Ok, was going over the PTR Feedback and found a post asking for Imperial gems to be added to vendor. So, since the forum is locked now I would like to enlighten those asking for it on how to get plenty of Imperial gems quickly. “Boss Bounties”. Simple, huh. You wear any reasonable gear + Broken Crown(or not if you don’t have one) and kill any quickly accessible boss bounty. Zoltun Kulle, Maghda, Skeleton King, etc. Does not matter at what level since they drop the same number of gems in normal or t16. I was surprised that no one mentioned this and some said that is rare to find them. Cheers.
it’s way easier to just craft them from Marquise gems imo.
Was just going to post the same thing. But, you beat me by 6 hours.
Farm rainbow gobs to get access to Whimsydale. Equip/cube the Broken Crown helm and socket your helm with whatever gem you want more of and farm away. Don’t forget to click on the clouds.
Well, you still need to find Marquise gems first!!
Put on a Broken Crown and go goblin hunting. Numerous websites give routes to take for farming. You’re sure to find a gem Gem Hoarders along the way.
Remember, we are talking about PTR here - I think people would like to be able to test builds without having to go looking for gobs first…
You can also use the Cube recipe to convert from other gems if you have a surplus.
Perhaps a healthy bump to the Rainbow goblin spawn chance is in order for future PTR. Perhaps also make cubing a puzzle ring to open the vault portal put the same ring back into your inventory.
Yeah, the method drops both marquise and imperials. Point is they are fixed places with a guaranteed drop. Quick and easy gems.
I made this post also in the PTR Feedback forum, but in the PTR the easiest way by far was to just upgrade rings for some puzzle rings, reforge them into ancient, then run ancient vaults. Within an hour you can have hundreds of both marquise and imperial gems, and if you put in Broken Crown, its even better.
If they’re going to do that, just add 2 more buttons to the PTR Kanai’s Cube. Don’t put anything in the Cube. Just click the button of your choice.
Just kidding.
For the PTR, you also missed out the “Reforge until primal” button for the Cube. Of the time I spent on the PTR a lot of hours were stood in front of the Cube in a triangle of Fill Materials > Transmute > Hover mouse over result, and repeat.
- I ran out of room for more buttons.
- I’d actually rather see an added Recipe to Upgrade Level 70 Rare Items to Primal.
To be honest, I don’t even care about Primal items anymore. The last several Seasons I completed with no Primal items1 and half of my items weren’t even Ancient.
A lot of times I find better Legendary items than I do Ancient or Primal items anyway.
But, I usually play on all three Regions. I may be super lucky on one Region and super unlucky on the others.
1 That's not exactly accurate. I think my Seasonal Demon Hunter on the Americas Region is currently wearing Primal Mechanical Pauldrons.
I got unusually lucky this season primal wise with DH: Primal Dawn, Fortress Ballista and Valla’s Bequest. All prior seasons I never got a primal weapon that was useable. It probably has something to do with the fact that GoD DH literally destroys everything on the screen like a sprinting and constantly detonating nuclear bomb. Check the map every so often and look for pentagrams.
Not to mention the red beam with the swirling red mist around it.
Congrats on the great finds!
(I’m so jealous! )
Oddly enough two of the three came from chests. The other was from a greater rift guardian. Several other garbage primals were found just blasting through everything and checking the map though.
Yeah, that’s a good way to get them. I do that, full bounties, cow stick or puzzle ring when I get it, and rifts till I am tired of them. However, in PTR you shouldn’t have to farm for anything except blood shards and keys to run greater rifts to get more blood shards. I guess level up gems, but that shouldn’t be a thing in PTR either. I want to test builds not farm mats and other stuff. I can do that out of PTR.
Very good advice, thanks!
This ^ If you’re after top base gems made easy. With bloodshards-a-plenty in PTR, buy nine Packs of Fortune (or whatever they’re called) from the giant red goat. Then go visit Squirt in the Hidden Camp in Act II to buy whatever gem essence you want to convert those emeralds to.