How to resurrect Diablo 3?

The AH was hated because the use of it was mandatory and it directly affected drop rates and qualities. Drops were artificially kept horrendous so that people would use the AH.

Besides, the AH is completely against the very core idea of ARPGs. You are supposed to find the loot, not buy it.

Also the current difficulty scaling actually skews the perception on drop rates. On T16 legendaries rain from the sky. On T1 they don’t.

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One of my gifs is more interesting than your 880 posts. But If it bothers you that much and you simply can’t physically tear yourself away from the forum…in the Immortal words of Ma Anand Sheela: tough !@#$%^&.

PS: quit trying to get my attention. I’ve never been interested in what you have to say in general, and I highly doubt that’s gonna change anytime soon. So:


AH was hated because of people with big wallets who purchased BiS items for insane amount of money like the perfect Echoing Fury for 9700$…

I rather have no trade at all than have rich “boyz” who just buy everything from 3rd party sites and show off their 1337 gear and how great they’re at the game…


What is it worth now?

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I meant the price of a legacy Echoing Fury… Just check google and type Echoing Fury for 9700$ or 7500 Euro and you’ll find some articles about it…

I don’t want your attention. I want you to follow your own advice…

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When a bee oneshoot you in act 2inferno…


yes I enjoyed finding a thousand items that had useless stats

Honestly, in this occasion I must unironically quote J Allen.

You don’t want that.
You think you do, but you don’t.

But it’s not the first time I see this type of post. Kinda evidences my theory that no matter how much consensus there is over new patches or expansions being positive changes, there’s always gonna be the “I miss the old days” guy

Unless you don’t actually like ARPG gameplay that much and just want to play the STONKS game of AH. Because in that case D3 vanilla was actually a pretty neat buy-low-sell-high simulator.


Man, the forums were alive with seething hatred back in the Vanilla days. Honestly, there could be a book written about the development of Diablo 3, and the lead up to it, then the release, then the reactions.

Like, elemental damage was removed before release because it was too “confusing”. Bees would one shot you. Snakes popping out of invisibility to explode you. People making real life money because they got an NPC to kill bad guys over their corpse. Legendary drop rates in the tank, and even the legendarys you got had zero powers.

There will never be a need for vanilla Diablo 3. The only thing I would like in that general idea would be a super low drop rate mode of Diablo 3, because at least then finding a build worthy legendary would feel exciting again. I still remember finding my first and only Hoz from back in the Diablo 2 days.


I would like to see longer character progression. Ppl now complete their sets with close to perfect stats in few weeks. It should take more time.

Legendary items should be rly legendary and what we have now is mass legendary drops so we farm and farm until its finally ancient with desired stats


Have nothing against lowered legendary and set items as long as they’re actually legendary and not forgotten souls like almost the whole time right now…

If ALL legendaries and set items were ridiculously strong you'd get a headache from choosing the right one you want to use...

Legendaries should make you fall off of your chair out of excitement and you should be like “OMFG a legendary or set”. Now when we get a legendary or set the reaction is pretty much like this… meh another forgotten soul…

Anyway a lot of people whine that all classes are behind wizard now when the solution to fix it is pretty “easy”. Just increase every monsters (including elites and guardians) in rifts and greater rifts health by 5-6% instead of 17%. This way Archon will crush 150 GRs for sure, but other classes should probably hit 140-150 GR at 3000 Paragon or less too…

If lowering the % of monsters health per rift wouldn’t be enough than just double the weapon damage on all level 70 weapons despite quality (normal, magic, rare, legendary or set). I mean double the amount of elemental damage each weapon deal (fire, cold, lightning, poison, arcane, holy, physical - only).

This way ALL classes would be able to run 150 GRs, much faster and grind paragons a lot faster than right now without the need of playing over 6-10h or more a day…

Sure insane idea, but not different from all the other threads with buffs to specific class skills or items and probably faster to add in game than worrying about redesigning or buffing every underperforming class skill or item…

So yeah either buff or redesign all legendaries and set items to match Vyr’s set or do the above with mobs hp per rift and double weapon damage only…

Don’t worry I know it won’t ever happen, so no need to launch the hate train on me…


Ugh…act2 gear wall, upgrades only through rmah…regrind the story on every character, no rifts…

Nah no one remembers it fondly, other than the gold farmers who got paid by blizzard via rmah


D3 classic was even worse. Not only it was rare to find a legendary but it would probably roll poop.


Original D3 is pretty much what killed Diablo 3. RoS breathed life back into it, but since blizz failed to keep it in rehab, it died later on, neglected in a corner of a mental institiute.


Imo, all they gotta do is just decrease the drop rate on legs and sets, its too easy and fast to progress on gear, its just boring and seems pointless.

Nobody wants this. And its clear u dont even play this game based on your profile. Troll attempt fail.


Noooo, I believe it has become Immortal.


Hahahaha! You got me good there! :open_mouth: :smiley:

D3 lost its edge ro POE as they kept improving POE and adding creative content. D3 is in maintenence mode. There is no resurrection…only D4, which jas one hell of a competator to deal with now. Imo they need to have 3d acrion combat, i dont see how d4 can compete,with POE at this point.