Hell is to easy and gets booring


And even once you do, softcore vs hardcore is a totally different game. Most will play SC and farm endlessly with not a care in the world but to min/max that farming potential, and to each their own. Not shtting on them.

HC is much slower and I don’t think a lot of people want to deal with permadeath and not having that max dps build you would find in SC.

Hardcore is great fun until you get one shotted by hell ancients after grinding a character for over 30 hours :thinking:

I’ll stick to soft core for the most part.

your wrong… its not “too easy”… its “play your own way”.

limit yourself, so you have played the best builds, u played the meta stuff… try something new… try some crazy build, whats the stupid thing u can come up with… make a sorc that uses all 3 elements, make a poision jav… make an MA sin…
take some thing that shouldn’t work and find a way to make it work.

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Agreed, that is much of the fun in D2.
That doesn’t mean D2 isn’t easy. Being easy is just also a big part of its strength, by allowing a wide range of build diversity and experimentation.

I hope D4 keeps some of this philosophy too.
However, adding a completely optional extra difficulty, with no droprate increase, and no new items, represents the best of both worlds imo. An extra challenge for those seeking it, but also nothing “required”, allowing the broader build diversity.


You say game is cake in 2-3 weeks because your propably used to bot inflated market and buying enigma for 10 fg from JSP or your used to play 16 hours a day for the first 2-3 weeks to even acquire decent gear (anything but best runewords)

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That would fix your boredom haha

Or fanatic archers in the Pits… holy crapola when you blind tele into one of those packs.

Play hardcore? Too easy? Play hardcore without rune words. Still too easy? No sets or uniques allowed.

Generally speaking, nobody will engage in any activity that doesn’t offer some sort of reward, accolade or bonus.

Most people will ignore higher difficulties if they can achieve the exact same thing in a lower difficulty.

But that’s the catch. As in D3, they added like 15 Torment difficulties, and all it does is split up the playerbase, making it harder to get groups together because everyone is now divided up into so many different difficulties.

Most won’t, but it would not be nobody.
Just like people play HC because they like it. Or highest difficulty in all kinds of games with difficulty settings.
HC is relevant even if only 5% plays it.

1<15. And if most people won’t lay it, it won’t split up anything. It would likely mostly be used solo or in friend groups who want challenges. Very few, if any, would do public farm runs.
Heck, the difficulty could not be available in public games if you are afraid of it happening (although imo it should be available).

This is why PVP is a thing.

immo items are powerful enough.

No. Find a different game, thx.

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No new difficulty - just end-game maps.

im not suggesting to add any new items, mabe just increase drops rates a little. will get more ilvl 85 areas. more farming space not only few maps.

And here is the answer disguised as difficulty increase.
The guy wants more drops.
Again, find another game.
D3 has wrecked all these gamers new to Diablo.

D2R will have plenty of incentive to push into Hell. Better items to MF, higher experience gained per run, ubers, Hell Cows…

I remind you all again that the average player will have a harder time with D2R for longer, just because of the lack of Cbaal bots, lack of established economy, massive influx in new players, and possibly changes/adjustments we dont even know about yet.

Just because established P8 teams like LLama and such will beat the game and ubers within 2-3 hours, does not mean the game is easy or boring, it means they have a system designed to accomplish their 1 goal, be the first. After that, they dont play for months on end together to MF or PVP or anything like that (maybe off stream, IDK) or individually… They usually are moving along to the next stream topic to maintain views, because that is there job.

The average player is going to be grinding the game out for their enjoyment, however they like to play.
I will spend the next x amount of months building characters for my own enjoyment. MF sorc and paly first, continue to build them as best as possible and farm gear for additional toons to play the game in full, and build my own Legacy.
Others will play different for their own purposes, but in no way is this going to be rush through to A5 normal, jump on some bot run Baal runs until 50+ and then move along within a few hours.

Atleast I hope not… I trust and implore Blizzard to be banning any Cbaal bots left right and center when they appear, and do their best to nail the private ones as well.

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Play something that is not cookie cutter meta build then if its too easy for you.

no. así esta bien lo mas difícil son los ubers y los pkr en d3 agregaron mas dificultad y no hay gente en juegos públicos no mas cambios por favor en d2re

increased difficulty would ruin bots as there needs to be human factor. to solve situations.