How to fix Teleport?

Teleport is known to be one of the more worse movement skills in the game compared to other classes.

  • Monks have 2 charges of Dashing Strike that each take 8 seconds to recharge and a rune that gives them a third.

  • Barbarians have the Leap Quake build that allows them to use Leap three times within 2 seconds, they also have 3 charges of Furious Charge and can Whirlwind through enemies.

  • Demon Hunter obviously has Vault.

  • Necromancer has Blood Rush on a 5 second cooldown.

… just to name some of them

And Wizard have Teleport on an 11 second cooldown, which compared to the other movement skills is not too impressive.

There are a few ways to adjust Teleport:

  • Option 1: give Teleport 2 charges that each take 8 seconds to recharge (than it would be in line with Dashing Strike)
  • Option 2: reduce the cooldown of Teleport to ~6 seconds (then it would be in line with Blood Rush, but Blood Rush also costs life, so a bit more than 5 seconds would be appropriate)
  • Option 3: Teleport should cost resource and not have a cooldown (so basically give it the Aether Walker legendary effect as a baseline).

I personally would prefer Option 1 with the charges, because although Option 3 (resource instead of cooldown) would be awesome, I am afraid it eventually might turn out to be overpowered. Also with Option 1, one of the runes can be redesiged to give a third charge (probably the Wormhole rune), so that might be a good option as well.

Do you have other ideas on how to improve Teleport?
Write it down below.


Options 1 and 3 seems like the best adjustment to made for teleport. Of course, the runes and items will have to be readjust as well, but that shouldn’t pose much of an issue in all honesty.

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I agree with most of your suggestion, but I still don’t know if it would be better to have a Teleport with 2 or 3 charges (at an 8 second recharge timer) or a Teleport that costs resource and doesn’t have a cooldown or charges (like anywhere between 25-35 Arcane Power cost), because I could imagine that a Teleport that costs resource might eventually be a bit too powerful, dunno.

If that change would be done, Aether Walker still would be useless/underpowered compared to other weapons and Tal Rasha Wizards can easily find other ways to have four different elements on their build.

Maybe the damage of the wave should be increased by Aether Walker as well, like a 400-600% damage increase to that rune, or maybe even anywhere between 800-1200%… whatever fits to make the weapon more viable.

Oh yeah, we definitely need some support items for Black Hole. I thought about that as well and what could be done via a legendary except increase the damage, reduce the cooldown and the resource costs. Maybe it would be cool to increase the duration of Black Hole to 3 seconds and increase the damage by whatever percentage is necessary.

Or maybe you can put the effect that you suggested for Aether Walker onto The Oculus and give Aether Walker something else and eventually turn it into the Mirror Image support item instead of The Oculus.

Just to throw an idea in there:
For every Mirror Image active, you deal xxx% increased damage

Also Mirror Images from Teleport should no longer replance themselves and work in addition to images from Mirror Image.

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I see, you have a point there.

My point was that even after Aether Walker (or the Oculus) would give Teleport the Calamity rune, the item still would be useless compared to others. It would need some more omfg. But I dunno what else it could give. Maybe it could give both the Calamity and the Safe Passage rune and on top of that another charge (if if Teleport would have charges).

It would be the worst thing, especially since things are kinds related. I wouldn’t have a problem with topic also drifitng a bit into the direction of other skills…


The ‘Wormhole’ and the ‘Reversal’ rune had to be redesigned.

Wormhole either had to give a third charge or aas Lexa mentioned reduce the resource costs.

Reversal had to be something completely different.

By issue, I meant it shouldn’t be hard to the developers to change. Sorry I should’ve clarified that.

I agree. It should not be too hard.
In the worst care, if they can’t come up with a replacement for Reversal, they just can keep the rune as it is.

That is the idea we have been waiting for.

That in combination with a Teleport that costs resource or has charges would really make that item a considerable option, since you could teleport into a group of enemies, debuff them and get the buff and then teleport to a save spot and start dps’ing.

Sounds like a ton of fun tbh.

It probably also would work really well in combination with a Mirror Image wand that increases your damage based on the amount of Mirror Images you have, when you also choose the Fracture rune on Teleport (the one that spawns Mirror Images).

thx for your feedback

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I am against homogenization of characters. They all have strengths and weaknesses which make them more or less appealing to certain players. I don’t want the game to approach a point where all the characters begin to have the same feel except for the name of their skills (such as WoW did).

How about Option 4, teleport does % wpn damage by default and we get a new rune in place of Calamity?

The other stuff is far too complex for a “classic” game with minimal support, tbh.

There’s also the ICD of teleport that I feel should be removed altogether. When any other class gets a channeling pylon, they’re halfway across sanctuary in no time at all. But, for a wiz, it’s teleport, pause for ICD, teleport, pause, teleport, etc. And that’s even with aetherwalker or archon teleport.


This is a change I can get behind! It was fixed awhile on a previous PTR. Whicher Dev “tested” it, (prob Don Vu) said it felt “too spammy” and reverted it, I believe.

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It’s well known? Hm I played Wizard all season with like 50 other wizards in speeds and not one complained about teleport.
I recommend running Vyr’s Chantodo’s Archon, with Aether Walker in the cube. I use it in the cube for speed 90s and below.

So you’ll have unlimited teleport inside Archon and outside of Archon. It makes bounties super fast.

I totally agree! Teleport really needs some love!

My solution would be:

Cooldown: 6 seconds
Teleport through the ether to the selected location up to 66 yards away.

When you use Teleport, your movement speed is increased by 66% for 6 seconds.


Reduces the cooldowns of Mirror Image, Slow Time, and Teleport by 33%.

When you take more than 11% of your maximum Life in damage within 1 second, the cooldowns on Mirror Image, Slow Time, and Teleport are reset.


But I also like the idea of having charges.

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What color is the sky in the world you live in? There’s no way we’d get anything close to that.


The best way to fix teleport is to code it exactly the same like the Monk’s dash skill. Remove the ICD.


Option 5. Do it the same way as Diablo 2.

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Option 3

…which is what it should have been from jump imo. Excessive cooldowns on skills have always been a severe limiting-factor on the fun to be had in D3. If I recall the mechanic was introduced from the initial D3 team who were mostly WoW…which would explain a lot in this regard.

That’s pretty much option 3.

Option 5 may be the same way as Option 3. I called it “5” the same way as
D2 for a couple of reasons.

  1. In D2 you could tp anywhere you could see, through walls etc. I don’t know if current tp works that way. I don’t play a wiz because I hated the tp from the first. The monk can sometimes, and I emphasize sometimes, dash through barriers. For example, it can sometimes dash through the bars in the jail but not always. I haven’t broken the code yet. It seems if you’re inside the bars you can usually dash out but seldom dash in through the bars. The dh can vault distances (Go Impale !!) but not through anything.

  2. In D2 you could drink mana potions to replenish mana as you teleported giving you more range. I guess you could reduce mana costs (gem ? attribute ?) to make teleporting more frequent and agile. And of course you could build mana to make for virtual unlimited tp.

It may be that the overall design of the game won’t allow this because it would make the wiz too powerful (but fun). If so, maybe D4 will give a better tp. In the end it should be what the players want not the designers, imho.

That would mean no other classes get mobility skills outside of an enigma item. I guess wizards should be the only ones flitting around like that- magic you know!