Have a feeling s27 is going to be the best season

Again, look up that post for yourself. The link is 4 comments above.
Are you gonna answer the questions I had or not?7
Or are you going in circles, refusing yet again?

According to you, I’ve defended someone I haven’t mentioned by name, replied to, or quoted in over three months. Please explain how that’s possible and stop asking me to do your homework for you. It’s not my responsibility to prove what you’re claiming, it’s yours.

You can defend someone without mentioning their names. This is illogical.
You are still dodging questions, just like before.
Do your homework and know things. You can defend someone without having replied to them.
Answer me the questions I have had instead of running in circles, trying to avoid them.
This you did the last time as well, when you spoke on my behalf at least twice.

So, again, show me where I’ve defended the person you’re saying I’ve defended.

No, I’m asking you to prove your claims. You’re asking me to disprove your claims. It’s up to you to prove the claim, not for me to disprove it. It’s called the philosophical burden of proof and that responsibility rests with the claimant.

Same goes to you.
From last post we had a discussion, you never answered the question on how you can talk on my behalf.
In this one you refuse to answer the questions I had and I asked first. Hence you should already have answered those, instead of going around in circles.
So I can conclude, that you refuse to reply. You try and use your own mistakes on me, called projecting.
Instead of replying, cause you know you will get trapped, you point towards me, trying to avoid and dodge the questions I asked first.
Projecting, homework for today.
Tomorrow you can read up on dodging questions. Well, you’ve mastered the practice already.
I wonder how you could speak on my behalf previously… I asked how you can. It’s called philosophical burden of proof and that responsibility rests with the claimant. Which, by the odd chance, is you…
And now you dodge another question in this thead, by switching it over to me instead.

I wonder what your next reply will be… Another “hey you owe me proof”. Yeah figured you won’t reply to questions, when you demand answers yourself…
Seems ironic.

Phoenix, stop it.

Meteorblade is not Bravatta. Meteor and Bravata have a very very long history of conflict.

They have a current truce in which they do not talk to or about eachother.

There is no circumstance Meteor would defend all the alt accounts Bravata has.

Stating that he is not Bravata is not defending Bravata.

Further though, as annoying as someone multi account posting is, going into any thread they make to attack them and derail it, does not make you the good guy. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Put Bravata, or anyone else you really can’t stand, on Ignore. If something breaks the forum rules like the mess that is this thread now, flag it.

This is way overboard at this point.


I will ask again. How is it you only direct rules at me?
This is not a talk about him being another, but another matter, in which I stopped until he responded. Again.

Takes more than one to keep this going.
I asked you previously, why you direct things at me, and not other offenders that did as much if not more?
Comment 129 should keep you updated.
You can also see the time stamps from when I reply. Others tried to bait even further, which I stopped.

  • Suddenly no replies, yet again.

But you are allowed to attack someone in the post “Just installed DI today…”, comment 42.
“The sheer amount of money you pour into Blizzard is kind of mind boggling.”
I’ve left out the obvious mocking emoji you made.
Odd that some are allowed to continously spam and insult others, but you direct yourself to me, when you clearly can see someone else (which knows the rules as well), baits for more.

To be technical, it’s harassment. Agsinst the rules. Not only for you. Ss much as I despise Bravata and the at least 3 of his alt acounts posting in this very thread, you are borderline harassing the dude, which believe me he deserves, but is against the rules and honestly makes you look childish at best, following him to every thread and continually reying to him or anyone you may think is him.

Yes I may poke the bear every now and then and drop a PSA about the disingenuous nature of the trolls here, it’s usually a one and done to get it it out there. You my friend, take way to seriously, as if it’s your job to follow him and post. Who knows, maybe you are a Bravata alt account too😉. Just having fun. I’m sure you are not, but honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised as I have seen this many times before on anonymous forums.

Also, MC doesn’t continously spam the trolls like you.


Are you my alt? We use similar words.

Just kidding… I have a Y chromosome.

I never started anything here. I commented to someone else.
Making a post called “going to be the best season”, from someone who has stated the things that has been pointed out, raises some curiosity.

If someone stopped playing and has made a bigger deal out of it, by claiming it on the forum several times,suddenly takes an interest, isn’t it allowed to point this out?

But she plays favorite sides. As pointed out in comment 129, others do the same if not worse. But I’m the one being directed at, cause she knows me.
5 hours from my last comment until Meteor continued the discussion.
Someone else trash talked and insulted both here and in another thread. Nothing.
I find this strange, that some are allowed to do the same if not worse, but the fingers are pointed towards me only.
Being objective could have helped.

Trash talking here and there is different from nearly everything that you post following Bravata or other trolls. I’m not to the point yet, but I’m seriously close to putting you on my ignorr list because it has gotten out of hand lately.

Like I said before he should have hardware bans and no fourm access, but you just can’t go about it your way.

Honestly, it may be best for you to just ignore him and everyone you feel are his alts. I have 2 people on my ignore list. It has made being here so much better.


The weather here in the UK has been lovely today, around 30 degrees, so I spent a lot of this afternoon sat in the garden with Mrs Meteor, reading a Warhammer 40K Space Marines book, sipping iced tea and occasionally nodding off. That’s why there was a gap, i.e. these are forums, not a chat app. Sometimes there are delays in replies of minutes, hours, days, or even weeks.


It sure has and I am not alone in doing things. And I will not sit back and let others point fingers at me, when I am not the worst at doing things.
Look at that thread from comment 146. That is clearly an attack/mockery.
Look at comment 129, that is only some of what have been replied to me.

You never replied back at the obvious as well.
Stating he has quit numerous times is not equal to me following him nor attacking.
It is a fact and on top of that, a curiosity, to why someone whom said they will not play, suddenly takes an interest.

Go ahead and put me on ignore if you must.
But take a look around instead of focusing me, and see what others are doing.
If you gonna accuse me of things and point fingers, like C did, then take a look at what she has written and others in this thread.

Attacking me and telling me to stop, while others are allowed to “run a red light”, that is not justified.

where is this proof? please provide.

Some advice and background:

A little less than 3 years ago, I and several others including a streamer had an unpopular estimate of the power of the new ww/rend build (with the new ambo pride and lamentation belt at 200%) given the PTR clears. Based on this, I made a recomendation.

Needless to say, this led to lots of personal attacks and even some going as far as to post that forum members should flag all my posts. Ultimately, my prediction proved to be an underestimate with the benefit of hindsight but it was far less so than the vast majority at the time.

During that time and with the fact that I would be subject to false flagging, I made sure that everything I said was civil and I tried my hardest to never resort to any personal attacks/insults/false accusations (no matter how nasty the negative personal insults that I recieved) since I suspected that any transgression no matter how minor could lead to my posts being subject to being flagged into “hidden” and potentially forum moderation. I lchose either not to respond in kind to these insults or simply write matter of factly to defend/explain my opinion.

During that time, only one post I made was hidden and within a smidgen of time, the post was unhidden based on the forum moderator knowing that what I said was well within the code of conduct.

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I seem to recall quite a lot of banter, some of it light-hearted, some less so, about use of tables too. I know you’ve teased me about my use of tables recently as a result and that’s all good. A little badinage is never a bad thing.

Yup. I am/was “table guy”, but at least that meant I was trying to quantify things in an easy to interpret format.

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I think it’s time to put this thread into quarantine and try again.

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