[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

I agree with you that IB are overall better than BK. But at my 2790ish paragon, I have a hard time trying to stay alive in a 130 solo push with IB unless I also add band of might, which then I think will be overall less damage thank my current setup. I can survive right now with Bk set with no band of might, but Ill try the extra area damage. I just think like your guide says, my paragon is too low to copy the top clears setup.

K I’m a believer now.

I swapped from BK to IB (though not good ones), ItF to StP, Harpoon to Rage Flip…CoE/ORotZ…cubed BoM/MoC (afraid of Stone Gauntlets) went from a 14.18 113 to clearing 114 first try with not great maps in 10.47.

Honestly a bit stoked since the swap to IB cost me a 500 augment from a primal BK sword.

Also sorta getting the hang of the spear, still suck but now suck less, still want to kill asap vs trying to drag/pull/group and then kill.

All in all, pretty happy with a 114 at just over 1k even if it is seasonal :rofl:


Went ahead and cleared another seasonal GR without using any of the pandemonium bonuses versus the RG. Again, I had a power pylon and will say that hitting the pylon at 70-75%, no matter if you have 2+ minutes left (e.g. don’t NEED to wait to grab it once you get the target %), is enough time to utterly melt the RG if you’re using Bane of the Stricken. I believe I spawned the RG with roughly 3:30 left and hit the Pylon at roughly 71% and still finished with :57 left. I was originally going to wait until I had 1:01 left but didn’t see the point after the last rift I cleared in this fashion.

So, for those who are doing non-seasonal clears or didn’t spawn the Angels and have a power pylon at their disposal, as long as you have about 30 seconds once the boss is at 75% (which takes almost 2 minutes to get them there or something silly), you can get it.

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For AD hardcast build is it better to spam single rends or using two at a time? Been trying both and it feels very similar in damage.

Edit: im asking about 138-140 push

I usually hit 2x each time and during my CoE cycle I will hit it 3x (twice) for big burst.

Am I over doing it if I keep rending as long as the WW DR buff is still up?

Congratulations! GR 142, I believe?

It takes me 2:30+ (depending on RG) to get it to 75%.

For optimal result you can keep WW key down and press Rend key for about 1 sec (release it “at 8 o’clock” on the Taeguk icon). But it’s very difficult when you have a lag (and you usually do in a very large density). This way gives you (as I believe) about 30% to damage compared to the simple clicking Rend key while keeping WW key down. But if you release the Rend key too early (before the second Rend hit) or too late (after the Taeguk bonus is over) you lose damage.

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I think I’m missing something here, can someone please advise how to generate fury to start with IB set?

I am normally a BK set player and just swapped to IB for test runs and can’t start WW at all and keep dying. :frowning:

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You need a “WW starter” skill. On pushes it usually is Ground Stomp. On fasts it may be Furious Charge or Threatening Shout or even War Cry.

You enter a rift and just run till you see a monster. Then use your “WW starter” and start WW’ing.

No, you don’t need WW starter skill. You can use WW without fury like normal attack and first hits generate fury and change normal attack to WW.

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The best way is to equip the BK set, wait until your Fury globe is filled, then switch to the IB set and start the rift.

Kind of a pain, yes, but it will guarantee that you don’t get killed as soon as you enter a rift.

Ok that makes sense. I did a 110 yesterday and my “game plan” was to pop IB and Wrath right away and run around trying to get tickled by the little guys. Didn’t work out so well and ended up dying constantly and loss about 3 minutes of rifting before I got “started.” LOL

Edit - sorry for the double posts, not sure how to quote using this forum.

Im working on 139 atm. I tried different styles and found out that higher health mobs die faster with 2x hardcast rends but if the density is high it feels faster to single cast and move around the pack. But i dont know.

I had 537 kills after 400 pandemonium bonus and spawned the boss but the angels never came. Its not hard to push damage wise its only hard to calculate whats going to happend :P.

English is not my first language so im sorry if you dont understand :smiley:

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Had this same problem switching to IB…but I followed this method:

Then start slaying - FYI it’s also a huge pain if you die, prepare for possible chain of 2-3 deaths instantly depending on what’s around you…

Hmmm…I see now, equip BK, fill globe, click obelisk, enter rift, spin to win…profit.

Will try this Free!

Don’t forget to change back before you click to enter rift though

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I’ve been following the ground stomp method myself upon entering a rift even if it doesn’t collect mobs. Just gets the flow going.

oops…yeah that might help

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I just cleared 142 in 11.42 and at 2189 paragon. This seasonal buff is amazing lol. :smiley:

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For non-season at paragon 1350 with 15k main stat and running with Istvan set, is GR120 about right for the top rift I can clear? That seems about the limit I can go right now. I’m on ps4 with this build not PC