How likely is a Diablo 3 Resurrected?

I also enjoy D3 graphics as is.
Also the music.
Maybe in a few places, or a few models.

The reason I’d appreciate a reboot is how far the buffs have gone.
I’m sure I would find reasons to complain but I mechanically most enjoyed D3V and the first season.
I suppose the first complaint would be returning to the GR key system with the trials. :wink:

Unfortunately, the expectation would be to run through the seasons leading to FOMO leading to D3R becoming a season pass to experience old content. (Something like WoWC 2019.)

Regarding graphics. My friend told me that D2R requires a supercomputer, I would say D3 is in a sweet spot for those with budget gaming equipment (or laptops).

One tiny thing, windowed full screen is completely borked in 4K.

So I just don’t see what the game could offer that sufficient amount of people would pay for.


Better chance of PIGS FLYING. Do not hold your breath

Pigs fly when there is a Pignado.

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D3 is the best game! :smiley: D3 just needs to keep refreshing with new patches. :slightly_smiling_face:

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First change needed is let us buy more characterslots!

Second change needed is altar to NS.


I agree with the visions, but not the Altar. gotta give something for the season

Depends on why people ask.

The altar brings some conveniences, such as material pick up. Those would make sense.

Minor power creep is debatable, such as shields on globes, or 5% extra damage.
Not a fan of it, though, overall. It gives the illusion of progress where there is none.

Major power creep like disabling CC is, in my opinion, stupid even in season.
D3 has lots of mechanics, it’s a really fun game without powers.

Just started my journey two days ago after a 12 year hiatus. Why do you feel it needs new graphics? I honestly think they are fine.
And so far I get a totally different vibe from the game than in 2012.
d2 really needed that facelift since the original graphics had been … outdated even in 2000 on the day of release. d3 looks fine to me.
The RWs in d2 let to powercreep - nothing I would suggest for d3 (the powercreep). And if the rws are suboptimal, then noone will use them and all the work was for naught.

idk man, I definitely have to disagree with you.

You find it fun to dedicate time / effort / gear slots to get CC immunity, and that’s great if it works for you. Me, the entire reason I play seasons at all is because I don’t have the Altar in NS. Put it in NS and I’d happily just keep playing eternal realm, making alts and building the strength of my main, working on a full perfect gear loadout, all without dealing with seasonal BS or starting over every few months. But I just can’t go back to manually picking up all my mats, and as I said I do NOT enjoy having to worry about CC. Different strokes, I guess.

I think a good compromise would be making Altar nodes toggle-able, or failing that, perhaps giving an option to reset the Altar entirely (could even make it a Cube recipe). In that way, people who want Altar in NS can have it, either in whole or in part, without affecting basically anyone else (group play notwithstanding, but you can probably coordinate that without much effort).

Or failing that, just put it as-is into NS and let people either use it or not as they please. Like, the game’s allegedly Maintenance Mode™, right? Just let people be brokenly OP if they want to be. They’re not going to be monetizing it so just let people mess with it.


Forcing people to play seasons for QoL features and maintaining the status quo with power creep is by far the most archaic design philosophy for gaming.

Players get older and have other commitments in life. Not everyone has a whole weekend to give up to get their in game economy up and going every 3 months just to have access to the Altar’s QoL features.

And besides, isn’t the fresh start, and seasonal themes and cosmetics that are rotated through the reason for seasons? That’s more than enough already.

It actually maintains the status quo.

Their last attempt at balancing included gutting the Tals Meteor build. The power creep with the altar kept things relatively the same in seasons but poor NS folk suffered a total nerf.

The disabling CC is debatable. At GRs that high, you either know how to do them or you don’t… disabling CC isn’t gonna change much IMHO but if they feel it’s too much then I’d happily see it go from the Altar just to get the Altar into NS.


That would be crazy, so son too? I’m not so sure about it anytime soon.

I never understood this argument.Blizzard as a whole has enough resources to hire a third party to do this or hire internally to be able to work on multiple projects at once. Remastering and upscaling is quite affordable. That’s why many companies are doing them. :+1:

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I don’t think you’ve read what I said. I never said they couldn’t. I was arguing if it’s worth it to the company. And whether I’d bother buying it or not. As it stands… no.


“Affording” to do something, and wanting to do something, are two entirely different ideological concepts.

It’s human nature to point the finger anywhere but the bathroom mirror, so we always love to harp on “the greedy devs” or “the out-of-touch CEO’s” or “the incompetent coders” whenever X doesn’t pan out up to our personal hype. At the same time however, it’s entirely arrogant for us - and I’m including myself here, I’ve certainly done this many times even though I realize now it’s wrong - to sit there and think WE are somehow the answer to all things profit. That WE, in our armchairs, could EASILY point out EXACTLY what “big gaming” should do to make the BEST product and the MOST money.

Like, I work at a lumber yard, you know what I mean? I play games and I dabble in coding on the side, but I know about as much about running A business - let alone a GAMING one - as cursory casual google searches will allow; this is to say, little and less.

If D3R were what “the people” wanted, and enough market research / poll data indicated those same people would make it profitable, then I’m pretty sure blizz would have prioritized it by now. And to Zurtle’s point, I personally wouldn’t buy D3R without something MAJOR added to it (like Altars in NonSeason /COUGH /COUGH) because I personally think the graphics we have here, are just fine. This isn’t Skyrim, I’m not playing it for eye candy.

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I definitely think its worth it. The Diablo franchise will always sell bonkers and its in Blizzard practice to “milk it” if there is profits to be made.

Hey Nak, a delayed response here — my apologies.

At this rate, we’re looking at 2026 before we can play a plate class in D4. I am unsure if and when D4 will ever ‘click’ for a player like myself, but that’s a separate discussion.

Conceptualizing, brainstorming, and peer reviewing a class concept is exciting. It could be outsourced to the community. I’d volunteer my time to fill those blanks in a heartbeat. I know a few who’d gladly share their input too.

It’s substantially more work to design 14 new classes from scratch, I am not suggesting that.

I’m suggesting the prep work to roll out a subclass, which is a sizable chunk of work on the first go-around. The bulk of the work is modifying the game and developing 8 active skills w/ visuals, 6 passives, and 12 legendary items + 1 set, as well as the prep work to enable those subclasses:

  • Character Profile (store the subclass data)
  • Icon Artwork
  • Template Modifications (character select screen:choose your class, skill selection panels) anywhere the class name is displayed)
  • Item Logic (item restrictions to check the subclass and prevent equipping items in the inventory panel)
  • Kanai’s Cube Logic (separate panels for subclasses, if not filtered)
  • Language Translations
  • Leaderboards revisited to display the subclass.
  • API updates to account for subclass data.
  • Website Guide Class & Item Guide updates.

That certainly can be part of the Cleric vision, I’m thinking a Crusader with magic use specialty. Less about striking enemies with weapons, more about unleashing holy effects.

Not breaking out of the original class feels low value because Blizzard has given this content away free over the years. Here’s an example: if you tell someone 'Hey, we’ve added 16 new skills and 2 new sets to the Crusader class", it just doesn’t have the same impact, better than when we got AoV for sure, but by comparison: “Hey, we’ve created a subclass system in Diablo 3, Clerics and Paladins are now branches of the Crusader class.” These buzzwords trigger curiosity — and I bet a larger crowd would show because subclassing is a first in Diablo.

Yes, this approach is the path of least resistance, and too far away from a subclassing. Imagining your Crusader as a Cleric is a tough sell. The fantasy is convincing when the game declares you one. Let’s also remember, a sacrifice occurs, you lose skills, possibly a weapon type, or element to gain new ones.

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All I think it needs are more polys in the menu models. Everything else about the game seems fine by modern standards.

LOL good call on that one

Mmm hhmmmm gj that ppl have sthefu… :poop:. Ty for the screams btw.

I see it as a zero percent chance for the next ten years. They borrowed a LOT for D4 anyway.

They could try a D3 classic event for a while where you played the horrendous early version of the game with Inferno. But the demand would be practically zero.

What D3 needed was mod support that allowed modded private servers. Same for D2R. But they might lost a sale or two that way so they said no.