How much fun is D3 season 29?

First 20 hours of season were quite fun. Lots of materials from season portals, challenging things to fight at portals before getting too good gear.
Later also it’s nice I don’t need to do public bounties - getting enough materials from solo season portals.

Then if you don’t like regular rifts - good news, you don’t need to do them this season. I’ve done probably 3-4 during the season journey and for going faster up to higher GR levels.

But now season starts to be boring already. I reached paragon 800 cap already long time ago, and it takes really long time to get my builds improved at all. Sure I can push higher GRs, but that’s a little boring with exactly zero improvements between.

Bro, you are the remaining players left in Diablo 4
Please re-install it and play.

Jokes :slight_smile:

I don’t mind Season 29, it’s more fun for me not to have to do so many
Bounty’s for the Bounty mats for one thing, because I dislike doing Bounty’s with a passion!
Other than that it’s the same old grind that I’ve done for the last ten years or so. :roll_eyes:

still havin fun, made a barb a few hours ago. in the top 20. lol I would not have been able to do that without the fissures / mats.


I quite like it. Ok we aren’t nearly as strong as last season, that isn’t the worst. Ok you can only get to 800 and that goes very quickly, so you lose that constant sense of progression but the fact that you can assign the points differently makes up for some of the power loss and other cool things.

The fissures are fine. I get bored with them after a bit but then I go do a few GR’s or screams or puzzle rings and then repeat.

I think some of the worth of the season depends on what you like to do. People who like leaderboards or who are even just kind of interested to see how they can do with even paragon get something extra. I personally barely ever do crafting because I just despise bounties so other than the few one has to do for crafted sets and some rerolls and reforges you can do with the amount of stuff you get from farming keys (and not even using them all) I just don’t do it. So the season brings something new for me.

And I know I am not the only person who falls into a groove of constantly playing the most efficient XP farming build for their class to grind paragon for the final push, this season it doesn’t matter if your build can do 30 levels higher in 3 minutes as long as you can do 90’s or you want to level gems higher. So I have been playing with 3 builds so far already which I think makes the game more fun.

Will it be a season with longevity? That part I am not sure. I want to push with multiple builds and possibly classes so it depends how much grinding it will require to get good builds going because fissures over and over will get boring.

That one is easy, it just takes time to get the items and then go look up a guide quickly and then a GR55 is easy. Even without proper rolls or the full setup of items it can be done really easily. As long as you have the few integral parts a set needs you can just mix and match the rest. Like lets say for example a guide will say you should use a Squirt’s and you don’t have one, that’s fine just use whatever amulet you have.

What I do is I keep one entire stash tab to collect the full 6 piece of each set in the beginning of the season, keep each in a row as well so it is easier to see what you still need. By just playing for a while you will get all of them and the required few legendaries. So it is just a time thing, which is why I still haven’t done that one even though I have the things I need by now. Just keep going and keep the conquest for later and it will come.

For the LoD one, you can do that without ancients as well. I did it this season with two ancients. So look up a guide for whatever LoD build your class has and even without all the required items it will work. I didn’t have the entire build and while my weapon was great the rest of the rolls were not perfect at all and I finished it in like 5 minutes. With a level 25 gem.

Screw that set dungeon mastery and speedrun one though. At least with the boss mode speed run you can figure out quickly if you are going to fail it and waste at most 20 minutes.

The visions of emnity are nice but also a hassle without the pet picking up / salvaging stuff.
S29 would be much better with pets doing that.

Paragon cap, not so much a fan of it as it is completely unbalanched which classes get gr150. Some seem not to be able to. Some others much easier than others.

Paragon would -eventually- enable all classes to (easily) do gr150.

Because of this major imbalance i don’t like it much. Cap could be raised a bit or some balance fixes could be done. It is fixable to roughly get the various classes to do gr150 with similar ease or hardship. Preferably without fishing gr maps.

I like d3 s29 and decided to play hardcore again because of solo adventure. Since WoW made a hardcore server, I haven’t played much D3 though, but I wanted to.

For me the season is done. Did the journey and after getting 3 lvls max the last 6 visions i decided the season was over for myself.

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Yeah, season lasted 2 days for me as expected. I like the fissures, but the clamp on paragon killed my enjoyment past 800.

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Do you have the wings from the season journey? They’re a repeat of season 16, I think, but they’re one of my favorites. Or if you like the raven pet.

I think this will be a shorter season for me, but I’m still happy to play through it once. I got on several leaderboards, including a few top 10s, which doesn’t happen much. I’m sure that won’t last, and I’m at the point where I either need to decide to lean in and perfect the gear (none of my items are spot-on, half aren’t ancient) and farm up a dozen more nightmares for augments … or just let it go.

Honestly, I’m leaning toward letting it go. I miss the quality of life improvements from the altar (the salvaging, the speed boost, the extra orb drops in rifts) and also just miss the power level boost. I might just call it good and keep my fingers crossed that they meant it when they said the new season schedule is closer to 3 months than 6 months.

Or I’ll get really antsy after a few months and I’ll now take advantage of the SSF/regular split, and redo the whole journey in standard since my current heroes are all SSF.

Its great for a fairly casual player like me.
I’ve had a LOT more fun than I was having in D4 season one.

I enjoy short sessions and rarely played enough to get much past 1000 paragon.
I like making alts from a variety of classes and the fissures are great for gearing up without grinding too much.
The flexibility of assigning 200 points anywhere is nice and makes some builds a lot more fun.

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I know people who played jacks that had more fun than D4 season 1.

I like how you can just jump onto a leaderboard and be competitive if you have enough mats. I got all my barb items playing crusader from the fissures. Barely had to hunt for anything other than ancients. You cant do that with uncapped paragon. Why not? Well, while you are farming for mats, that dude is farming for paragons on a bot. That’s why this is fun to some people and not everyone.

I played SSF exclusively for season 29. I had to delete my hero and create a second in order to complete the Journey. I only have one character slot available. I know there are people that can solo Sprinter but I’m not one of them so I did the six sets to gr 55 one instead.

I found the Visions to be annoying while trying to complete bounties. I needed to run 8 acts to get my act mats to all the same level. I ended up farming 800 mats from Visions before I completed that last act. I got two Visions per act, mostly. Of course I had to run them. Best way to get massive amounts of legendaries.

As soon as I completed the Journey I noped out of this season. I really appreciate that they added in Solo Self Found as a game mode. It’s why I stuck around after season 28.

It’s junk, other than portals that open where you can get lots of junk loot, it,s no different than non seasonal play.

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I love this season, tbh
good material dropping… :slight_smile:


playing D4 is torment 17…

How so? GR 55 content is a breeze and rarely does it require optimized stats or ancient gear. Most incomplete builds will tackle through it fine w/o legendary gems even. Most builds are GR 80 - GR 90 capable w/o rolling for single stat / legendary gems / ancient weapons once fully acquired their supporting legendary powers along with the set.

Some classes are able to share gears across sets. Take necro for example, you are able to use ingeom + random phylectary with reilena shadow hook + inarius/pesilence/tragoul/carnival for a 6-8 min slow run w.o much change on a bone spear build. If you gets lucky with powerful proper legendaries, these runs should be 2 min ish. This season’s conquest probably are among one of the easiest. You could complete 3x on softcore, hardcore, SSF if willingly GR 45 no sets which on strong classes such as necro nova, doesnt even need to level the LoD gem.

It’s pretty fun. Def. gives you something to do while Diablo4 is not doing anything. Like now. 3+ hour patch delay for season 2. FEELS LIKE THE OLD DAYS, lol. Anyways, grinding it up on SSF necro whilest we wait. Workin on 140 lol.

Like you, I’m a casual player generally reaching highs of about L110, but conquests are not quite that bad. Each season there are usually 2 doable ones. You just have to plan for them. Start by reviewing the coming conquests BEFORE the season starts and creating a list of gear you want to stash for later. A.) is insane. B.) is easy if you’ve kept gear specifically for other characters toward 6 sets. C.) is difficult, but usually the Boss runs in 20 minutes isn’t too difficult if you map out what you’re going after first. First should be a Bounty map with Urzeal and Adria as bounties for the map directions and Maltheal to see if you can get it done FAST. The rest are speed runs.