Have a feeling s27 is going to be the best season

Another thread spinning out of control about alts, all bravata’s are trolls, but not all trolls are bravata.


The only person baiting in this thread is you.

Bravata made the thread to discuss their excitment, guess thats a bait in your eyes. He clearly baited you here to be confrontational…

You thought that bravata and Meteorblade were alts and that is clearly mistaken as MissCheetah stated. They are well known antagonists. Since you are mistaken on that assertion, it raises considerable doubts about who you “suspect”:

I would drop this whole “alt” accusation thing.

P.S. I am not a bravata alt.


Hot damn, that “ish” part really hurts.

By the way, this thread was an amusing read.
I’m genuinely curious who else I’m supposed to be today.


You could always go back to the good old “I need as many comments as I can write”.

Making unprovoked ad hominem attacks really does seem to be your wheelhouse.

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Defending known forum trolls and chime in when nobody asks seems to be yours.
Making false claims as well. Considering how much you’ve sat here and yourself has called out Brav for his accounts… Well yeah. Ironic.

I smell a bit of deja vu.

You seem to really want to pick fights. This is how you get yourself into trouble and why you are on your second Bnet account.

You don’t have to listen to me, but I would suggest you stop it. Going on these attacks against people is not going to result in anything good for you.


So it’s fine for others to derail the subject and attack me. But you go ahead and warn me only?
Do enlighten me on how this works. That some are using alt accounts to insult and attack. Yet here you are, telling me what to do, not others.
So the rules are only for a select few and not all?

A select few comments.

No, it’s not.
I would glady see why you sit and state things only to me, when some others do much worse. Can you reply to this? That the rules only apply to some and not all?

I was not the one accussing from the beginning. I made a comment to another one that started it all and then came Skyi and accused me of things.

  • Still waiting to see the reason behind I’m the one you single out when others break rules and you don’t comment about them.
    It’s also strange you sit in another thread and talk about how many accounts Brav have.

Y’know, all the back and forth bickering was amusing for a time, but lately it feels like every thread degenerates into this sort of activity leaving a majority of the thread not even remotely about the topic advertised.

That said. Can we please get back on topic here? I am very excited to try out a good number of the new seasonal powers to see how they might change my favorite builds and make them new and fun to play for a few months.

I will be starting out with DH and testing the Strafe and CA powers with appropriate builds. Sadly I feel like the Vengeance power is going to be a flop but will be trying it anyway just to see how it rolls.

I also want to try out the Wiz MM and Necro Trag rebuild. Following the dullness of S26, this one holds much more promise. =)


Well, I’m sure you’ll be able to provide examples of this.
You know, to prove that your claim isn’t false.
Go ahead, I’ll wait…


I suspect at this point it would be better to make a new thread or post in the PTR patch note thread or the thread titled “Could Season 27 Be the Best Ever”.

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So your opinion is, that Bravata is not known to troll?
It is not a fact, that he has several accounts and is known to reply to himself and troll around with?
I will be waiting for your proof here.
Just like the other thread where you lied about me and never replied back.

Change the thread title to “Derailed and Idiotic”, then make a new one.


Check out the 50th post of this thread and pay attention to the differences between the two forum searches which show that the last time I replied to that person, or mentioned their name, was on April 7th, i.e. over 3 months ago.


Still not answering my questions.

Nor should they have to…

The links prove that I haven’t replied to that person, quoted that person, or even mentioned that person’s name in over three months. So, when did I defend them?

So, come on, prove your clam that I’ve defended them, in the sure-fire knowledge that I haven’t so much as mentioned their name in three months. Link or quote a single example of me doing what you claim I’ve done, and I’ll award you the whole internet.

Yes, you’re making claims that you can’t prove again.


Recently in another post.
Last time you and Micro spammed.
Thread named “please end s26 please”.
Now, are you going to reply to the questions I had?

Ah. So you spoke on my behalf, you were asked several times how you could do this, you never replied… Ironic.


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