How much damage does Akkhan Condemn lose from S30 to S31?


On maxroll, they say: “This build benefits greatly from this Season Theme because we can cube all 3 weapons that we need for this build and use Norvald’s Fervor set instead. To fit in our other items we have to also get rid of Bastions of Will and Aughild’s Authority but we gain Convention of Elements and Strongarm Bracers in return. In total we don’t gain all that much damage, but we replace a largely useless generator with Steed Charge which is always a nice skill to have.”

But how much damage/tiers does Akkhan Condemn lose from S30 to S31?

And do you guys have any idea of the damage/tiers difference between Trag’Oul Death Nova
and Akkhan Condemn? (I’m wondering cuz I might play both builds this season, like I did in S28…)