How likely is a Diablo 3 Resurrected?

D3 could use a face lift, it’s a better game than D4 by a mile.

Just needs modern graphics and runewords.


Graphics are fine and… NO, it doesn’t need runewords.

What it needs? It needs to fill out the rest of the stat classes, one STR and one DEX class. Come on Druid and Paladin. Would love to see the lore expanded on the difference between the Crusader and the Paladin.

Plus, a balance patch is needed. Some sets/build are a bit too buff and the lesser performing sets/builds need a boost in power. Also, it needs to either get rid of useless legendaries or give each one of them an actual legendary power that can be useable, even if it’s just for fun or a farm/speed build. Existing sets/build could really benefit from having more secondary/auxiliary items to choose from.

Yes, D3 could use a little love to finally complete the game. I would be more than willing to shell some dollars for a “resurrected” release. Please, make it happen.

I second the notion (motion), that D3 is > than D4.


I would prefer another x-pac and maybe a new class instead of a remaster. And I do enjoy playing D3 more than D4, easier to jump-in, have some fun and done.


D2R (late 2021) was released more than 20 years after D2 LoD (early 2001).

D3 RoS was released in 2014. So maybe we can expect D3R in 2014 + 20 = 2034.

Blizzard Soon™!!

PS anyone else have a sudden Bon Jovi ear worm?


I would say it is way too soon. A 12 year old game that was still actively being worked on until a year ago seems a bit soon to me.

They can start by putting Altar of Rites AND Fissures in NS.


Don’t think that there be any remaster. Remaster are usually mades for single player games. But for online just a new patches. Runewords not in the original game mechanics don’t think that tham will appear in remaster/patch. And yeah they don’t need because will be thr one effective and others will be rubbish.

D3 graphics are already “modern” 3D. Whereas D2 had sprites. To my knowledge some of the other improvements in D2R are already present (or not needed) in D3.
So my guess is: never.


The better question is what has this company done in the last 10-15 years that makes you think they’re the right people for the job?

What about their most recent soulless cash grabs makes you WANT them to redo it.

Put me down as no thanks to a cash shop end game borefest they’d inevitably create. I do want to see it, but I’d prefer they sell off the IP first and another company is the one giving it to us.


Diablo 3 just need a graphical makeover it needs to be recreated with unreal engine 5.4 and it would look out of this world.


If they would go so far and do that, a QoS update (like salvage all legendaries) and at least slight finetuning of just multipliers (not how things work) on sets/items would be great.

However, I’m not sure we will see something like that.


Would you buy D3 all over again if that was all they offered? I suspect most wouldn’t. Or maybe not enough to justify leaving the servers switched on.

Maybe if they ever decided to finish the x-pac that gave us the extra zones in Adventure mode? The assets are there, apparently. That would be a path of least resistance.

I don’t see new classes being added. We’d hear non-stop calls for more stash space and character slots and from what we’ve been lead to understand over the years, that’d require a complete rearchitecting of the underlying data storage.

I think we’re more likely to see the dev efforts tilted towards D4 xpac 2 or D5 now. As marvelous as D3 has been, I think its time is done and there’s nothing outstanding that would make it a hugely marketable or profitable exercise to encourage Blizz to revamp it.


Put me down for new classes at $29.95 every 3 months.

Want to do it on a shoestring budget? That’s okay with me… we don’t even need new character models, just pump out new skills and runes by creating subclasses, where the existing models can be recycled. Make these subclasses level 1 playable (no unlock required).

Edit the avatar presentation per subclass, introduce new skills & passives, and replace 33% of thematically illogical abilities inherited by the subclass, ie. Clerics wielding Swords, Bladed, or Steed abilities.

Potential Subclasses

Barbarian -> Berserker
Barbarian -> Druid

Crusader -> Paladin
Crusader -> Cleric

Necromancer -> Blood Knight
Necromancer -> Lich

Demon Hunter -> Ranger
Demon Hunter -> Assassin

Wizard -> Arcanist
Wizard -> Battle Mage

Monk -> Spiritualist 
Monk -> Disciple

Witch Doctor -> Warlock
Witch Doctor -> Shaman

Skill Replacement Candidate Example
Crusader → Cleric

Replaceable Active Skills: Slash, Shield Bash, Blessed Shield, Provoke, Phalanx, Steed Charge, Falling Sword, Law of Valor

Replaceable Passive Skills: Heavenly Strength, Vigilant, Lord Commander, Iron Maiden, Righteousness, Long Arm of the Law


  1. Add new legendary effects which support exclusive skills, restricted to the subclass.
  2. Class item usage can overlap within the class and its subclasses, ie. a Cleric can wield most Crusader gear, but not pieces which are associated with bladed combat, ie, Omnislash (Slash), Cam’s Rebuttal (Falling Sword), etc.
  3. Adjust existing, unused items to support new class abilities. Ie. reevaluate the items that support Smite and Consecration.
  4. Release 1 new set per subclass, with enough supported skills to be playable by all 3 class variants.

Existing Set Modification
Here is an example of how to modify an existing set like Seeker of the Light to make it compatible with the Cleric subclass:

  • Remove Cleric’s ability to use a 1h or 2h Swords.
  • Faithful Memory and Falling Sword become incompatible with a Cleric equipping Seeker.
  • Seeker’s 4pc and 6pc bonuses now apply benefits with the use of any Conviction skill (not just Falling Sword). A Cleric no longer uses Falling Sword.
  • Add a Cleric exclusive skill to Seeker of the Light 6pc bonus. Maybe a new skill… something like Cleansing Light, a channeled beam that chains to multiple targets.
  • Buff Jace’s Hammer to mimic the damage of Faithful Memory.
  • A Crusader skill bar contains: Blessed Hammer, Falling Sword, Laws of Valor, Provoke, Iron Skin, Akarat’s Champion. A Cleric’s bar will not contain Provoke, Falling Sword, or Laws of Valor. This produces a different push experience for the subclass.


Whether you’re a Crusader or a Cleric, you can still push the Seeker set in a similar manner, so long as the push is within 1-2GRs, nobody will complain, even if it cannot overtake the top Crusader:Seeker leaderboard spot, it will be enjoyed – this is about improving variety, not creating power creep.

Sets and leaderboards all stay intact, we do not introduce standalone leaderboards for the subclasses, the Crusader set leader board will contain clears from Crusaders, Paladins and Clerics.


Altar of Rites and Fissure are ridiculous. Blizz implemented them to make a joke of the game so that people will migrate to d4.

remaster vanilla D3 before the difficulty nerf.

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Awesome suggestions, but you forgot THE Bard! What would Bard fit with best? Crusader? Monk? DH?

Balance patch, new recipes for cube, altar of rites for ns, season pass, shop with wings, trasmogs, portraits, an extra large storage, new seasons, an extra chapter in story mode, 1 new set per class, new classes, max Paragon 100000, max level of gr 200, t21 (equal gr=150)

Too much work to design a new class from almost scratch, deciding their potential items, skill builds, synergies in group and how cognitive skill checks differ. It would be easier if they added new passives to encourage those fantasy builds. I’m with you on the introduction of the new builds and roles, but I’m not sold on splitting the established classes just because it’s a remake. Let’s leave new designs and unusual classes for Diablo 4, to focus on what is at hand here.

So you want a Crusader that use staves and perform like the fantasy Cleric build for zDPS spec purposes in groups? Developers can always add a new passive and rules to 'Saders for wielding staves and doing so would increase the efficiency of all healing abilities by 30% or whatever. Crusader have plenty of those already; all he needs may be a new pair of crafted side Set, and a passive for it to work proper on top of a brand new ruleset.
Why would anyone go through the trouble of splitting the classes in two when existing ones just work fine? Also what’s with “Paladin”? Crusader does everything that Paladin did and more.

When you encourage player to use specific skills they have to decide for themselves and don’t have to be put in a mold to function. If you don’t want them to use a specific skill, you shouldn’t restrict them but offer them proper drawbacks to give them a push at that direction by urging them.
If you want to play as a zDPS 'Sader, a wild beast Barbarian or a warlock Doctor who sacrifices summoned creatures in a flashy attitude, it’s not entirely hard to make one out of the existing one, rather than splitting the class in two new ones.

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A lot of people still play this game especially in Asia where I now play. There would definitely be demand for a remaster.

NO, NO, NO and NO. Even in older AD&D (talking TSR here people) computer games, the Bard was next to useless or just a passive buffer (just keep singing) to the group. Now, if you don’t wish to use a Mage, then it could be the party magic detector/identifier and maybe even a lesser-summoner/conjurer. What the heck could a Bard do in D3? Talk about a class that would be a support 100% of the time, so it would be useless in solo play. NO THANKS!!!