Hard Crashes to desktop

Starting this season, I have been experiencing hard crashes to the desktop that then prompt me to send a report to Blizzard. At first I thought they were random, but then I noticed at least one for sure common re-occurrence, and that is when using waypoints. This happens a lot when I am going from waypoint to waypoint to try to find pools.

The other time it happens is while in greater rifts (doesn’t seem to happen in T16 when key farming). However the I can’t seem to find anything specific when it happens in Greater rifts. It seems random when it happens in them.

Any idea as to how to resolve this issue?


Since the launch of patch 2.6.10 many topics have been opened.

But the problem is still not resolved. Me the first I always have random crashes like you several times an hour sometimes. Despite the mass of players who complain nothing is done to solve the problem…

Do not expect any constructive help here, apart from posting dxdiag and msinfo which will waste your time and which will not solve anything.

It’s been going on since November 10, Blizzard seems to ignore the problem.
Near two months without any solutions.



As with anything else in this game - Blizzard don’t give a s***

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