Season 22 had the new sets added as Haedrig’s gift and everyone presumed they will be a part of the rotation from that point forward.
But as it stands in season 27 we’re getting the same sets we had in season 23, basically skipping the new sets.
I’m confused, do we have any official confirmation they are not part of the rotation anymore or did the whole rotation change without us knowing?
Yeah, if I remember correctly, during S22 the bug report section was flooded with false reports about set dungeons. Specifically they tried to find the dungeons for the new sets even though it was made clear they didn’t have any.
So while it is unfortunate that the new sets aren’t in current rotation, it is also understandable.
I had no ideea people stuck with one set tru the whole journey.
Heck i stopped getting the gift altogether a while back, prefer grow organically with LoD and one/two multipliers untill i get another set. Just save it for HC.
Only reason i asked is i found it odd they were missing.
You know there are casual players who don’t have enough time to farm out a whole set, so they stick with the gift, or grind out another with the gift set, since that’s easyer. My friend always picks the most powerfull one, so he don’t have to farm out another, and go with the gift, since he doesn’t have much time to play. So yeah, there are people siticking with one set and character through the whole seson.
It really doesnt take long to farm a new set. All set dungeon items dont need enchanting, what ever gambled from kadala is usable. It barely takes 3 hrs to farm a set dungeon capable set. Few hrs on top of their season is not a lot to ask.
Real problem for set dungeon is that it was created originally as an mini tutorial on how a meta build on that set is played. Since some sets have mechanically changed or raw damage buffed big time, setting set dungeon as a criteria is outdated. Either remove it as a criteria or update set dungeon to reflect latest builds/powers.
Ofc you can cheese on IK/Marauder etc, but that can be very stale as you almost cheese same or similar set duns every season.
I d rather “complete a challenge rift or complete x amount of challenge rift” as journey quest oppose to master set duns.
I find it hard to believe someone is able to clear the season journey up to Guardian and not have, at least, enough pieces for 2 other full sets. Even if you don’t get the actual separate pieces of the other sets, you usually end up with plenty of repeated pieces that can be converted in the cube.
I’ve done guardian a handful of times and each time, I always had every full set for my class by the time I got there. I guess it depends on the path to guardian you take. You could hitch a ride for many parts with others and skip some of the farming, I guess.
This really depends on a few factors. This season, I completed the full journey, but only had 2 complete sets, and barely enough pieces to convert another complete set. That left out 2 sets which I didn’t have enough pieces for. Strangely though, I had like 20+ pieces of Inna’s.
If you speed the journey, it makes sense. You’re not going to get anything until you’re farming T1 at least. The biggest portion of the journey is farming bounty mats for extractions and the reforge. But if you go in a group, you might only get 2-3 legendaries per bounty session, and you only need 3 sessions.
The next biggest portion is the 3 gems to 70. But Echoing Nightmares removed that portion as well. Now, with a little luck, you can get that over with in just a few Greater Rifts. It’s a minimum of 3 Greater Rifts (assuming one of your gems is 65, as it only unlocks on an upgrade) vs what use to be 42+ Greater Rifts.
The other factor is, even if you have 6 pieces, do you have the materials to convert pieces? Death Breath goes fast. (And I ended up with practically no gems at the end for getting my 3 Imperials for the augment).
It’s called: i don’t have the luxury time because i have to tend to my miriad of responsibilities alone and sometimes can’t even reach guardian in my jurney.
Don’t think everyone has the same amount time as you to spare on gameing.
I have friends i barely see online since they have so much to do in life. But i got used to solo play so, no biggy. But i still miss playing with them.
It’s entirely possible to complete Level 1 to Guardian in under 20 hours played. As seasons these days tend to be lasting around 4 months, that’s an average of 10 minutes a day.
Same. I’ve been doing Guardian for quite a lot of seasons now (some of the original seasonal portraits have a really good Guardian version and I’ve been getting all of the newer Guardian tier portraits and pets). I complete all class sets ever season.
And, even as a relatively casual player (I’ve yet to hit P1200 this season), I’ve gotten all Monk sets in ancient with the exception of the sunwuko ammy.
But I guess some people aren’t into fine tuning their build and just blast through the objectives before quitting the season. Sticking with the one set would make sense there.
You missed the point completely. The only reason someone would need to complete a set dungeon at all is to complete the season journey. By the time you have 3 level 70 gems, you WILL have enough pieces of another set.
Now, if you and/or your friends are salvaging every other set piece you get, then that’s your issue, not the game’s.
They should just remove the set dungeons from the seasonal progressions moving forward. I personally don’t enjoy redoing them over and over each season at this point.
Set dungeons are not fun, they are just an annoying part of the journey, I stopped doing the journey after I got the stashtabs… haven’t done a setdungeon since
The biggest issue with set dungeons is that they require you to regear your character in an illogical way (usually including gimping damage) at a point of the game where you’re instead wanting to focus on increasing damage output by many fold. It completely breaks the flow of the season journey.
In addition to taking out the set dungeon requirement, I would love a season where set items are gated at GR80 and, the first gem to drop is LoD. Slows the season progress down a tad. Of course, we could do with some new leg affixes in all item slots too.
Still have hope that one season will be “player’s choice” when opening each Gift. I know that takes a minute amount of reprogramming but it would be a whole lot of fun and would be invaluable feedback/telemetry if they do not already know what sets people prefer to use.