How To Hardcore

Ever want to jump into hard core and think it would be a pain when you die or just thought it was just to scary to die. Well this video goes over key points on how to Hard Core and what to do in some situations. Enjoy Eazy Out


Nice guide OP.

Thanks for caring about HC play.

HC is the only game I play.


Yes I have switched over as well. AND that character in the thumbnail I sacrificed for the clip lol hope everyone enjoys and thanks for the comment.

Now THAT’s hardcore!


As a HC player since D2lod I approve this video :+1:. Nice vid as always Easy!

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nice video, I always level 2 gems of ease and put the second one on my follower along with hellfire rings and amulets on each, thanks.


I enjoy both modes throughout the season. I started playing HC two seasons ago, and I really started to embrace it. Being able to complete conquests in both modes to complete the season journey is a definite advantage.

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I had a hardcore seasonal character die and when i started a new replacement character some of my higher level gems and gear were not in my stash. Is this normal?

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what you are wearing and in your backpack goes when you die along with that hero.

All the gear/gems/etc. in your stash stays in stash for a newly leveled 70 hero.

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Thanks for this! Nice to have a good reference-video on hand!

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Keep it up for the hardcore community!

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i can’t tell if his response was directed at you or not. still learning this forum. but your backpack stuff gets deleted thats considered being ON you and everything ON your character is lost so make sure anything you want to keep in left in stash.

Thanks @chetanji

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Nice vid! The Gem of Ease recommendation makes so much sense, yet I’ve never done it. After losing a couple seasonal characters in the past, I will definitely be doing that moving forward, however.

One suggestion: Hold onto gear that has reduced level requirements. Doing so can help reduce (or even eliminate) the need to craft gear in the 50’s & 60’s when leveling up a 2nd hardcore character.

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One tip I can give new HC players is that once you have your hero built out and can farm T16 for mats, keys and run gr 70’s in less than 3 minutes to level gems and gain paragon, you must realilze that solo play is completely different from a full party playing together.

Every HC player that suddenly joins a good HC clan for the first time is the solo breakout player looking for groups and the fun that comes therein.

You will die many times till you learn how to be viable in group.

You must have boosted dps and tough and know the monsters better.

I would be downvoted in the old forum for saying this, but group play makes a better all around player than strictly solo.

That being said, the best SSF players were group players that now take their amazing knowledge of game and put it in solo mode.


Yes reduce level on gear is really good to get. if you really wanted to you could infuse your gem of ease into your gear to make it level 1 gear i believe as well.

There is a Cube recipe for it. The gem has to be at level 25. I have a full set on a lvl1 character on my profile. Its not the fastest, but gets me to 70 in decent time solo.

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Why would you be downvoted for this? Running solo and running in groups are very different experiences, though both are fun.


Anyone saying group play is more rewarding than solo play gets downvoted.
And yes both solo and group play are very different experiences!


Thanks for all your knowledge. You are a posting machine lol thanks for being in the community.

You also loose items worn by the followers

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