of the Trove to stand there, let the monsters beat on you, and explode them every few seconds, restoring your ability to move/attack.

Easily a rather dumb and boring option.

I sometimes like to give them to a follower when I get lonely.

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I miss the uber Inarius lazy farmer days… blind faith in helm, shadowhook in hand, mirinae’s actually ranked up… walk forward… loot

  1. Equip stone gauntlets in cube.
  2. Go to forums to cry game is broke and character is moving super slow.

Be aware that many build guides assume you have something you may not have, such as high paragon and CDR as well as Force Move on KB.

yeah is a common mistake between new people, no need to be so harsh


Another consequence to using Stone Gauntlets (essential for the LoD HOTA barb set) is that they scale up somewhat slowly. You have to kill a few low level mobs first so that the stone gauntlets climb up to their 5 times defense highest level. If you reanimate (after dying) and face a Boss after reanimating he can kill you easily. Also, after finishing a fight and traveling a ways to the next encounter you may lose your stone gauntlets defense buff. Once again you have to scale up by fighting low level mobs first. ALSO try to have Call of the Ancients up once you start attacking. They (the barb replicants) will absorb a lot of the damage when you get hit, allowing you to survive the first few encounters.

My preference to using the Stone Gauntlets: salvage them immediately; put them in the Cube only if you still need X items Cubed for the Journey.

I just do not like them. I understand their purpose, but I avoid these and Squirt’s Necklace.


I agree about the Stone Gauntles, I do not like how they work. Way too much management for my play style. There are a few keep-away (Long distance) builds I like the Squirt’s Necklace for but overall not a big fan.


well, the thing is aquila vs stone gauntlets…

The Ice Climber boots work really well with Stone Gauntlets. I just don’t think a crusader needs extra armor, with all the armor you are already getting from your strength. I would think something else would be better in the cube.

It doesnt matter. Even if you have 160K armor, its roughly 97.89% mitigation from armor stat, if you increase it to 360k ish, roughly equates to 99.03% mitigation, the mitigation increase (1-0.9789)/(1-0.9903) = roughly 117%. We are looking at sustained damage of 2.11% vs 0.97%

SG still offers mitigation stronger than other competitors.

Can easily load into D3P, highlight over the armor mitigation stat and compare the before/after gains for min maxing.

Too difficult. Using left analog stick is much easier.

Who is to blame that people don’t want to read and understand the description of legendary property?